Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas too!! An unthankful heart is like a finger trying to sift the sand for iron–it doesn’t discover God’s mercies.


Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas too!!

An unthankful heart is like a finger trying to sift the sand for iron–it doesn’t discover God’s mercies. But a thankful heart, just like the magnet, sweeps through life’s circumstances and finds daily blessings from God. (Ellen Banks Elwell)

It's hard to believe that another year has almost passed us by and 2017 is right around the corner. But first we get to enjoy the holiday season. I hope you have many blessings to count in this month of Thanksgiving and that your Christmas will be one of love and joy. One of the blessings I count are all of you as reading friends. Thank you so much!

Austin Eagle Scout

But I do have many other blessings to count too. The love of God. My family. My church. My home. Our farm. My dog, Oscar. Just to name a few. This year we were all smiles as we watched our grandson be recognized as an Eagle Scout. He worked hard for all those badges. He's a great kid. When I start counting blessings, the grandkids are some of my sweetest ones and a reward for getting older.

Book News

Freak of the Week

Can you believe I just published a book for kids? Guess what my grandkids are getting for Christmas. LOL. I love the cover designed by my friend, Virginia Smith, who is a talented author but made time to help me get this book out for readers. The story is about a kid who has a physical problem that makes him feel like hiding in the halls of his middle school. Were you one of those self-conscious kids when you were young? I was. But Clay gets to know a great old guy who has lots more physical handicaps but is wise enough to help Clay realize there's more to life than how you look. You can find Freak of the Week on Amazon. It might make a fun gift for a young reader in your life or why not be young at heart and give the story a try yourself. And keep reading here to find out how you might win a copy.

But first, here are a couple of e-book specials just in time for the holiday reading season.

The Believer
Scent of Lilacs 3a (2)

My Shaker book that I think has the most Shaker history, The Believer is on e-book sale for 99 cents or less according to where you e-book shop, but the sale is over November 25th. So grab it fast and always remember to check the price before you download since e-book sales can come and go quickly. In this Shaker story, I loved the character of little sister, Hannah, from her uncontrollable curly, very blonde hair to her free spirit that did not fit with the Shakers at all. Check it out on Amazon, Christianbook.com or your other favorite e-book sellers.

Then my first Hollyhill book, Scent of Lilacs, is a free download until the end of November. I smile every time I see a review that lets me know a reader has enjoyed visiting Hollyhill and getting to know Jocie and her family and friends, especially Jupiterian Wes. :) If you haven't read the story and like to e-read, now is your chance. You can find it on Amazon; Christianbook.com; Barnes & Noble or other e-book sites.

Christmas Means a Giveaway

Christmas giveaway 16

Christmas is a great time to give something away. So do any of you like to decorate with trains? I have a couple of sets of trains - the engine and caboose even have lights - that you might win along with a choice of one of my books. I only pictured a few of my books here, but the two winners will be able to pick from any of my inspirational fiction titles. To enter send me an e-mail by responding to this newsletter or to annhgabhart(at)hughes(dot)net. For fun, tell me about a Christmas that sticks in your memory and why. But you don't have to tell me a story to enter. Any e-mail will do. Also, I sometimes share forward on my blog, One Writer's Journal the stories I receive without last names or locations. But if your story is for my eyes only, please let me know that. Be assured I never share your e-mail address.

More to Give Away - Freak of the Week

I'm also giving away ten copies of Freak of the Week. All you have to do is say you might like to win one of those copies when you enter my Christmas contest. Then I'll throw your name in an extra giveaway hat to draw those winners. It won't keep you from having a chance to win the Christmas giveaway. You'll be eligible for both.

Pesky rules are that the Christmas contest is only open to USA and Canada. (Big packages to mail.) But I'll send Freak of the Week to any location so the chance to win those books is open internationally. You must be 18 to enter. No purchase or special activity (other than the entry e-mail) is required for entry into the giveaway. Deadline to enter is midnight EST December 17, 2016.

Parting Shots - Some Holiday Smiles

~Did you ever notice that life seems to follow certain patterns? Like I notice that every year around this time, I hear Christmas music. (Tom Sims)

~Anyone who believes that men are the equal to women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.

~One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly. (Andy Rooney)

~ Never catch snowflakes with your tongue until all the birds have gone south for the winter.

That last sounds like good advice. Thank you so much for reading.

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