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Welcome to the Newsletter

So much news, so I'll jump right into it!

In release news, the audiobook of KISS HARD is now out. I hope you love listening to Danny and Catie's love story (and general Bishop-Esera shenanigans!)

And next month, it's STORM ECHO's turn! I am so excited for you to read this book! In the meantime, I've included an extra newsletter-exclusive excerpt for you lower down.

In more wonderful news, Engelsleuchten (the German edition of Archangel's Light) hit the Spiegel Bestseller list! Thank you to all of you who read in German. :)

Also in this newsletter is information about the generous opportunity presented by the Sandra Hyde Scholarship for NZ-based romance writers.

Plus, in case you missed it, I've included both the North American and International covers for Archangel's Resurrection!

AND...in big Guild Hunter news, I've signed a new Guild Hunter contract, so more GH goodness to come in future years!

Happy reading!

p.s. If you'd like to read the previous newsletter, here's the link.

Out Now

Ebook: AppleBooks, Kindle, KindleAu, KindleCa, KindleNZ, KindleUK, Kobo, NOOK

Print: Amazon, AmazonAu, AmazonCa, AmazonUK, A&R, B&N, BookDepo, BkTpa, BAM, FshPnd, IndBnd, Powells

Audiobook: Amazon, AmazonAu, AmazonCa, AmazonUK, AppleBooks, Audible, AudibleAu, AudibleCa, Kobo


North American cover of Archangel's Resurrection

archangels resurrection hires front UK med

International cover of Archangel's Resurrection

Angels Blood

In the Media

Angels' Blood is listed as one of Book Riot's “24 Best Romance Novels of All Time” in a wonderfully wide-ranging list that includes some of my absolute favorite authors!

You can find the full list here.

p.s. This gives me the chance to post the North American cover of Angels' Blood - this is the first ever Guild Hunter cover and I love it as much today as I did the day my editor first showed it to me!


German cover of Archangel's Light (Engelsleuchten)

Sandy s book

ALT Text: Cover of Sandra Hyatt's "His Bride for the Taking"

Sandra Hyde Scholarship

It seems impossible that over a decade has passed since the unexpected loss of my friend Sandra Hyde (writing as Sandra Hyatt), but it brings me great joy to share one of her gorgeous covers to the right.

I'm also very pleased to share information about the annual scholarship the Sandra Hyde Romance Writers Trust offers in her honor, to allow a New Zealand-based romance writer to attend a local or international conference.

Full details of this year's scholarship are at this link. Applications close midnight NZT, Friday 18th June 2022.

StormEcho Quote 1 Prepub

ALT TEXT: Quote from Storm Echo - "I would rather have a single perfect day with you than a lifetime without you."

StormEcho L

Storm Echo - Out July 2022

Exclusive Extra: Advance Excerpt From Storm Echo

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Advance excerpt from STORM ECHO

by Nalini Singh

This wasn’t his natural milieu; he was a creature of the city. But any gaps in his knowledge could lead to holes in the family’s security systems and procedures. Especially now, with the changelings turning into major power players. Ivan didn’t intend to be caught flat-footed, needed to know of exactly what a changeling predator might be capable.

So here he was in Texas, on a course run by a small wolf pack. RockStorm might be small, but their course was highly respected in mercenary circles. Of which Ivan was still a part, even if all his kills were off the books and done for reasons that had nothing to do with monetary payment.

To the outside world, Ivan Mercant was an urbane city dweller with a sophisticated haircut and a wardrobe full of bespoke suits. Even the vast majority of his mercenary contacts only knew his alternate identity, but those contacts were the reason he’d been accepted into this course. RockStorm only took on Psy trainees who’d been vetted and recommended by other trusted changelings—the wolves weren’t out to train the enemy.

It was a tiger named Striker who’d hooked him up with RockStorm, vouching that Ivan wasn’t violent against changelings except in defense of his family. The latter was a more than acceptable qualification to the pack-minded race. Attack one changeling and you made an enemy of their entire pack.

It also didn’t hurt that Ivan had once helped out a vulnerable herd of deer who’d been having a problem with a Psy conglomerate. He hadn’t done it to earn brownie points, had put a bullet in the head of each of the governing board for the simple reason that their operation was a cover for a drug manufacturing plant—and Ivan would destroy anyone who pumped out that poison.

And so here he was, wounded and in an alien environment.

