This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Hey there! Teachers, are you back in school yet? Parents, have your children started yet? W

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This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.

Hey there!

Teachers, are you back in school yet? Parents, have your children started yet? We have 3 weeks and I'm getting excited! My co-teacher and I have been emailing each other all sorts of ideas we want to try.

We've been going through our library and realizing there are still so many more books we want to add! (Can you ever have enough?) While researching what books we want, I asked my Facebook readers what 3 books they could not go without in their preschool classroom. You can find their answers here. I loved finding titles that we haven't read yet, don't you?

So, while this was all going on, I had a couple of my readers email me asking how they can get their toddlers and preschoolers interested in the alphabet. You might know what my answer was. READ TO THEM! Seriously, this is the best way to raise a reader. We especially love to read rhyming books because it gets them thinking about what word comes next.

Also, learn new finger plays and have fun reciting them with your children.

There are so many hands-on ways to expose them to letters, too. Fill a bin with water and add foam letters. At home you can do this in the bath tub! You can add magnetic letters to your refrigerator. Alphabet puzzles are also a lot of fun.

The most important thing to remember is to keep it fun! You can see more of how we add literacy to our toddler and preschool classrooms here.

While I have you here…

Have you seen my latest post about how to have a morning meeting? It's made such a difference in our preschool classroom!

I also wrote about almost all the science centers we had in our classroom last year, complete with photos! This post took me quite awhile to write, but I loved reviewing all that we explored during the school year.

Resources for You:

Just a reminder that our amazing ebook bundle is being offered at am amazing price this month! It is perfect for teachers, caregivers, parents, and homeschoolers! It contains 54 titles (over 3800 pages!) and between now and September 10th, it's 92% off! That makes it only $29.95. Here's your link. You can't believe how many of these bundles I've already sold!

In case you missed last week's newsletter, here it is.

I hope you all have a great week!

Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds

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