Statistics API methods

Mailing Stats

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}.xml

Returns an xml document with stats about the specific mailing

Sent Stats

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/sent.xml

Returns an xml document with stats about the sent mailings. Optional parameters:

page to set the current page to fetch.
per_page to set number of records per page. Default is 30 records per page, Max is 100.

Read Stats

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/read.xml

Returns an xml document with stats about the read mailings. Optional parameters:

page to set the current page to fetch.
per_page to set number of records per page. Default is 30 records per page, Max is 100.

Clicked Stats

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/clicked_thru.xml

Returns an xml document with stats about unique clicks for the mailing. Optional parameters:

page to set the current page to fetch.
per_page to set number of records per page. Default is 30 records per page, Max is 100.

Untraced Stats (Deprecated)

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/unopened.xml

Warning: This method is deprecated. It will not be available in future versions of the API.

Returns an xml document with stats about the untraceable mailings. Optional parameters:

page to set the current page to fetch.
per_page to set number of records per page. Default is 30 records per page, Max is 100.

Unsubscribed Stats

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/opt_out.xml

Returns an xml document with stats about the unsubscribed mailings. Optional parameters:

page to set the current page to fetch.
per_page to set number of records per page. Default is 30 records per page, Max is 100.

Bounced Stats

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/bounced.xml

Returns an xml document with stats about the bounced mailings. Optional parameters:

page to set the current page to fetch.
per_page to set number of records per page. Default is 30 records per page, Max is 100.

Forwarded Stats

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/forwarded.xml

Returns an xml document with stats about the forwarded mailings. Optional parameters:

page to set the current page to fetch.
per_page to set number of records per page. Default is 30 records per page, Max is 100.

Abused Stats

GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/abused.xml

Returns an xml document with stats about the mailings that were marked as spam. Optional parameters:

page to set the current page to fetch.
per_page to set number of records per page. Default is 30 records per page, Max is 100.


GET /promotions/{promotion_id}/mailings/{mailing_id}/clicked.xml

Returns an xml document with all the links in the particular mailing. Optional parameters:

Promotion Attempts

GET /audience_members/{email}/promotion_attempts.xml

Returns an xml document containing the list of all mailings sent to {email} along with the results (viewed, clicked, bounced, etc).

Number of Audience Members created

GET /audience_members/count_new?start={start date}&end={end date}

Returns the number of new audience members created between two dates. The date range cannot be more that a month, and both start date and end date are unix timestamps