Voluntary Benefits' Claim of the Week 6/6Jacob's Thumb "...If you wait to protect your family when it is medically necessary...it is too late..." L


Voluntary Benefits' Claim of the Week 6/6

Jacob's Thumb

broken thumb

Actor portrayal

"...If you wait to protect your family when it is medically necessary...it is too late..."

Last week my son "Jacob" (he asked to not be used as a claim example) fell off his bike.

He was brought to the Emergency Room at Children's. Had X-rays. Was examined by the intake Dr. then had a follow-up with a hand specialist. Finally he got his cast.

His first follow-up visit with the hand Dr. is this afternoon.

Out of pocket for the ER visit was $200 co-pay. Parking that day $12. Toll $3. Co-pay for today $35.

Check TO ME so far from my Accident Insurance plan $480 PLUS any further visits/x-rays and (hopefully not) surgery.

That is cash for me to use anyway I please!

In a minor accident it is extra spending money in a major accident it is $1000s of extra dollars at a time when money is tight and tension is high.

accident insurance

Click for a quote

What is Accident insurance?

Accident Insurance pays YOU a CASH benefit for an injury.

How much you get paid depends on the severity of the injury and necessary treatment.

The more hurt you are the more you get.

It does NOT matter
* What your Health Insurance pays.

* It does NOT matter what you were billed by the provider.

* It doesn't even matter where or how you got hurt (with few exceptions ie felonies).

For about $5/week you have CASH when you are hurt in a car accident, in the kitchen, playing sports, etc.

Someone told me this morning Blue Cross does the same.

I have yet to see anyone able to produce a check from their Health Insurance carrier paying THEM for when they were hurt.

Accident Insurance does just that.

If you want a quote on a plan for you or your family get in touch.

Some plans even include limited Disability benefits for accidents.

accident insurance 2

click to request a quote


Have a wonderful weekend!


SRM Suit

Scott R. Maibor
Disability Evangelist & Owner
Voluntary Benefits of New England
190 Hagman Road
Winthrop, MA 02152

Insurance for People...and their Pets

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