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A Buddhist Sangha dedicated to helping unfold the teachings of Compassion and Wisdom


Peaceful Mind, Happy Heart – The Four Sublime Mind States and You

Annual winter residential weekend retreat with Cheryl Fraser at the Bethlehem Retreat Centre in Nanaimo

Friday, December 9 - Sunday 11, 2022

We all want to be happy. We just don’t necessarily know how. We
seek happiness outside ourselves - in relationships, possessions,
careers, and accolades – and find that external things bring at best
temporary relief from dissatisfaction and discontent. So perhaps it is
time to seek inside. The Buddha was clear in his teachings –
happiness resides within us. By training our mind and heart to be
calm and clear, we uncover the sun under the clouds of confusion
and grasping. Then the sun can shine. Well, what might that feel like?
When negative emotions and external obstacles are reduced by
meditation, the four sublime emotional states can be experienced.
These four are Loving Kindness, Compassion, Empathetic Joy, and
Compassion. Join us as we explore these beautiful states of mind
and refresh our heart with practice, silence, and Dharma.
This silent meditation retreat will include periods of Samantha
(calming concentration practice), Metta (Loving Kindness meditation)
and Mahamudra (open awareness of mind). There will be some
guided visualization practice and yoga will be offered. Daily Dharma
talks and group interviews with the teacher will be part of the
experience. Suitable for both novice and experienced meditators.


Residential: $450

Non-Residential: $250


The Tradition of Dana


Island Dharma is run entirely by volunteers. Including the teacher, Dr. Cheryl Fraser. We follow the traditional ways of Buddha Dharma. All teachings are offered free of charge so that it remains available to everyone who is interested in joining.

Dana means generosity and in Buddha Dharma, this is a practice and is encouraged. As such, if you are moved to help Dr Cheryl Fraser and Island Dharma to continue to offer spaces for learning Buddha Dharma, we will graciously receive your generosity.

At all Island Dharma Events, there will be Dana bowls at the back of the room. for any offerings you are moved to make. If you wish to offer it online, you can send e-transfers to


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