
If you’ve always wanted to make clothes for your kids this is the perfect project to start with. You won’t need to go out and buy expensive t-shirt fabric, or know how to trace and use a pattern. You can use an unwanted large t-shirt from your wardrobe or the thrift store.


Because it’s Spring here in Australia, why not skip the dark, autumnal and sometimes ghoulish Halloween decorations, and opt for a fresh modern Halloween Party theme instead.

Some of these Modern Halloween Party Decoration Ideas are so sophisticated that you’ll want to keep them up all month-long.


Here’s your chance to make your Halloween party decoration ideas a reality. You can win a $50 gift voucher from Lombard The Paper People to decorate for your next big party, stock up on Halloween candy or shop for a costume.


If your kids are fans of the Nintendo game, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild­, they may enjoy this fun DIY Korok mask.

Easy to make with simple craft supplies and a piece of recycled cardboard from an old cereal or pizza box. I’ve included a printable template to make this project very easy.


You may have missed the the newsletter last week, that's because I took a week off.

Instead of creating new content for the blog I spent my week tidying up my sewing room, doing a spot of sewing and fixing up old blog posts.

I've really missed sewing and it was refreshing to fire up the sewing machine and power through some projects that have been on the to-do pile for ages.

I made some baby quilts which were donated to St Kilda Mums, a charity that supports new mums and families in crisis situations.

From a huge pile of fun fabric with a fried egg print, I made a dress for me, as well as a dress, t-shirt and leggings for Emma. There's a picture of my new dress below. You can follow the progress here.

Lastly a little Spring cleaning of the blog in hopes to speed it up a bit. Unfortunately I must have been a little over zealous because something went quite wrong today and the site was down for about 12 hours.
All fine now - but there is some tweaking to do over the next couple of weeks. I'm not very technically inclined so will leave that part to the experts.

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Have a great week
xx Cinti

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