Tethers of Service Since 12/21/12 when we began to ascend in earnest, Gaia has increased greatly in frequency and power. This has allowed the Gaia Co

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Tethers of Service

thM8JJRT75 gaia healing

Since 12/21/12 when we began to ascend in earnest, Gaia has increased greatly in frequency and power. This has allowed the Gaia Collective to shift and embrace the New Earth Energies that have been made available to us all. Personally, this translates into an accelerated growth pattern which will be accentuated by the release of the Tethers of Service that have bound many of us for lifetimes.

During this year of 2015, it is likely that the individual will witness more personal growth than they have ever been able to previously experience. Because many of you are clearing on behalf of the Gaia Collective, you have experienced steady growth but the process may have been painfully slow at times. This is due to the heavy "Tethers of Service" and accompanying soul obligations that the Legion of Light has contracted to serve on behalf of the Gaia Collective. During 2015, many of these contracts will now come to fruition and be released from the individual. This will truly be a welcomed relief.

black vulture

The Black Vulture will be our guiding energy from now until the Spring Equinox. (For some, his energy will stay until the Summer Solstice.) His energy includes Death, Rebirth and Purification but most importantly, Transformation. As Vultures prefer long standing rotting energy, He will aid in releasing the ancient and decaying cords that have bound us to others.

During 2015 a separation of sorts will begin. As the Legion of Light begins to be released from long standing soul obligations, they will soon find their wings and begin to soar ever higher into the ethers. New dreams and new realms await!

What is the Gaia Collective?

At this point, I asked Jack to elaborate and explain in more detail the Gaia Collective and the Legion of Light.

The Gaia Collective is the sum of the whole of the beings that dwell upon this planet. All parts are equally important and contribute equally.

The Legion of Light are those beings who have contracted to be here, on this planet, at this time to assist in the Ascension of the Gaia Collective. The Legion of Light spans all of the kingdoms: Animal, Vegetable and Mineral. They are the strongest among us as the weight they carry is immense. By now, We are tired and worn out, having to pull along those whom we are contractually bound. Gladly, we have completed many of these contracts and soon we will be free of their burdensome energy. Some of these contracts were released last year, in 2014 but for most of us, 2015 will bring us freedom from those who have slowed our progress.

The Rooster formally known as Dottie


Jordyn's fabulous artistic rendition of Valtaris

After asking the rooster formally known as Dottie, multiple times, what he would like to be called, the name Valtaris came to me early one morning. I was gently awakened and I could feel a presence. "I am Valtaris."

Still somewhat in a daze I asked, "Who are you?" And before I could receive a response, I knew it was Dottie.

"I am Valtaris." He repeated. "My name is Valtaris." He said again, just in case I hadn't heard it the first two times.

" Valtaris it is, but you know John is still going to call you Dave? or Donnie?" If a rooster could smile, I felt him smile.

I wanted to thank everyone who offered a name for the Rooster. When I asked you for suggestions, I knew that I would either receive a name via one of you or the rooster would finally offer me a name.

Upcoming Events!

I am truly thrilled to again be a guest on Heavenly Blessings with Suzanne Maresca! We are keeping with the Friday the 13th energy theme.

Our show was recorded on Friday February 13, 2015 and will air Sunday, February 15 at 7pm.

All of our shows have taken place on Friday the 13ths. Friday the 13th is an important date to the Knights Templar as on this day in 1307(Friday, October 13, 1307) they were rounded up and persecuted, en masse. This date and day holds a tremendous amount of energy for both me and Jack as we both carry the Templar Lineage. This was not a coincidence and I was just told today that our efforts have helped to clear the Tethers of Service connected to the Templar lineage.

Heavenly Blessings

Suzanne and I were wondering why our connections only occurred on Friday the 13th's, and now we know!

I am equally thrilled to be a guest on Journeys with JayPee on

Monday- February 23, 2015 from 8 -10p, EST

revolution radio
everbeyond radio
wolf spirit radio

As soon as I get a direct link to my show with Jay, I will add them to Jack's FaceBook page and post them on my website.

Jack's FaceBook page

Jean Rockefeller Website

And there's more...

baby Dottie and Minnie

Beginning in Mid March, Lady Minerva (Minnie) and I will be offering in- person Healing Sessions at Healing Your Way, in Richboro, PA.
Please contact Healing Your Way for availability.
Healing Your Way

Here's the link to Jack's last 2 messages:
Power Chickens

The Fires of Purification

I also wanted to mention a fabulous show on PBS called
EARTH A New Wild. This program highlights all of the good things humans are doing to help restore balance to Nature. We are doing more than you realize! I encourage you to focus on the positive changes that are occurring and not continually send energy to the things that you do not want to occur.

The shows are on YouTube.
Earth a New Wild

To schedule a session with Jean and the Watchers, please visit her website
Jean Rockefeller
