Beyond the Bamboo

How much good news can a Spring newsletter contain!!?? The answer is LOTS! From some fabulous fundraising … to bears whose personalities are now shining through ... to more Bear Rescues … to (Drum Roll please!) the Opening of our new sanctuary at Bach Ma!

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In mid-Winter Sal gave a presentation at her old school to the Year 4 students as part of their Endangered Species unit. She managed to keep forty 9-yr-olds completely enthralled for a whole hour, answering many questions.

2023 Lauriston 21 x 32 AV funraising

Sal says she had a lot of fun talking to the school students so please contact her if you know any schools who might also like her to give a presentation.


More puzzle pieces were turned over by my wonderful supporters, Lyn and Tex, on Sweers Island who ran another great fuNraising quiz night for me!

2023 Sweers FuNraiser 4

Thank you SO MUCH to our fuNraisers! It's not just about the money raised, it's about talking to people and raising awareness about this awful industry.

October 23 Surely all bears deserve this life

Back in February, I told you about 5 bears rescued from the notorious hotspot of bile-farming of Phung Thuong. One bear, "Dawn", epitomised all their suffering, her eyes lifeless, her body curled into a ball, her head tucked away, flinching at all sounds. Everyone was quietly thinking "Could we save her ?"

2023 October Dawn

Dawn's amazing, beautiful rehabilitation

Miracle indeed! The inner Dawn has emerged with quite a personality! With her friends Twilight and Midnight, Dawn is quickly discovering the healing power of friendship and play.

3 BearsPlay 7x8 in

Share the Joy as these 3 finally get to play together

These beautiful bears remind us why we need to act fast to save the final bears still caged on farms, bears who are barely clinging to life. Watching them play - after living side by side for 20 years in their cages - reminds us how quickly the joy of "being" bears again can return - if they're given the chance....

October 23 Surely all bears deserve friends


And NOW! The news I've been waiting (and wanting) to share with you all for a lonnnnnng time! Our 2nd sanctuary in Vietnam, at Bach Ma N.P. is finally OPEN! And…. It has already received its first bears!

New sanctuary update 1
New Bach Ma sanctuary pix

On Monday October 2 2023, two bears made history! They were destined to become the first residents at our brand new sanctuary at Bach Ma! And their names? Heh heh! Buzz and Armstrong !

2023 October Buzz Armstrong V3

Read Jill's moving account of this special day for Animals Asia - and bears!

Bears rescued by us can look forward to days like this ! The utter joy of endless water showers.... Lying on grass, playing ! Check out these sweet videos!

6 bears rescued since August 2023 copy

This year we have rescued 15 bears and closed 7 bear bile farms. We are so close to ending this awful industry in Vietnam. With our 2nd sanctuary now open for business the government is very keen to help us achieve this goal. But we need your support to complete the 2nd & 3rd stages. Only then can we rescue and care for the final 300 bears still waiting, still hoping...

October 23 Surely all bears deserve to express themselves

So here I am, dreaming of a better future for ALL bears. And willing you to help me make this happen. Helping my puzzle along really DOES make a difference. And .. it's super news, with only 30 more pieces to go!

2023-piece 81

Help me make my dreams for all bears come true.

Thanks for reading, everyone ! I'm looking forward to sharing more news from my bear world just before Christmas. Love, your bear Jigsaw!

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