This newsletter contains affiliate links for your convenience. Hey there! Have you heard that quote by Jerry Seinfeld? "A two-year-old is kind of l

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Hey there!

Have you heard that quote by Jerry Seinfeld?

"A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender without the lid."

Every time I see it, I laugh. Because, oh my, it is so true, right? They are on the go, getting into everything. Take your eyes off them for a second and who knows what will happen.

This, my friends, is how toddlers explore their new world. They want to use all of their 5 senses.

"How do I get my toddler engaged in an activity?"

I've had many parents and caregivers ask this question. And by engaged, they mean getting their toddlers to actually stop and focus. Even if only for a few minutes.

First of all, do not expect a toddler to want to sit and focus. Some will, and that's fine, but many toddlers simply do not have the attention span.

When we set up activities for our toddlers, we know they will want to walk up, maybe try them, leave, maybe return, leave, maybe return again. The younger they are, the less materials we have out, so it's not cluttered and confusing. This will just overwhelm a toddler.

If they simply are not ready for the activity yet, we put it away and try again when they are a bit older. Sometimes you just don't know until you give it a try, right?

Toddlers love to use as much of their bodies as they can, so activities that allow large motions works well. For example, at the art table (or kitchen table turned art table) attach BIG sheets of paper so they can make great big scribbles, using their shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers.

Make sure to balance their day with opportunities to use their large motor muscles. This will release some energy so that they are more focused for other activities you provide.

Explore, explore, explore. Go on walks and help them notice the birds, the trees, the rocks they are stepping on.

And, of course, READ. Provide lots of opportunities to read to your toddlers. Have books lying around so they will want to pick them up and flip through them. Take advantage of your public library.

Here are some favorite toddler activities and collections we have loved:

20 Fun Toddler Activities for Home

11 Favorite Water Play Activities

Large Motor Activities for Indoors

ABC Learning Through Play

Favorite Action Songs to Get Those Wiggles Out

25 Ideas for Busy Toddlers

The Toddler Journey

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Looking for creative ways to keep toddlers busy? Here are 100 fun and easy activities toddlers will love! For only $9.99 you can buy it now.

Have you read my latest posts on the blog yet?

Resources for You:

Just a reminder that our amazing ebook bundle is being offered at am amazing price this month! It is perfect for teachers, caregivers, parents, and homeschoolers! It contains 54 titles (over 3800 pages!) and between now and September 10th, it's 92% off! That makes it only $29.95. Here's your link. You can't believe how many of these bundles I've already sold!

In case you missed last week's newsletter, here it is.
I hope you all have a great week!

Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds

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