We have comprised 11 thoughtful points that we will be sharing across the coming weeks. We humbly ask that you read and consider each. Reputable sources have been linked (hover over orange text). As parents, we have done the work; we desire to share with you where we are coming from. Our concerns are valid. Here is why.
• 6 doses each of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines
• 4 doses each of pneumococcal and polio vaccines
• 3 doses each of hepatitis B, rotavirus, HPV, and Hib vaccines
• 2 doses each of measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, meningococcal, and hepatitis A vaccines.
• and 20 doses of flu vaccine (2 doses at 6 months then 1 dose annually)
Babies are vaccinated starting on the day of birth and receive half of the above doses by 15 months of age.
We’re talking about the administration, in our nation’s children, of simultaneous and cumulative toxic exposures and the highly unusual and atypical manipulation of the immune system, in a manner that is completely unprecedented in the history of man.
Preemies and infants receive the same dosages as fully grown adults. But adults don’t come close to being vaccinated at the same rate. If your doctor said you needed 35 doses of 14 vaccines over 15 months, I’m pretty sure you’d say: “Are you crazy?”
Babies can’t talk.
Huge thanks and credit to the brilliant Louise Kuo Habakus, lead editor of Vaccine Epidemic and founding director of the Center for Personal Rights for her brilliant composition of the 11 concerns we will be sharing. Louise thanks Alison Fujito for her assistance with the writing.
Thank you for your time; don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns you would like us to address.