www.creativecockades.com What Did Secession Cockades Look Like? Who Wore Them? The Complete Guide to Confederate Cockades The most popular color f

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What Did Secession Cockades Look Like?

Who Wore Them?

The Complete Guide to Confederate Cockades

Tn or NC cockade - TN archives

The most popular color for secession cockades was blue. But red, or red-and-white ranked a close second. And there were just a few cockades on both sides that were black - the color worn during America's first war for independence.

Like Union cockades, Confederate cockade designs included rosettes, rosettes with tails or ribbon designs such as bows or knots. Some Confederate cockades were generic, others were designed specifically for a certain state or region.

Unlike Union cockades, there was huge variety in the combination of colors, emblems and materials.

For example, all of the cockades below are from one state: South Carolina.

Red Palmetto SC Button
SC cockade print

Even among "plain" blue cockades, there was a wide variety of designs.


Center emblems included military buttons, spangled stars, pictures of famous people... and also natural products such as palmetto fronds, cotton bolls, pine cones, and corn.

SC Black Palmetto
Secession MOC 3
MA historical society

Confederate cockades were worn by men, women and children, black and white.

They were often pinned to the breast or lapel, but could also be worn on hats and bonnets. For a more in-depth look at how men wore cockades, see here. For a detailed look at how women wore cockades, see here.

Baltimore Man 2
Lady with cockade 3
Siblings edited
Jefferson Davis

If you're looking for a Confederate cockade for yourself or a friend, check out the Confederate section in my shop. I have carefully documented and handcrafted each cockade.

I'm always up for a custom order so let me know if you need something special. I'm also happy to create gifts and I'll be glad to help you come up with the perfect cockade for your friend!

CC photo 4

See also:
Complete Guide to Union Cockades
Complete Guide to Mourning Cockades

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~Heather Sheen

Every Cockade Has A Story To Tell!

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