Whether you vote or you don't. Whether you go red or blue or green or purple. Regardless who wins, who loses, what gets passed and what doesn't. Kn

Shawn  1

Whether you vote or you don't.

Whether you go red or blue or green or purple.

Regardless who wins, who loses, what gets passed and what doesn't.

Know that I am standing with you as you go through whatever you go through in pursuit of radiant, exuberant aliveness.

Know that my vision for you and I and the rest of humanity evaporates political division with the soothing balm of pure listening and loving.

Feel that as I write this my heart envelops you as I connect with that in you which is eternal.

Understand that all of the noise and chaos of the world falls away in the truth of who you and I are as manifestations of the Divine.

Be filled with the aliveness that streams in and out of your lungs as you breathe in the oxygen that enriches the blood that flows through your heart and feeds your brain, where discernment lives.

Honor the connection between these two most sacred parts of your being - your mind and your heart - and let them work in tandem.

Whether you vote or you don't.

Whether you go red or blue or green or orange.

Regardless who wins or loses, what gets passed or passed by.

Know that the truth of who you are has absolutely nothing to do with what anyone says on a screen, or the outcome of any election.

And know that reality is far more simple, far more beautiful, and far more gracious and elegant than what we've been taught to believe.

Make no mistake. There is work to do in reality to restore the world to its pristine elegance and grace; to absorb the cancers that plague our species and transmute them into the flourishing of our descendants.

But know that as we exit this current season of chaos and absurdity, you are whole, complete, and perfectly equipped for the work to come.

Whether you vote or don't. Blue, red, green, yellow, or brown. Win or lose.

I love you. You love you. And we are all in this together.

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