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Hey! Hope y'all had a great week! If you'd like to play catch up, you can read the 1st & 2nd newsletter here & here.

My one word for 2018 is E X P A N D. Initially, it seemed an odd word as the one word I'm focusing on to guide my year. However, I'm finding its all ready making a unique contribution just 28 days in. First, I got offered a position at the Preemptive Love Coalition on January 1, 2018. What a magnificent expansion from day 1, Baby!

Secondly, we're moving into an amazing rental home in 7 weeks! It's been my prayer for awhile to Make A Home vs. Rent An Apartment. The desire to emulate Suzie Homemaker herself has been weirdly strong lately so guess what? I'm running with it. We wanted to buy a house this July, but once we realized it was too soon we decided to wait another year to stack up the g's up for that all important 20% down payment! #DaveRamseyTaughtUs.

Our apartment has been a haven for the last 4 years but I am so grateful to E X P A N D into a much bigger space. I could go on & on about the benefits of the boys having a larger shared room + play area, a bigger kitchen for all the Vegan cooking I'm super geeked about, Revvie getting her own play area & a large dining room + big farm table. It's the little things right? Or maybe Making A Home really is a BIG thing?

After getting laid off in the Fall of 2015, we were in such a financial mess throughout 2016 that getting here seemed impossible. I don't take it any of it for granted. I wasn't sure I'd ever find another full-time position at a non-profit again, much less one I adore, working remotely and as a writer. It seems, I am E X P A N D I N G.

Third, I decided to E X P A N D my influence as a content creator, writer & brand ambassador through The Whole Woman newsletter. My little 3-week old baby is up to 445 subscribers! Whaaaaaaaa?! I'm planning to E X P A N D this effort into a Community group on Facebook, launching later this year. So far, this is me talking AT you. I dream of an inclusive environment where I can talk WITH you & y'all can talk with one another. There is no greater way to learn than in community with like-minded folks.

Needless to say, if you haven't picked one word to guide your 2018: do it!


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Big Dogg, (my dear husband) & I have been using the Zero app to track our intermittent fasting. (And yes, for most of his life he's been known as Big Dogg. I don't want to call him by his first name in this format --too boring--so here we are). If you're interested in getting started with I.F. I highly recommend this app. It's intuitive + has accompanying videos with the science behind I.F. What more could you ask for in an app?

Intermittent Fasting is a daily strategy to accomplish regular, ongoing fasting as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

Unlike 24 or 48 hour fasts, you can duplicate it every day for a short amount of time. I tried this last week with less than stellar discipline. *Tears. This week, I'm getting back on the horse with a daily 13-hour intermittent fast beginning at 6pm & ending at 7am.

If you're a book lover like me, here's a well reviewed beginner's guide which is free if you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited. (Kindle Unlimited is an Amazon subscription service where you pay $9.99/month for all access to a large selection of Kindle eBooks. We've had it for about 6 months now & I've used it a ridiculous amount).

If you want a quicker read, check out this blog post. Within the article, James also hooks you up with a free PDF of his Intermittent Fasting Quick Start Guide.

This is one of the easiest, cheapest, no hassle ways to kick start your health journey & weight loss if need be. There's a lot of budding science about the ability of fasting to help prevent not only things like obesity or hypertension but also Cancer & heart disease. It's worth looking into. Big Dogg & I are doing more & more to slowly incorporate intermittent fasting in our life.

And besides all of that, Hugh Jackman used 16 hr. daily intermittent fasts to bulk up for his famous role, Wolverine. That alone should seal the deal. =)



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The other day, I lamented in my Insta-stories about how I'm growing increasingly agitated with doing my hair in this past decade or so. Have you ever run out of creativity for something you formally loved in favor of something new? That's the only thing I can figure as this past decade has been filled with writing, books, social media, blogging & amatuer photography. Perhaps in elevating one medium of creativity I extinguished the other? I used to LOVE playing in my hair 5 days a week, trying every new style under the sun. Now, I HATE messing with my hair even once every 6 weeks & pretty much constantly consider cutting it off.

Wearing my hair in its natural state has been an intentional step towards the celebration of my God-given texture. Black hair is black girl magic, bottom line. But this magic is WERK, time & moolah! I want to keep pressing against the cultural norms that uplift White women & straight textures as the standard. I'm constantly battling what's actually easiest for my life with taking a stand on such a seemingly insignificant matter. (Though we all know there isn't anything insignificant about Black hair in the Black community) I suppose this year I decided to give my long, natural hair one mo' chance with a lot of T.L.C.

On 12/1/2017, I started another round of It Works Hair|Skin|Nail Vitamins, which has made it a lot stronger & grow a lot faster. (You can see my 50-day growth results here).

Until this winter is over my wig-game will remain hella strong! Here's my newest unit, an Outre Synthetic half wig in Dominican Curly. Which you can find at Sam's Beauty for only $15.99 this weekend. They also have this same unit in a full lace-front if that's your thang! My wish list is 45+ items long & with those prices I can afford to play. Consider this my winter hair sanity & self-care regimen. Forreals.

