List Management API methods
API Endpoint
As with all API methods, the api_key
and username
paramaters are required for all methods below.
/audience_members/search.xml?query={query} [GET]
Performs an audience search and returns up to the first 100 results. All search methods available through the interface are available through this API. Note: if you want to return all users, regardless of suppression status, add the raw=true parameter
on the end of your query.
Add New Audience List
/audience_lists/?name={new_list_name} [POST]
Adds a new audience list
Rename Audience List
/audience_lists/{list_name}/rename?name={new_list_name} [POST]
Renames an audience list
Remove all Audience List Memberships
/audience_lists/{list_name}/clear [PUT]
Removes all memberships from an audience list.
Delete An Audience List
/audience_lists/{list_to_be_deleted} [DELETE]
Deletes an audience list - be sure to do any required URI encoding before deleting.
Get all Audience Lists
/audience_lists/lists.xml [GET]
Returns an XML response containing all of your lists.
Audience List Membership Status
/audience_members/{email_or_id}/lists.{format} [GET]
Returns all of the lists that {email_or_id} is subscribed to.
Audience Import
/audience_members?csv_file={file} [POST]
Import audience members using CSV formatted data. Returns an audience import id when successful.
Audience Import Status
/audience_imports/{audience_import_id}/status [GET]
Returns the status of an audience import.
Audience Create
/audience_members?email={email_to_create} [POST]
Creates a new audience member. This method takes an optional name
parameter to set the name of the audience member.
Audience Update
/audience_members/{email} [PUT]
Update an audience member's attributes and lists. Returns a JSON object describing the audience member when successful.
Add Audience List Membership
/audience_lists/{name_of_list}/add?email={email_to_add} [POST]
Adds an existing or new email address to an audience list. If the email address is new, a new audience member. Any additional parameters (such as first_name and last_name) will be added or updated on the audience member.
Remove Audience List Membership
/audience_lists/{name_of_list}/remove?email={email_to_remove} [POST]
Removes an existing email address from an audience list
Remove Audience List Membership from All Lists
/audience_lists/remove_all?email={email_to_remove} [POST]
Removes an existing email address from all audience lists
Get Audience List Members
/audience_members.xml [GET]
Returns audience members paged in XML format. Optional parameters are:
to set the number of audience members returned per page. Must be between 1 and 100▪
to set the current page to fetch▪
to set the ordering. Must be one of email, first_name, last_name and created_at▪
to include suppressed audience in results (default: false)▪
to return only suppressed audience in results (default: false)Edit Audience Member Email
/audience_members/{existing_email}/update_email?new_email={new_email} [POST]
Updates an audience member's email address
Get Audience List Members
/audience_lists/{list_nameORlist_id}/members.{format} [GET]
Returns audience members of the list list_name
paged in XML format. Optional parameters are:
one of xml, json or csv▪
to set the number of audience members returned per page. Must be between 1 and 100▪
to set the current page to fetch▪
to set the ordering. Must be one of email, first_name, last_name, created_at or membership_created_at▪
to return only those audience members that are explicitly suppressed from the list in results (default: false)Is Suppressed
/audience_members/{email}/is_suppressed [GET]
Checks if audience member is suppressed. Returns true: suppressed, false: not suppressed, or {email} does not exist
Suppress email
/audience_members/{email}/suppress_email [POST]
Suppresses email (unsubscribes)
Events since
/audience_members/events_since/{time_stamp}.xml [GET]
Returns an XML file containing all audience member signup and unsubscribe events. This method supports various filters like email, action_type, list_name and only_list.
Suppressed since
/audience_members/suppressed_since/{time_stamp}.txt [GET]
Returns a simple text response containing all email addresses added to your suppression list since {time_stamp} which is a Unix time stamp.
Optionally, you could add a parameter show_suppression_reason=true to include the suppression reason in the response:
/audience_members/suppressed_since/{time_stamp}.txt?show_suppression_reason=true [GET]