Digital Family Worship Header

For the Week of February 21st, 2021


By the way don't forget that there is a great worship section for kids at the bottom of this plan!

Digital Worship Plan - Just Click The Links and Worship!

If you're worshiping alone or with one other person, your smartphone will work great to use as a worship tool.

If there are 3 or more of you, we suggest you gather your family around a table where everyone can see a computer screen.

To use this worship plan, simply read the instructions in each section and click or tap on the links. Our desire is to make this a worship service you participate in, and not just sit back and watch. We don't want you in the stands watching players play, we want you on the field giving the Lord your very best!

So there will be times of reading, singing and praying OUT LOUD as you lift your voice in praise to the Lord. Let's use this time to tell HIM that HE is #1!

Pastor Dan


Take A Moment To Sign In

Please take a couple of seconds to let us know that you are using this plan for your at home worship today. We delete the names in the database weekly and start over so we can track how many are using this method of worship at home.

Click or tap this link to go to our online sign-in form.

Thanks! We love seeing who all is using this digital worship plan! It's a great way to worship!

If you have any problems with this you can email the church office.


To send us your prayer request, please CLICK HERE and enter your request.

Pray through the following prayer list and add any items your family is praying for at this time. If there is more than one of you in your group, take turns praying. NOTE: It's OK to pray with your eyes open as you read through the list. :) We miss having you with us in person, but praying for each other unites us.

Kathryn K. Prayer Requests - Please pray for Kathryn as she has carpal tunnel surgery on Wednesday. Also please pray for Kathryn & her entire family as they mourn the passing of her niece as she passed away on Sunday, Feb. 14th. She was the youngest child of her sister, Lenora, who recently passed away. She had been in ill health for sometime.

Deb S. Prayer Request - We could use prayers for our very dear friend Larry. He's 77 years old and in hospital in Texas with Covid and pneumonia. Larry is now in rehab and getting better. Weaning off oxygen and getting strength back. Please pray for his slow and steady progress.

V. Family - Friday afternoon, February 12th, on her way to work, Tori was involved in a serious car accident. She was transported to the Bryan West trauma center where she spent a few days under close monitoring for traumatic injuries. By the grace of God, she is expected to make a full recovery. She is now at home to continue her road to recovery. We sincerely appreciate all of the prayers offered on Tori's behalf. We earnestly believe in the power of prayer and God's hand in protecting her and guiding her recovery. If you would like to bless the family with a meal you can click on this link to sign up to do so!

Linda D. Prayer Update - Pat had his heart catheterization on Tuesday, February 9th. The report came out about the same as when he had his last one 5 years ago. There is a couple of blockages which the surgery will fix when he fixes the heart valve. We are now waiting for UNMC call to set up the surgery. Please pray that he can have this procedure done soon.

Ginny K. - Please continue to pray for Johnny's recovery.

Beth S. Prayer Request - My sister-in-law, Pam B., is doing better & may be headed home soon!

Please continue to keep Kathryn K. & her family in your prayers as her sister Lenora K. passed away recently.

Tom & Bonnie K. are calling on all of you faithful prayer warriors!! We need continued prayers for Tom's son David who is having some medical issues. We see God moving in that situation and it is amazing! Also they wanted the church family to know that Tom has been diagnosed as being in the early stage of Parkinson's disease and we pray for direction as to the best treatment for him.

Eric N. - My sister Gayle had her lung cancer surgery on Monday, February 1st. Please continue to pray for her healing, she is still in the hospital and has the tube in her lung.

From Marcy K. and Jody V. - We ask for comfort and peace in the days ahead. Thank you.

Chelsea C. Prayer Request - Please continue to pray for my friends the V. family from Milford: Jason, Lindsey and their 2 sons Sam and Austin.


The most convenient and safe way to give your offering is through our app. Open the app and look for the giving icon. The first time you give in this way you'll need to connect a bankcard or use the ACH direct connection option. From then on it's a matter of entering your user name and password.

Your gifts support our missionaries, our staff, our ongoing ministries, building utilities and other ongoing expenses.

Please prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you give. And remember our ongoing Family Life Center Building Campaign!

Click or tap here to go directly to give online on a secure website.
Or mail your check to Crete Berean Church, 395 County Rd 2500, Crete, NE 68333

2 Corinthians 9:7
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Survive Thrive App Wide


Thank you so much for worshiping with us through our digital worship format! Tell us what you think. Is there anything we can do to improve this format to help you and/or your family worship? Just email the church at Or you can text your feedback to 402.382.4848.

We want EVERYONE to feel comfortable worshiping with us each week. That's why we are offering 3 options on Sunday morning for you:

1. Join us inside the church. Distance seating, hand sanitizer and masks available.
2. Drive-in and listen to the service live on your radio in your car- 89.7FM
3. Get the digital worship plan to worship from home. The digital plan contains the same music and message being shared at our live service.
1. Join us inside the church. Distance seating, hand sanitizer and masks available.
2. Drive-in and listen to the service live on your radio in your car- 89.7FM
3. Get the digital worship plan to worship from home. The digital plan contains the same music and message being shared at our live service.

We hope you can join us next Sunday at 10:30 am!

Each week's Digital Worship Plan is emailed Saturday evening. Also watch our FaceBook page for a link to the plan. Share the link with your friends and family. It's a great way to introduce people to our church.

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