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Hello all and welcome to new subscribers,

Wow! So Hunted released this week and has climbed the Amazon charts hitting the top 200 and has over 50 reviews already! Thank you to everybody who has bought/read/reviewed the latest Four Horsemen book. If you missed the release, all the details are below!

Who's counting down to Halloween? My daughter is! I'm not sure what we're doing but I'm sure it will involve a lot of candy. I love that there are so many Halloween based giveaways and book fairs in my book genre right now.
Here's one I'm part of with a team of amazing authors!

There are 10 urban fantasy books on sale for 99c - and they're all killer! Plus there are a bunch of amazing books and Halloween merch up for grabs so make sure you visit the page!

Check out the sale and enter the giveaway below.

PLUS! Another book sale, another giveaway AND this week's specially selected author deals!

Until next week!

Lisa xx


New Release: Hunted is Here!


The story of Verity and the Four Horsemen continues in book three of this thrilling and addictive REVERSE HAREM paranormal series.

Who is Vee? Where did she come from? And what is the darkness the fae can see inside her?

Xander's reaction to these questions drives a bigger wedge between the fae and the Horsemen. His move isn't popular with the others because right now they need fae help more than ever.

A bloody message and a series of murders lead to a search for a threat from the past. Instead, the Horsemen encounter something new and dangerous. The race is on to find out what the creatures are and how big a threat they are to an already chaotic world.

Vee discovers using her powers has a strange effect on her relationship with the Horsemen. Although this pulls her closer to the guys, the conflict between Vee and Xander continues. But is the greatest conflict within himself?

And as the Five search for answers, someone watches. What does he know? Can he help? Or does he have an agenda of his own?

Contains sex and strong language. For readers 18+.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU




OW IF Sneak-Peek3

Beneath These Wings by Wendy Knight

Tresa was taken by the aliens, but she escaped. Changed. Powerful. Terrifying.

With the only thing she has left in the world – her dad – and her little nomadic band of humans, she battles the very aliens that made her into the creature she is now, using the powers they gave her.

She is a formidable opponent.

When she meets Roman – angry, sullen, and yet loyal above all else – they are forced to come to a compromise to keep their teams alive. They don’t like each other, but it’s tolerable.



The Huntress by J.A. Culican and Felicia Starr

In a world of magic and danger, the love of a goddess and a shifter is destined to become legend... or end in heartbreak.

Artemis, goddess of the hunt, must rescue her beloved golden stag from Earth, but the only way she obtains passage there, is by promising the Oracle she will fall in love with a mortal, and then give him up to return to Olympus.

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Aoife's Destiny by Bethany Strobel

Defying her mother, the Fae Queen, was easy once she’d made her mind up…

…But the spoiled Fae Princess soon learns how hard life in the human realm really is. No castle, no friends, and scared for her twin sister’s life Aoife wonders if she made the right decision to follow her banished lover…

Cian, tall dark and handsome, is exiled to the human realm, his power bound and his soul mate clinging desperately to his arm. He tries to carve a life for them out of the harsh Irish countryside but fears what he has may not be enough to offer his once princess…

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