Can you believe it's been seven days since we began this amazing adventure? (If this is the first email you've opened, don't worry - you're going to

Shawn  1

Can you believe it's been seven days since we began this amazing adventure?

(If this is the first email you've opened, don't worry - you're going to get a chance to catch up today.)

I'm so tickled by everything that has come out of this series so far - reconnecting with old friends, connecting with new ones, folks sharing their gardens and their stories and their delight...

So much thanks for being along for the ride so far. We're deep in the thick of it and I for one am having such a good time that I wonder why I stayed away for so long.

Today's message is short, its purpose twofold:

1. To invite your participation in a virtual gathering this Friday night, November 11th, at 7pm Pacific Time,


2. To give you a chance to catch up on anything you may have missed.

First, Friday's freakfest:

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I'm totally nuts. But damn, this is fun.

To register for the gathering:

If you are reading this in an email, simply click the purple button; you will be added to the Bucket List and receive details for participating.

If you're reading it on a webpage, click the purple button and add your name and email address to the Bucket List, saying you want to receive more of this goodness in your email inbox; you'll then receive details for participating.

And now for catching up - or perhaps revisiting - the first six days. Each link is a subject line/title:

Day 1: In eleven days, I turn 5 - An introduction to the series - eleven days of celebration, five years since 11.11.11 - with audio mix.

Day 2: I couldn't be more pleased - Responding to your response - acknowledging and inviting a possible deeper engagement - with audio mix.

Day 3: These are a few of my favorite things - Link party! So many fun and informational and inspiring things - and an easter egg. There's a contest afoot, and so far the highest number of clicks in this email is 98. The second highest is 45, which is how many links are in the email. Time to get clickin'! I'm having fun cooking up prizes for those who click all of the links at least once and for the one with the most overall clicks.

Day 4: You are on my bucket list. On allowing life to be amazing, and an invitation to subscribe and receive messages beyond 11.11.16

Day 5: Let's talk about gardens. A metaphor lesson with a video tour of the garden being built here at 34Wild in Southern California.

Day 6: Sex. It's what's for dinner. Love, relationships, intimacy, and all the juicy stuff. An audio conversation between lovers, friends, and allies.

If you really are starting here on Day 7, go ahead and just go to Day 1; I've set it up so you can click through all the way back to today.

And, today's video invitation once again, in case you skipped it the first time and are now so inspired that you absolutely must see and hear what's happening up there.

See you tomorrow!

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