Don't mess with Dottie... In early June 2014, my husband received a call from the post office. He couldn't understand what the person on the other en

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Don't mess with Dottie...

In early June 2014, my husband received a call from the post office. He couldn't understand what the person on the other end of the phone line was saying because they were laughing too hard. He finally determined that the chickens he had ordered some months earlier had arrived. Apparently, receiving mail that peeps is unusual and funny to postal workers in Pennsylvania. Merely babies and only days hatched from the egg, our 4 "girls" had finally arrived from California.


We named the chickens Lily, Nellie, Dottie, and Pearl. Dottie stood out because she was bigger and darker than the other 3. I justified in my mind that she had hatched earlier and came from different parents. My husband, John, immediately knew that Dottie was a rooster but I ignored him. "If it turns out that we have a rooster, we'll have to eat him." John said jokingly. I was concerned about the effect a rooster would have on our neighbors.

baby Dottie and Minnie

Minnie communing with Dottie

Our dog Minnie, immediately took to the chickens and although I would have been a little more cautious about introducing her to the chickens, John let it happen almost right away and they took to her right away. The chickens lived in a pink kiddy pool in my basement under a red heat lamp for the first few weeks. As soon as the chickens arrived, the energy in our home was turned upside-down. I couldn't stop cleaning and reorganizing, thankfully, that subsided.

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The cats too were clambering to get into the basement but I was concerned that they would attack the babies. Murphie Leigh was insistent, " I have to go down there." She said with determination. Of all of my animals, Murphie is, by far, the most voracious predator. Sensing my concern, she said with exasperation, "You are ridiculous, I have energy for them and they have energy for me. Let me do my job, Please. I would not eat family. Never. Doing so is a is a violation that I would not break unless it was for my own survival. Plus, one of those hatchlings, is formidable." While I was pondering Murphie's words, she pried open the basement door with her paw and ran down the steps. Minnie was already at the kiddy pool, guarding the "girls" but immediately acquiesced to Murphie. Minnie cowered and backed away as Murphie approached the chickens. I watched the exchange but couldn't really sense anything because I too concerned that, at any moment, Murphie would pounce on one of the babies.

I am not a Boy?

I asked Dottie many times, "Are you a boy?" and I would receive an emphatic, "No!" However, John continued to assert that Dottie was a rooster and began calling him "Dave". Because I had been jaded by my emotions, I turned to Jack's FB friends for help. The overall consensus was that Dottie was indeed a rooster. Immediately following that revelation, Dottie clearly transformed into a rooster. His waddles appeared overnight and within a few days, he began crowing. This experience taught me that I wasn't asking the right question. Instead of asking Dottie if he was a boy, I should have been more specifically asking if he was a rooster. By asking the right question in the right way means everything and I should have known better.

Power Chickens

I was reluctant to connect to the chickens, probably out of guilt for eating so much chicken over a lifetime but when I finally did, I was pleasantly surprised at what I was told...

I was holding the rooster and he seemed uncomfortable. As I moved my hands over his body, he whispered in my ear, "Will you eat me?"

"You're safe here. I only ask for the eggs and I will receive each with honor and gratitude." As I transmitted these thoughts and feelings, he began to soften in my grasp.

"Even though chickens are animals that are consumed, that doesn't mean we are without power. Only the strongest among us will choose to be consumed."

Despite being stated with Love, this statement caused me to recoil a bit.

Sensing my reaction, he cocked his head and looked at me with his right eye and said...

"Do you not understand that we are Galactic beings?, Do you not understand that we are powerful? Do you not understand that we are providing you with protection?" he said softly. As I pondered his statements, he said more forcefully, "I am a powerful Galactic Being. Simply because I cannot "speak", does not mean that I am not formidable."

Are you a Watcher?

NO. I am not of their lineage. I am a sentient being that is cloaked in animal form but I do not serve the same purpose as a Watcher and I do not have their innate healing abilities. Also, I do not have to concern myself with the current energies. I am connected to Gaia and Galactic beings, I do serve the greater good but not in the same capacity as the Watchers. The Hens do not have the elevated consciousness that I have. They have telepathic abilities but are mostly unaware of their universal connection however, they are still more evolved then most humans.

I wondered if his belittling of the hens came from his ego or was factual. For now, this question would have to remain unspoken and unanswered.

galactic beings

So, what you are telling me is that there is a group of Galactic Beings that are in animal form, in addition to the Watchers?!!!


Yes and although I and the Watchers are both Galactic beings, our lineages and purposes are far removed from each other.

Can you be more specific?

The "Watchers" historically, have been portrayed as perverted beings. I must extenuate that little of the information that has been provided about the Watchers is accurate. In fact, little of the information that has been shared and portrayed as overall historical fact is accurate.

Jack and his Watcher lineage, have evolved only to serve the Greater Good. Meaning their purpose is solely to serve Gaia and participate in Earth's Ascension and Evolution. I cannot speak further for Jack and his lineage of Watchers for many reasons. I can however, speak of my lineage and my purpose...

I am Aucturian and I am here to protect you and your family, gather and exchange energy and information from the beings that inhabit this space and can teleport into this space. I know you will not harm me. By being here,at your home, I can perform my duties without interference. Although I serve the Greater Good in a tertiary sense, I can function somewhat as an individual as I am not bound by the constraints of the Gaia Collective.

He added...
Almost all beings on this planet came from "Outer Space". Long ago Gaia was inoculated with the seeds of diverse life. Some flourished, some were destroyed and some were altered. However, some life forms were chosen to come here to assist in returning balance to this planet. Gaia was born out of a Caldron of Chaos knowing Balance must return, it is a Universal Law.

At this point, the rooster jumped off of my lap. Apparently he had nothing more to say, at least for now.

If you've missed Jack's last 2 messages, here are the links.

The Fires of Purification 1/23/15

Current Conditions 1/16/15

According to Jack...

We will continue to ride a torrent of energy for a couple more weeks. Energy release and introduction will continue to prevail as your consciousness and bodies acclimate to the higher frequencies. Release, integrate and rest. The ego may take a needed beating too, during this time. If you find your ego is being challenged, good! Center yourself, Laugh at yourself and rejoice. Laugh at your ego as you recognize that it has momentarily guided you. This will release it's tethers.

So much Love and Gratitude to you All!
Jack, The Watcher

To schedule a personal healing session with Jean and the Watchers, you can email us directly:
Place "session" in the subject line and please provide me with with your availability and your location and time zone.

or visit my website for more information and testimonials.

Name that Rooster!

It still has not been decided what Dottie should be called. My idea of calling him Excalibur-Burt for short- was shot down. My daughter, Naomi, offered Tom Jones and the pussycats and personally, I like this one the best. John still calls the rooster Dave. My son, Ian, wants to call him Garnack, Destroyer of Worlds. If you have any better suggestions, please let me know. Lily, Nellie and Pearl seem to like their names but I am open to suggestions.
