www.creativecockades.com What did Union cockades look like? Who wore them? The Complete Guide to Union Cockades By the time of the Civil War, Unio

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What did Union cockades look like?

Who wore them?

The Complete Guide to Union Cockades

By the time of the Civil War, Union cockades were nearly always red, white and blue. If you want all the back story on why, I wrote a blog post about it here.

Designs included simple round rosettes, rosettes with tails, rosettes with tassels, or bows.

American Textile Museum Lowell Ma
Ky Union cockade state seal staff officers cuff button Approximately 8 inches tall and hand sewn on silk

Centers included military buttons, spangled stars, tassels, and pictures of famous people.

Union Cockade B 1
union - Union supporter from Bergau County  NJ
Union Cockade PNG

Materials were usually silk ribbon, but some were created from cotton or wool as well.

union-cockade-anderson-center 2

Union cockades were worn by men, women and children.

They were often pinned to the breast or lapel, but could also be worn on hats and bonnets. For a more in-depth look at how men wore cockades, see here. For a detailed look at how women wore cockades, see here. To see more info on children wearing cockades, click here.

Lady with cockade 3
Boy with Cockade
Union cockade 1

If you're looking for a Union cockade for yourself or a friend, check out the Union section in my shop. I have carefully documented and handcrafted each cockade.

I'm always up for a custom order so let me know if you need something special. I'm also happy to create gifts and I'll be glad to help you come up with the perfect cockade for your friend!

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See also:
Complete Guide to Confederate Cockades
Complete Guide to Mourning Cockades

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~Heather Sheen

Every Cockade Has A Story To Tell!

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