
March 11, 2023

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Remember the headline on the right published over six months ago? I'm so happy some of you took it seriously, realized some profit-taking on Wall Street, and moved to an on-hand cash position at home. A month later, in early October, after calling everyone I knew and telling them to remove a majority of their funds from their financial institutions, I wrote the following in the October 4, 2022 update:

Here is what I very highly suggest you do immediately. Withdraw discretely as much cash as you can reasonably afford, leaving enough in your bank to cover checks and expenditures; withdraw at least enough to cover paying for all your necessities and spending in cash for three months; six months is preferred. If you don't have a safe, buy one. Wrap your cash in tinfoil tightly and put it in your safe. When you go to the bank withdraw less than $5,000 at a time, I do increments of $4,000. Your financial institution secretly reports anything at $5,000 or above to the Federal Government. I know the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 says the figure is $10,000, but things have changed behind the scenes. The U.S. Government Accounting Office (GAO) 22-105242, published on August 25, 2022, requires banks to report all suspicious withdrawal activity to FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Best to stay off the radar. It's best to space out your withdrawals to avoid arousing suspicion. Don't pull out more than $4,000 a day.


And I just warned you AGAIN last week:

Most people sense a "disturbance in the force," but they just can't put their finger on it. A lot of us can. And we know what is coming. And we're as prepared as possible without ultimately being incommunicado in an off-grid scenario. But that day is coming, sooner than even I desire to believe. Stay alert! We're in a window for the next ten days. The escalation of events is at a point we've never seen before in the United States.

Was this information reliable? I beat the Wall Street Journal's warnings, which Johnathan Weil wrote about on November 11, 2022. For those of you aware of numerology, that is four 11s. It's not a coincidence. And yes, another quick caveat - I will glory in "I Told You So's" until the cows come home. I've been scorned and lambasted for decades for being a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist, so please be patient as I relish my time basking in the sunlight. Sure, I'm being tongue-in-cheek, and honestly could care less what people think of me. But isn't vindication sweet? It is indubitably.


Unless you've been incapacitated for the last 48 hours, you've likely heard the MSM discussing bank collapses. So easy to predict the future with these clowns. Why did I warn you six months ago? Because once the panic starts, MOST PEOPLE cannot withdraw their funds. Case in point, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB) in California this past Thursday. Despite the assurances you hear on the MSM that this is an isolated event, it is not. This is just the initial ember of a financial contagion that will engulf the entire monetary system of the United States and Western banks. But don't worry; you're prepared if you've followed my advice from last year.


Why is this going to be such a disaster for most people? Because most of America, in particular, lives paycheck to paycheck and DO NOT have $1,000 set aside for an emergency. Most households are in debt up to their eyeballs. They think they own their homes, but they don't. The State does and always will. If it's paid off, skip property taxes and see what happens. The U.S. Housing market is in the early stages of collapse. How many have taken second mortgages (refi's)? What about Credit Card debt? It's the highest it's ever been. And wait; unemployment is about to spike big time. It's the perfect storm. But it was forecast to happen decades ago. Yes, Virginia, this was all planned to happen. It's how we move from a debt-based physical fiat currency system into a Central Bank Digital currency system. One has to go bankrupt to precipitate the other. And if you think the Government will not leave pensioners and social security recipients high and dry when the default occurs, guess again.

Back to SIV bank, it held 173 billion dollars in deposits. The FDIC now controls it. And 152 billion dollars are UNINSURED. What does this mean? It means every single investor with over $250,000 in that bank LOST IT. Sure, they'll get their certificate of receivership when the bank goes into liquidation, but how long until they get back all their deposits, if ever? Think about that. Now think about this - the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is insolvent. It cannot cover a significant bank system collapse in the United States, not even close. It does not cover losses from your Money Market accounts, mutual funds, or other stocks and bonds. So what happens when Wall Street collapses, and there is nothing to bail out the banks? Wells Fargo and Bank of America are teetering; do you bank with them? All banks invest in U.S. bonds. Do you remember what happened to the bond market last year? Now, what's happening? People just aren't paying attention.

You're ready, right? I wasn't kidding; things will keep happening at breakneck speed. THIS IS ALL BY DESIGN. This is why it's so easy for some of us to predict. 2023 is just getting warmed up. The carnage coming will make your head spin. Again, you're prepared; don't worry. We are entering a war cycle, a great depression cycle, and a financial collapse simultaneously! THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES! Is there a Mad Max scenario beginning to rear its horrific head? Time will tell.

In the meantime, know this; if you have gold, guns, and groceries, you will be ahead of everyone else. That is to say, you've got your precious metals and your store of cash on hand; you've got your food and water, enough to survive at least two weeks if you were forced not to come out of your house (look at the poor folks in the California mountains who didn't prepare when they received over 12 feet of snow in 9 days). They complained that the Government didn't help them fast enough. Foolish people don't prepare, and they suffer or perish. Be prepared.

A lot of bank holidays are coming, in my opinion. But what do I know?

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