We hope you'll read this sixth point...we're addressing how vaccines are NOT like seat belts. It is our hope that these points are illustrating to you


We hope you'll read this sixth point...we're addressing how vaccines are NOT like seat belts. It is our hope that these points are illustrating to you just how common sense and necessary what we are seeking is.

As parents, we have done the work; we desire to share with you where we are coming from. Our concerns are valid. Here is why.

6. Vaccine Mandates are Coercive

If all vaccines were safe, effective, and necessary, people would line up for them at any price. All 50 states mandate vaccines for daycare and school admission via police power authority precisely because vaccines do not meet those criteria. Enforcing mandates and withholding information about legal exemptions -- or in Mississippi's case, habitually denying doctor's requests for medical exemptions for already vaccine-injured children -- is a sign of the failure of the childhood vaccination program. Because of this, it is completely necessary that parents be given options regarding our government's ever-growing, compulsory childhood vaccination schedule.

Industry spokespeople argue that vaccines are like seat belts and must be mandated to keep people safe. Vaccines are serious medicine. Vaccines are an invasive medical procedure done on healthy children. Our government compels virtually all children to get vaccinated knowing that some will die or sustain grievous harm. Children who are not fully vaccinated are denied daycare and a public or private education.

Vaccines are nothing like seat belts.

mandates are coersive

Thank you for your time; don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns you would like us to address.

MaryJo Perry and Lindey Magee
601.540.1665 | 601.341.4359
CoDirectors, Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights


Previous Legislative Newsletters:

Volume I ::: Who We Are, Our Philosophy, Vaccination in Mississippi & What we are Fighting For
Volume II ::: Our Concerns | Vol. 1 ::: 49 Doses by Kindergarten
Volume III ::: Our Concerns | Vol. 2 ::: Children are NOT Healthier
Volume IV ::: Our Concerns | Vol. 3 ::: Vaccines Can and Do cause Injury and Death
Volume V ::: Our Concerns | Vol. 4 ::: No Legal Recourse for Damages
Volume VI ::: Our Concerns | Vol. 5 ::: Vaccines are Big Business and Big Government