Today’s task was simple: to make it from point A to B without any assistance but for the navigational markers provided by the landscape, and to find water and food on his own.

Ivan would’ve been fine except that he’d been caught in a sudden rockfall that had propelled him onto a sharp edge of stone. His own fault. He’d been overconfident and, as such, hadn’t considered all factors—including the genesis of the pack’s name: RockStorm.

He wouldn’t make that mistake a second time, would remember that nothing was predictable in the wild.

His leg trembled.

Examining the wound, he spotted a bluish discoloration around the tourniquet. Not good. He stopped, scanned his surroundings with his telepathic senses, and when he received no pings that indicated another mind in the vicinity, decided to take a seat on the leaf-littered ground so he could better check his leg.

He’d already cut his pants leg up one side and torn off fabric to use for the tourniquet, so he had no issue seeing the injury. No signs of the redness and swelling that might indicate the onset of infection, but it was obvious he had to call it a day. He might be dogged when set on a task, but no one had ever accused him of stupidity.

That was when he heard a stir in the trees, the leaves rustling in a pattern that wasn’t natural—because it was coming closer. He scanned again, hit a mind. That was the entirety of his knowledge. He knew the mind was there, but it was a blank wall to him.


A rare few humans did have minds that opaque, but it was standard with changelings, and he was in changeling territory. Likely, one of the wolves had been assigned to keep rough track of Ivan and had come looking for him when he didn’t pass by a particular navigational marker.

He still shifted so he could rapidly access the small gun he had in a special holster designed to lie flush against the base of his spine. A lot of people just tucked their guns into their belts. Great way to shoot themselves or lose the gun. This particular gun was a sleek model barely on the market.

Ivan had used it to end the life of a whimpering man last night. Was he sorry? No. Not about that man, or about all those who’d come before him. Grandmother worried he was turning into a psychopath, but Ivan’s PsyMed results always came back clean. He wasn’t a psychopath; he had very firm moral lines. It was simply that they didn’t always coincide with those of the civilized world.

But the person who emerged from the trees with a woven basket held to one side was neither an enemy who needed to be shot nor a hard-nosed wolf trainer in combat fatigues. Tall, her curves lush, she had hair of midnight that rippled down her back in a cloud and midbrown skin that glowed under the faint winter sunlight that penetrated the canopy.

A scar, old and taut, bisected her right eyebrow, ran over her eyelid, and down her cheek before trailing off toward her ear. But it circled back across her neck, or perhaps that was a different scar.

Her clothing couldn’t be further from fatigues: she wore an ankle-length dress of vivid aqua with a swirly skirt that had a white frill around the bottom. Her cardigan was the same white, but the clusters of gemstones that dangled from her ears were all the hues of the world, with no regard at all to her dress.

Ivan found himself staring, it seemed so impossible that she existed in this time and place. He was concerned he was hallucinating. That would mean he did have an infection.

“I knew I smelled blood!” Striding over to him on long legs, a stern frown on her face, she put down her basket with a bad-tempered grumble that was very real. “I’m going to have to talk to the wolves about this,” she said as she began to undo his tourniquet. “They can’t just keep releasing helpless people into the wild!”

Ivan preferred to keep people at a distance, but somehow, he’d not only allowed her this close without protest, he’d then let her grumble at him—however, this he couldn’t let go. “I’m far from helpless.”

She didn’t bristle or startle at the ice in his tone, her attention on sanitizing her hands using what looked—oddly—like a medical wipe. “And I know what I’m doing, so hush and let me concentrate.”

No one told Ivan to hush.

Copyright © 2022 by Nalini Singh

Pre-order Links
USA & Canada
Ebook: AppleBooks, Kindle, KindleCa, Kobo, NOOK, PRH
Hardcover: Amazon, AmazonCa, B&N, BookDepo, Bookshop, BAM, ChaptersIndigo, IndieBound, PRH, Powells
Audiobook: Amazon, AmazonCa, Audible, AudibleCa, Kobo

Ebook: AppleBooks, GooglePlay, KindleAu, KindleNZ, KindleUK, Kobo
Print: AmazonAu, AmazonUK, A&R, BookTpa, BookDepo, FshPnd, Hive, MtyApe, Waterstones
Audiobook: AmazonAu, AmazonUK, AudibleAu, AudibleUK, Kobo

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Now Out!

Next Newsletter

The next full newsletter will be hitting your inbox on July 26th.

Take care and happy reading.


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