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Hello Friends!

Happy March!! Hope everyone is feeling healthy in your families and schools. We are still experiencing some absences from sickness, but it is slowly getting better for us. Now we have a possibility of snow that may cause closings this week. But with every day, we are getting closer and closer to spring!

The Power of Progress Monitoring

I'm sure you've heard of progress monitoring but maybe you've wondered why. Why bother, why go to the extra work? I've got 3 important ways progress monitoring is important and helpful to both you, the teacher, and your students!

Read these tips here!

Positiveness for Guided Reading Groups

Lucy Calkins thinks maybe teachers have been stressed out over small groups and doing it the "right way". We hear from so many experts about Guided Reading- do it this way, don't do it that way. Lucy Calkins helps relieve some of that stress in this short article: Leading a Small Group Should be No Big Deal, K-5

If you are a Lucy fan, here is her newest book, Leading Well, Building School Excellence in Reading and Writing. I am hearing good things about it. I would love to hear your thoughts if you read it.

March Resource Spotlight

Take It or Leave It Writing and Providing Evidence for Your Opinions for March is a lot like Would You Rather. One topic and students choose to take it or leave it and then provide evidence for their opinions. Put the fun back into writing!

Check it out here!

Have a great week!

Conversations in Literacy

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