
March 5, 2023

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I know I sound like a broken record. If you take the time to review every single update from Truth Squad over the last three years, you'll find a lot of repetition. Why? Because people have very short attention spans. You must constantly barrage them with a redundant mantra to convince them of something. The controlled media knows this, so they repeat the same lie repeatedly, like "vaccines" are 'safe and effective.' People eventually believe the lie. I use this same tactic because many will ultimately accept the warnings. After all, if they do some homework, they'll find Truth Squad predicted things years in advance. Let's go back to the December 19, 2021, update, where I talked about the impending Bird Flu pandemic. Guess what? The W.H.O. (World Health Organization) director of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention (EPPP), Dr. Sylvie Briand, just alluded to billions dying in a bird flu pandemic now in its horrifying stages of migrating from birds to humans in Cambodia. Are you paying attention? These are the subtle hints the world was also given just before the COVID-19 plandemic in 2019.

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JANUARY 3, 2021

Currently, the MSM (mainstream media) in America reports that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a Chinese Biolab in Wuhan. Really? I remember distinctly stating this three years ago. In fact, I was chastised by a local newspaper editor for assuming such a thing and told believing it was just preposterous. I stated to him back in 2020, 'wait and see.' The Trump Administration first postulated the theory as he referred to COVID-19 as the "China virus." However, it was only a short time after that a lot of independent press realized this was misinformation. The underreported fact is that SARS-CoV-2 was 'gain of function' research in the United States and then transferred to the Wuhan laboratory in China in 2015. There was NO 'leak' but a deliberate release of the U.S.-designed bioweapon during the World Military Games in October 2019 which took place where? Wuhan, China.

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The same degenerate demigods responsible for releasing COVID-19 on the world are now telling us to prepare for the H5N1 "virus," the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A, now making the jump from birds and other mammals to humans. Is this the "virus" Bill Gates has warned the world about for a couple of years now that will decimate the human population? All the dominos are falling in order, so take heed. SERIOUS HEED. I've warned my readers about more lockdowns and economic turmoil since 2020 when we incurred the draconian tyranny of the new world order firsthand. I then cautioned that world war was next. That started when Russia invaded Ukraine over a year ago, in February 2022, to stop U.S. Biolabs from initiating biological warfare on them. Now we have NATO troops, U.S. troops, German troops, and a host of other militaries from around the world in Ukraine. This will soon spill out into Israel and Iran. NO! IT IS NOT ARMAGEDDON. But when it escalates, they want you to believe that! I warned you that the fear-mongering about nuclear war last year was disinformation. But now? It is a real possibility. The U.S. is fortifying its troop base in Taiwan and reinforcing its capabilities in Ukraine. Just as predicted, we are going to face a two-prong world war that will have devastating consequences for the Continental United States.

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U.S. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, and Air Force general Mike Minihan, have stated categorically and on record that not only is a shooting war with China inevitable in the next 18 months, they both expect mass AMERICAN CASUALTIES ON US SOIL, including attacks on the power grid and the deployment of the U.S. ARMY in the "American homeland," in response to nuclear attacks. There isn't much time left before even the most ardent skeptic will look around and DEMAND peace; wait for it; it will come. People will willingly accept martial law if it means safety for them. Sadly, there will be NO peace or security. Remember, OPERATION WARP SPEED - (initiated by President Trump) put the United States of America under FEMA and U.S. Military authority. Do you think some clown posing as President Joe Biden is in control? Really? Think again! It's all theater, folks - ALL OF IT!


Pay attention to what is being contrived about the "bird flu." When the dead start piling up, most people will do just what they did during the COVID plandemic and obey whatever the W.H.O., the FDA, and the Federal Government (HHS) direct them to do. Sadly, most are too ignorant and stupid to realize the dead are piling up due to the "vaccines." This will be exploited in 2024 and 2025 as most previously "vaccinated" have become ill and died. Varying worldwide medical experts NOT towing the Government line had stated quite clearly from when people received their first COVID-19 "vaccination" to the point of a fatal outcome is 3-5 years. That means most "vaccinated and boosted" will reach clinical death by August 23, 2026. But do not totally despair. With proper research, mitigating remedies and suppressants are available to slow the process. But since most people still choose to believe their governments would never lie to them and instead cling to the faulty notion that the "vaccines" are 'safe and effective' they will, in essence, die by voluntary suicide, not unlawful homicide. And this is why the guilty will evade murder charges and human genocide trials. It's evil and disgusting, but it is the world we live in, run by psychopaths.

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I know how this sounds, the rantings of a sociopath. But guess what? I don't care. The plethora of doctorates and brilliant people worldwide becoming whistleblowers against corrupt and lying governments is legion. The truth will NEVER be silenced; only the truth-tellers - remember that! THEY WILL NEVER SILENCE ALL OF US. So watch what happens with the escalation of the H5N1 "virus." It is all by design and meant to scare you further into servitude and compliance. Most people sense a "disturbance in the force," but they just can't put their finger on it. A lot of us can. And we know what is coming. And we're as prepared as possible without ultimately being incommunicado in an off-grid scenario. But that day is coming, sooner than even I desire to believe. Stay alert! We're in a window for the next ten days. The escalation of events is at a point we've never seen before in the United States. And the unfortunate thing? The majority of my fellow Americans are completely oblivious.


While we must continue our everyday lives and keep functioning as usual, things aren't usual - they're extraordinary and not in a good way. How many of us can remember the 1950s and the Red Scare? What about the '60s and the threat of nuclear war? It's all being recycled again, folks, for the younger generation to keep the serfs in line, afraid of and subservient to their oppressors. However, do not make a fatal mistake and assume it's all just smoke and mirrors. It's NOT - NOT by a long shot. What we're about to experience in the United States has not occurred for over 100 years - another Great Depression.



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