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Out Now

Welcome to the Newsletter

First up, Quiet in Her Bones is now out in paperback in North America! Woohoo!

The international edition released in paperback toward the end of last year, so no matter where you are in the world, you can now grab this stand-alone thriller in paperback.

I hope you enjoy Aarav and his quest to find his mother's killer deep in an exclusive cul-de-sac surrounded by a lush and dangerous New Zealand forest where secrets can be buried as easily as bodies...


I hope you've had a great start to 2022, whether that means hunkering down cozily at home, catching up with loved ones, or going wandering.

We just had our summer holidays, and the weather here was scorching. I was lucky enough to get to some stunning isolated beaches with what felt like miles and miles of untouched sand.

Having been born in tropical Fiji, New Zealand waters are often still too cold for me, but it's been so hot here that I actually dove in this summer! I'm still rather astonished at myself for doing it!

I wrote during my trip - including at the beach and in a high alpine desert. I absolutely love, love, LOVE my study at home, but I'm so glad I learned to write anywhere anytime at the very start of my career.

I remember sitting on the floor of O'Hare airport once (because the only spare electrical plug was the one on the floor!), while my connecting flight back home to NZ kept being delayed because of weather. From memory, I wrote most of Grace and Cooper's novella there, and on the plane!

And with Desert Warrior, my very first ever published book, I used to handwrite chapters in a notebook while on the bus commuting to and from my day job.

This week, I'm back at my desk, and in full writing mode. I'll be getting the copy edited manuscript of Danny's book back later this month, so all going well, I should have an excerpt for you very soon. Storm Echo is also in edits, so more info on that coming too.

In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this quick January newsletter! :-)

p.s. If you'd like to read the previous newsletter, here's the link.

USA & Canada
Ebook: AppleBooks, Kindle, KindleCa, Kobo, NOOK
Paperback: Amazon, AmazonCa, B&N, BookDepo, BAM, Chapters, IndBnd, Penguin, Powells
Audiobook: Amazon, AppleBooks, Audible, Kobo

Ebook: AppleBooks, GooglePlay, Hive, KindleAu, KindleNZ, KindleUK, Kobo
Paperback: AmazonAu, A&R, BookDepo, Bktpa, FshPnd, Hive, Waterstones
Audiobook: AmazonUK, AppleBooks, Audible, Kobo

Quiet PB - On Sale - Copy

Quiet in Her Bones Now Out in Paperback. "A delicious read, the perfect thriller for the weekend." - Amazon Book Review.


News and Articles

Last Guard and Archangel's Light have both made it into the semi-finals of The Swoon Awards. Thank you to everyone that voted! Click through to the Swoon Awards website if you'd like to vote in this round.


Quiet in Her Bones was listed as one of "20 Thriller Novels That Will Keep You on Edge this Winter" on Buzzfeed.


Sarah at SBTB did a post about her deep dive into the Psy-Changeling Series: Empathy and Compassion

Rebel Hard quote out now

Rebel Hard (available in ebook, print, & audio worldwide). Quote reads: "He would tell her of his love only in the midnight hours, when she slept in his arms. He'd help her fly...and hope she'd choose to fly to him."

Quiet in Her Bones international medium Nalini Singh

Upcoming Online Appearance

The Life of a Romance Writer (pre-recorded event)
Saturday 19 February, 2022
5:00 PM -6:00 PM AEST

Click here to view the full schedule and to purchase tickets.

Wolf Rain-magazine share-5-OnSale

Psy-Changeling Quiz

This Psy-Changeling Quiz on Goodreads was created by Soraia Casal some time ago.

I'm not sure we've ever shared it in the newsletter, but if you'd like to test your knowledge of the early Psy-Changeling novels (books 1-8), give it a go!

And if you've set up a quiz for any of my books or series that you think fellow readers will enjoy, please email Ashwini with the details so we can share them!

Last Guard Graphic 3

Last Guard, out worldwide in ebook, print, and audio. Quote reads: "She was dazzling in her brilliance, a bright star that had been constrained into an unnatural shape."

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Next Newsletter

The next newsletter will be hitting your inbox on February 22nd.

Take care and happy reading.


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