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Storm Echo ~ July 2022 (Cover design by Rachael Lancaster)

Welcome to the Newsletter

So many exciting things to share!

First up, check out the GORGEOUS international cover of STORM ECHO to the left. I love those blue, blue eyes!

I feel so incredibly lucky with both sets of covers! (If you missed the reveal of the equally gorgeous North American cover, you can see it below.)

And if you haven't yet seen the blurb for the book, you can read it here.

Staying with the mysterious Ivan Mercant, I have an excerpt from Storm Echo for you in this newsletter. It was a bit of a mission choosing an excerpt that wasn't spoilery!

I also have some fun release news for you that wasn't quite ready for this newsletter. Keep an eye out for an "in between" newsletter in the next couple of weeks for an exclusive first glimpse!

Hint: it has something to do with a certain professional rugby player and his chief Nemesis (with a capital N).

Happy reading!

p.s. If you'd like to read the previous newsletter, here's the link.

Nalini Singh Thriller

ALT text: Image of the international cover of A Madness of Sunshine, with the words: "Whoever took her, knew her. And you know them. The chilling thriller from New York Times Bestselling author Nalini Singh.""


Gilde der Jäger - Engelsleuchten (Band 14)

ab 27.05.2022 erhältlich

Wenn alles auf dem Spiel steht ...
Illium und Aodhan. Aodhan und Illium. Über die Jahrhunderte waren die Freunde unzertrennlich, sich näher als Brüder. Doch das war, bevor die Dunkelheit Aodhan befiel und den Engel fast zerstörte, seinen Körper, seine Seele, sein Herz. Aber jetzt heilt Aodhan und findet zurück zu alter Stärke und Unabhängigkeit. Der Preis dafür ist hoch, denn es könnte ihn die Beziehung zu seinem besten Freund kosten. Als die beiden Seite an Seite im Territorium des Erzengels von China gegen die tödliche Bedrohung aus dem Vermächtnis von Lijuan kämpfen, müssen sie eine Entscheidung treffen: ihre Beziehung hinter sich lassen oder sich öffnen und dem anderen sein verletztes Herz offenbaren ...

Onlinebuch: AppleBooks, Bü,, Kindle, Thalia
Taschenbuch: AmazonDe, Bü,, Thalia

ArchangelsLight BookpageShare v3

ALT Text: BookPage Starred Review for ARCHANGEL'S LIGHT - "Engrossing, entertaining, and filled with tender emotion."

StormEcho L

Exclusive Extra: Advance Excerpt From Storm Echo

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Advance excerpt from STORM ECHO

by Nalini Singh

It was instinct to scan the area, ensure that she remained unseen as a changeling. Almost no other predatory changeling could’ve pulled this off—but Soleil’s cat had withdrawn so long ago that she no longer carried its scent.


She smelled human.

Half a person.

Half a soul.

Her eyes locked with those of a man on the other side of the street. A striking blue—shards of paleness mixed in with vivid cobalt—his irises stood out against the barely sun-touched white of his skin, the black of his neatly combed hair the perfect foil.

Clean, sharp bone structure, square jaw, a height over six-two, he could pull off a suit as easily as he did the blue jeans, simple white tee, and black leather-synth jacket he was currently sporting.

And he was looking straight at her.

Her breathing hitched . . . as claws pricked against the insides of her skin, her cat jolting to a sudden and violent wakefulness. No warning, no reason. It was just there as it hadn’t been for over a year, baring its teeth beneath her skin and staring right back at the stranger who made her skin prickle, her breath catch.

Her eyes threatened to semi-shift.

“No, no, no,” she whispered even as another part of her sobbed at this sign that she wasn’t permanently broken.

One glimpse of her changeling status and it was all over. There were leopards on this street right now. She’d spotted at least two. They didn’t appear to be dominants, but that didn’t matter. They’d see her as a threat, immediately alert the closest dominant.

Who’d track her down with relentless dedication.

Later, she told her cat.

Ignoring her, it strained at her skin, wanting to pounce on the man across the street as if he were Soleil’s favorite cake: marbled strawberry vanilla with fresh cream. A man who looked less like strawberry and vanilla she couldn’t imagine. And yet she wanted to keep on staring at him, drink him in with an endless thirst.

Perhaps she needed to question her sanity after all.

Her cat snarled inside her.

“No,” Soleil muttered again.

Breaking the unwanted eye contact that threatened the only purpose she had left, she slipped to the left of a tall man in conversation with two women. None of them changeling and enough of a group to block the view.

Her heart thudded, her skin hot, her pulse a roar in her ears. And her cat extremely aggravated with her, even though she’d made the only rational decision. It was so insistent that they had to get back to the man that she had to grit her teeth and fight consciously—not just to keep her eyes human, but to not turn around and walk right up to him.

Now, she said to that primal part of her, you decide to wake up now?

Padding restlessly inside her, the cat lunged at her skin, almost initiating a shift.

Soleil didn’t swear. Yariela had brought her up to be ladylike, but she was swearing a blue streak inside her mind—even as she ran frantically through the known nonleopard members of DarkRiver. The blue-eyed man hadn’t been changeling, of that her cat was certain.
Psy or human, then.

But not a person who’d been identified as part of DarkRiver by the media. That didn’t mean much. While Lucas Hunter was visible in his position both as the head of the pack and as a changeling representative on the Trinity Accord, most of the cats kept a low profile.

The back of her neck itched; she knew that the blue-eyed man who’d awakened her cat was following her. He might have scrambled her neurons, but she had to shake him loose, or it was all over. The only way she could win against DarkRiver was by stealth—alone, she had nowhere close to the strength required to get to the alpha, take her vengeance.

He’d murdered her packmates. He had to pay.

“Leilei,” Farah murmured in her ear. “You know you can’t kill. That’s not who you are. It’ll drive you to madness.”

I’m no one, she said silently, even as tears threatened. Madness would be better than this. Soleil was all alone, the sole survivor of an entire pack.

But Farah wouldn’t let her be. “You’re my best friend. You wear the brightest colors in the world, laugh until everyone gets the giggles, and cuddle so fiercely that it’s a gift. You’re not a murderer.”

Throwing a glance over her shoulder as Farah’s words tormented her, she saw that the blue-eyed man remained on the other side of the street—but he was pacing her.

Her cat stretched in readiness to shove out of her skin, forcing the shift in a way it had never before done. It wanted to go to him with a feral desperation. “No,” she said under her breath, her hands fisted to bone-whiteness. “Not until—”

That was when the world went to hell, screams splitting the air as people fell to their knees or straight down onto their faces. Bones snapped, blood spilled, and chaos reigned.

Copyright © 2022 by Nalini Singh

Pre-order Links
USA & Canada
Ebook: AppleBooks, Kindle, KindleCa, Kobo, NOOK, PRH
Hardcover: Amazon, AmazonCa, B&N, BookDepo, Bookshop, BAM, ChaptersIndigo, IndieBound, PRH, Powells
Audiobook: Audible, Kobo

Ebook: AppleBooks, GooglePlay, KindleAu, KindleNZ, KindleUK, Kobo
Print: AmazonAu, AmazonUK, A&R, BookTpa, BookDepo, FshPnd, Hive, Waterstones
Audiobook: AudibleAu, AudibleUK, Kobo

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The next full newsletter will be hitting your inbox on May 3rd.

Take care and happy reading.


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