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Welcome to Heartland Healing Arts

The Golden Path of the Shamanic Way


In this Newsletter

▪ My Recent Journey to Ireland! Read Below
▪ Introduction to Celtic Shamanism 5 week Online Course 6/21-7/19
▪ Seven Month Shamanic Practices Course starting September 16th, 2023
▪ Ongoing Private Sessions in my beautiful nature studio near Point Reyes and Online Zoom *: AnamCara Trauma Informed Counseling, Shamanic Healing, Reiki & Rahanni Therapy, Tarot Soul Readings
My Recent Journey to Ireland! Read Below
Introduction to Celtic Shamanism 5 week Online Course 6/21-7/19
Seven Month Shamanic Practices Course starting September 16th, 2023
Ongoing Private Sessions in my beautiful nature studio near Point Reyes and Online Zoom *: AnamCara Trauma Informed Counseling, Shamanic Healing, Reiki & Rahanni Therapy, Tarot Soul Readings

Dear Friends, many bright blessings to you for the Summer Solstice season! After a winter of relentless rain we have had one of the most abundant springs here in California. I've never seen the Live Oaks so green and beautiful. Rain makes a difference! We are in the South of the medicine wheel, the season of the Oak, the element fire, the animals fox, deer and serpent. I have two foxes, wild turkeys, hummingbirds and a family of Ravens visiting me daily who I consider family! I'm so lucky to know them as 'people'. All these earth beings, the blooming flowers, herbs and trees are in their ripe fullness and now is a gorgeous time to connect with their beauty and medicine. So make sure you take time to wander the trails and gardens to enjoy, relax and restore yourself, body and soul, celebrating the many bountiful gifts of our living kin.

Intro to Celtic Shamanism 5 week Online Course June 21st - July 19th, Wednesdays

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An Introduction to Celtic Shamanism and the Irish Spirit Wheel is starting Solstice June 21! We meet five consecutive Wednesdays from 3-6pm pacific online zoom in an intimate group of women to deepen our relationship to earth and remember the wisdom of our ancestors for a deeply therapeutic and informative experience.We use shamanic journeying as the ancient method of direct revelation to access the voice of nature and personal spirit guidance.

Are you ready to embark on a deep journey into the natural world? Would you like to discover treasures to enlighten your life guided by the mystery and wonder of nature? We can live more fulfilling lives if we develop a relationship with Mother Earth and all our living kin! The Celtic Medicine Wheel will help you learn from your animal and spirit guides as you discover your purpose, truth, power and wisdom.

This introductory class will guide you through the elements and the seasonal cycles for personal growth and self-discovery. We learn from the Celtic Irish Wheel perspective but also learn about other earth based traditions that inform each other.

The earth is calling us to remember that we are part of her, interconnected in the web of life. Shamanism, the oldest earth based spiritual practice, is a devotion in deepening our relationship with the elements and learning the wisdom that supports and guides life. This practice helps us develop a relationship to nature, the result is living every day as sacred. Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth.

For more information just click here to my website. Intro to Celtic Shamanism

“Immersing into the Celtic Medicine Wheel with Cara is a transformative experience. This course established a deep spiritual connection not only with my Celtic roots, but with nature and my personal power. Cara's expansive way of seeing the world opened my eyes to the magical in the (seemingly) mundane. As a shaman, Cara brings relatable wisdom, practical tools, patience, and even play to her teachings. The Celtic Medicine Wheel experience has helped me to enhance my intuitive skills, deepen my practice, and empowered me to step further into my role as an energy healer.” Mollie

"I really enjoyed the Intro to Celtic Shamanism course! Cara is a wonderful teacher. She brings a peaceful and accepting demeanor to her students and teaches in a way that's easy to understand for beginners to the shamanic journeying experience, and to learning about the directions, elements and animal symbolism. I was able to dive deep, and some profound healing visions and messages were revealed to me. And all of this "virtually", as the classes were held on Zoom! It just goes to show that Cara created a powerful and protective healing space for me and the other participants. Thanks again Cara! I would definitely take more courses with you in the future." Alison


My Journey to Ireland


In early May I ventured upon an epic solo journey back to my Heartland, Ireland! It was a profound reconnection to myself, the magic and wonder of the land and spiritual places I loved while living there for 4 years. My heart was overwhelmed with gratitude to friends, human, stone and tree, for the incredible homecoming.

My journey in this sacred ancestral land was not just a trip back- it was a deep dive and hero’s journey into the inner planes. Ireland's mystical divine feminine energy brings my soul into alignment through Her wild wind, earth, water, stone and sacred fires. The ancestors calling me back to my re-membering.