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This unit is in DR-425 & it's GORGEOUS. I love it.


You should TOTES try Desire Mapping!

Desire mapping is the simple process of exploring how you want to feel as a guide for how you will act + what you will do to get closer to those feelings. It's taken me some time to come to a place where I'm able to quickly navigate through desire mapping prompts. I keep it simple by using Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map Planner. ) I believe you can still grab one at 50-75% off using the code: MANIFEST18. This journal changed my life so significantly.

But HOW Grace? you may be wondering. Like most changes in life, it starts with pain. After I got laid off from my last full-time position in November 2015 I was just a few weeks out from finding out I was pregnant. I was journaling at the time, but that's nothing new I've always journaled. It started with panic. Within two months we'd finished up the meager emergency fund we had at the time & we were in financial free-fall. Here's what pregnancy does to your emotions: SEEK.KILL.DESTROY. This was right around the time Big Dogg fell into a massive depression which essentially showed by becoming verbally abusive & mean as hell. At that point, we'd only been married 5 months and my confusion was palpable. I was looking for a job, applying all over the place while juggling horrible morning sickness. In other words: it was the worst of times. The absolute worst. The fear of being homeless + rocking the boat on my existing custody arrangement with my ex was enough itself to leave me sleepless let alone everything else I was navigating.

Enter the Desire Map Journal. In an effort at sanity, I picked it back up & followed the prompts: "what are your core desired feelings for today?" At that point it felt simple: "I want to survive. I don't want to be homeless. I want my husband to be a normal person again. I want to be able to buy groceries. I want to find a job." If you notice, none of that was an actual desired feeling. It took some time for me to work out how I wanted to feel vs. my immediate & very real needs. I decided to start borrowing her suggested core desired feeling prompts.

For example:
* I desire plentiful resources to support my well-being in every possible way.
* I desire my life lessons to come with grace.
* I desire my body to be energized, vibrant with health, light-powered & strong.
* I desire deeply restorative sleep & space to rest when I need to.
* I desire my relationships to be soul-soothing, life-affirming & full of mutual joy & supportive insight.
* I desire full-force protection from anything that is a lower vibration, harmful or oppressive.

(For a full list drop me a line & I'll send them to you)

Once I started writing her suggestions daily it became easier to access my frustration at the situation I was in. How I wanted to feel at the end of each day no longer became a nice suggestion nor a superfluous journaling prompt. I began to DEMAND that my life go in a different direction. What started out nicely as "Today I desire peace," morphed into "I DEMAND peace! I REJECT toxicity & misogyny because I NEED to feel safe!"

Everyday as I wrote out my core desired feelings I realized just how far my life was from being a healthy woman or even a functional woman. It became clear that in order for me to ever have peace again: something needed to happen in ME regardless of what was going around me. Even if we got evicted. Even my husband left me while I was pregnant & broke. Even if I lost my custodial rights. It was hard not to think in worst case scenario's but I had to follow it through. Every day, I figured out a little bit of a time, how my mindset needed to drastically shift.

From there, I followed her prompts to delve deeply into gratitude lists. Also, something I'd done off & on, but not in the context of core desired feelings & desires. And from there, I began to follow Danielle's other daily prompts: What do I need to change? What do I need to add? What do I need to stop doing? And the biggest question of all: What will I do today to feel the way I want to feel?

After making this a daily habit something deep & beautiful crystallized in my brain. I found myself changing what I needed to change, adding what I needed to add, rejecting what I needed to reject, actually doing what I needed to do to feel the way I wanted to, hope, peace, provision.

Mapping out my desires day-to-day became an actual map for my life. I can honestly tell you that every single thing I was going through in that time has changed significantly. There are remnants of pain, shame & all that jazz. But who I am & who he was, what happened then & what happens now: it is transformed, miraculously or not we are different people.

Me spending the first 20-30 minutes of every day for the past 2 years engaged in desire mapping developed a new level of mindfulness that has healed me. Straight up healed me. It's made me take responsibility for my life in new ways. It's led to meditation, positive affirmations and other forms of mindfulness which are scientifically proven to restore broken synapses in your brain. It's healing brain work. I will never allow a few days to go by without engaging my core desired feelings, my gratitude lists, my soul prompts, my desires, my lists of dreams or anguish.

Another easy way to get oriented into desire mapping is through Danielle LaPorte's book, The Desire Map.


On the Docket for Next Week...

▪ Results of my 2 day Cleanse & an update on my week of intermittent fasting.
▪ More on mindfulness: positive affirmations. (And no it's not The Secret).
▪ For kicks & giggles.
▪ Whatever else strikes my fancy!
Results of my 2 day Cleanse & an update on my week of intermittent fasting.
More on mindfulness: positive affirmations. (And no it's not The Secret).
For kicks & giggles.
Whatever else strikes my fancy!
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