If you have problems viewing images or links, please click here. Check out the new Seasonal Empowerment practice online (FREE) Please click here or

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Check out the new Seasonal Empowerment practice online (FREE)

Please click here or image for details of next empowerment on Friday, March 20th at 6:45 PM EDT-- Vernal Equinox.

Vernal Equinox

Yi Jin Jing Retreat (Berkshire, Massachusetts)


For couples registration, there is a 20% discount, and for repeat students who did Yi Jin Jing before, 30% discount!
In this stunning 600-acre sanctuary and holistic retreat center, we will practice one of the most classic original Shaolin Temple exercises - Yinjinjing - to strengthen our kidneys and a series of dynamic tension movement exercises designed to strengthen sinews, tonify soft tissue, integrate fascia and skeletal structure, energize bone marrow, and develop real internal power.

During the retreat, Robert will also conduct powerful group healing by organizing our energy into a harmonious pattern and inviting universal energy to help all our organs energy flow smoothly and exude radiant healthy light.

Click for details

wet land 878X3751
food serve 878X3751

Qigong Class and Group Healing


put Dan workshop info

Robert has arranged six classes for the first half year of 2015:

1. March 27 Friday 7pm - 9pm (details)
2. March 28 Saturday 1pm-2.30pm
3. March 28 Saturday 3.30pm-5pm (for both registration, contact Holistic BodyCures: info@holisticbodycures.com or 914-962-0101. )
4. April 16 Thursday 6:15pm - 7:45pm (details)
5. April 30 Thursday 6.15pm-7.30pm (details)
6. May 14 Thursday 6.15pm-7.30pm (details)

My student Dan Kowakofski is also running weekly class every Monday in Namaste Healing Center at 80 5th Ave in NYC. You are welcome to join his class! (details)


Online Qigong Healing Master Class Bundle


3 Online Workshops: Stress, Low Back Pain & Depression(details...)

This course is only for whose who have completed Robert's Become a Qigong Healer course

In the Chinese tradition, students typically learn through apprenticeship to a master. They shadow their teacher and learn from watching and following the master's guidance.
In this exclusive online master class series, advanced students of qigong healing with Robert have an opportunity to learn from a master through a one-of-a-kind, in-depth, online training that mimics Chinese tradition. Details...


Super Qi Summit at Omega May 22-25, 2015

robert peng feat

For the first time at Omega, we bring together some of the world’s masters of qigong, tai chi, and qi cultivation—from masters in qi healing and martial arts to experts in creativity and sacred sexuality. we:

Explore the origin and evolution of qigong, tai chi, and other qi cultivation practices
Learn about the science of the brain, creativity, and qi (also known as prana or ki)
Practice qi cultivation to benefit our body, mind, and spirit
Play with qi to enliven and revitalize sexuality
Discover how to channel qi for consciousness and creativity
We also learn seven key exercises we can practice at home for improved health, greater creativity, more vitality, and enrichment of life overall.

Featuring: Ken Cohen, Minke de Vos, Michael J. Gelb, Mingtong Gu, Roger Jahnke, Robert Peng, Robert Tangora, Michael Winn, Tina Zhang