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Ériu Goddess of Ireland, Hill of Uisneach

As I’m entering my Crone years, the land of Ériu as the Cailleach and goddess of Sovereignty is showing me how to step through the portal of transformation onto this path with wisdom and empowerment. There are many new offerings brewing in my cauldron of creativity and inspiration! The Cailleach, Queen Maeve, Brigid and Ériu -goddesses of Sovereignty are guiding me in new ways! Stay tuned for the hatching of these precious eggs:)


As some of you know my sweet beloved canine son Tashi passed away across the rainbow bridge last September. The process of grief has been raw, difficult and life changing. We were inseparable as soul mates for 14 years, my sweetheart, BFF and protector. As part of my grief healing journey I was guided to bring his precious cremains back to enshrine them in many sacred sites, places and ancestral tombs so special to us. I traveled to them all, from West to East, crossing hundreds of kilometers and climbing a few mountains completing my mission from the Burren to the River Boyne at Newgrange. He is now on his journey as an ancestor walking with the great spirits of Ériu who are holding his bones as she holds the bones and stories of thousands of hearts on fire.


Hill of Uisneach Bealtaine Fire Celebration

I have been sitting with how to describe all that I've experienced over the past year which culminated in this powerful trip back to Ireland after so long. Patience and endurance through what I thought was unendurable grief has reinforced my trust that the great mystery is leading us to where we can find the pieces of our hearts we lost. The ineffable mystery of life and death tied together in an eternal celtic knot, the story of decades of life, lessons, love and loss and of bones left on the floor of tombs as prayers seeking the wings of angels, are all connecting us to the healing change of rebirth.


The powerful goddesses of Ireland have awakened my soul to the green spring of life - spiraling ever inward unto itself. She has renewed my purpose to bring this 'Beauty Way' to you to enrich our lives and hold a compassionate space for inner and outer transformation.

I will be composing and posting more about my travels and insights on my blog. In the mean time Instagram is my most frequent cauldron of creative sharing,

Follow Heartland on Instagram

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Honorable Mention!
I had the great honor to give a talk at the Hill of Uisneach Bealtaine Fire Festival while in Ireland! "The Healing Power of Sacred Sites and Monuments in Ireland and Beyond", encapsulates my Masters thesis research with my current work of healing with earth energies and shamanic practices. It is available as an in person or online presentation forthcoming. Please contact me for more information.


Rewilding My Soul, Shamanic Practices Course

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If you're feeling the call to to travel upon the path of integrating earth wisdom with your higher calling, the next 7 month Shamanic Practices Course - A Celtic Medicine Wheel, begins September 16th 2023 Online Zoom! * This course will be for the wounded healers on the path of deepening their relationship to earth, ancestors and self. We use the Celtic Medicine Wheel of seasons as a portal through shamanic journeying to communicate with nature, our ancestors and guides. It is a deeply healing immersion into the ancient sacred shamanic wisdom which includes embracing and healing our trauma. The Rising Swan has become a powerful guide for this phase of our development, discovering our inner ascension from cygnet to the noble swan who knows who she is.

Please reach out if you're feeling the call as spaces are limited. Shamanic Practices Course Fall 2023


Healing Sessions

In Person and Zoom Sessions Available

Trauma Informed Counseling with 'Compassionate Inquiry':
working through your story with compassionate listening

Shamanic Healing; Soul and Power Retrievals:
quantum healing

Tarot Soul Readings:
spirit guidance

Reiki & Rahanni Energy Healing:
anxiety and stress


Healing Ourselves, Healing the Planet

We are entering a new era of epic change and the ancient practice of shamanism and animism is reemerging into popular consciousness as people desire to connect more deeply with nature and its spiritual meaning for peace and healing. My journey in Ireland unveiled my life's work and passion as a healing practitioner and guide inviting our modern culture back into sacred relationship with the spiral of life and divine feminine consciousness. This unity and at-one-ness with all things is the way of indigenous cultures as well as our ancient ancestors. We need sustainable lifeways for a more harmonious, peaceful and healthy way of living. Shamanism, Energy Healing and Nature Connection is a path of beauty back to wholeness.

As a trauma informed counselor, shamanic healer, teacher and guide I am offering up ways to wholeness, integration and equanimity, where we live every day as sacred. I am honored and humbled to be in service of the global healing and awakening happening now on planet Earth.

Blessings of Love and Grace ~ your Anam Cara

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Website: Heartland Healing Arts

Facebook: Heartland Healing Arts: Sacred Earth Shamanism

Follow for daily inspiration on [INSTAGRAM] @heartland_healingarts

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