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The Washington Civil War Round Table meets the 4th Monday of each month, except December, in the 2nd floor ballroom of the historic Fitzpatrick Hotel.


Gen. Sherman or a Cat. 5 Hurricane

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Civil War destruction in the South resulting from Sherman's "March to the Sea."


March, 2019
6:00 p.m.

Fitzpatrick Hotel
on The Square
Washington, GA


Dr. Clay Ouzts, professor at the University of North Georgia in Gainesville, will present “Sherman or a Cat. 5 Hurricane” to the Washington Civil War Round Table on Monday evening, March 25, at 6:00 p.m., in the second floor ballroom of the historic Fitzpatrick Hotel (1898) located on The Square in Washington, GA.

The Federal army began marching into Atlanta on September 2, 1864. One of the first units to pass through the abandoned Confederate defense earthworks started singing one of their favorite songs: “We will hang Jeff Davis on a sour apple tree.” These federal troops had survived a long, difficult campaign of four months of maneuvering and fighting along 130 miles of rugged mountains in northwest Georgia. They had taken the Confederacy’s second most important city, Atlanta.

Gen. Sherman’s campaign gave war-weary Northerners renewed faith that the war could be won. This ended the Democratic Party‘s effort to take the presidency on a peace platform that offered the Confederacy it’s independence and made the re-election of President Lincoln almost a certainty.

In the first week of September, 1864, Gen. Sherman told all civilians remaining in Atlanta to pack and get out of the city immediately.

Gen. John Bell Hood (CSA) had withdrawn the remnants of his army 30 miles south of Atlanta to Lovejoy Station. Gen. Hood's army of almost 40,000 troops in relatively short order headed north to flank Gen. Sherman and cut off his communications and supplies by tearing up long stretches of the railroad tracks to Chattanooga. Reluctantly, Gen. Sherman shelved his planned march to Savannah and quickly sent troops to counter Gen. Hood’s movement. After the battle of Allatoona Pass, much of Gen. Sherman’s army returned to Atlanta.

Back in Atlanta, Gen. Sherman instituted a rigorous weeding out process of his troops that left behind only young, healthy and fit soldiers - the “little devils” as Gen. Sherman once called them. Gen. Sherman started his “March to the Sea” with four corps and a contingent of calvary, all battle-hardened veterans.

The Confederate arsenal in Atlanta was set on fire before Gen. Sherman’s Army left the city. It erupted with a tremendous explosion on the night of November 15. On November 16, the last of Gen. Sherman’s troops marched east as Atlanta burned behind them.

Come hear Dr. Ouzts describes and show the absolute devastation and death that Gen. Sherman and his men inflicted on the defenseless and unarmed citizens of Georgia.

You will certainly not want to miss this program!.


2019 Annual Dues for CWRT Now Due


The 2019 annual dues for the Washington Civil War Round Table are now due. We are able to hold the price of our dues to the same amount as they have been for the last 15 years – $25/year for an individual and $35/year for families!! If only our government could do half as well. Please bring your dues to the meeting.

If you cannot make it to the meeting this month, please make out your check to "Washington CWRT" and mail it to our Treasurer:

Butch Smith
2368 Cleveland Drive
Elberton, GA 30635

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If you are on the Permanent Reservation List, you do not need to make reservations. But PLEASE let us know when you are NOT planning to attend! We drop members from the Permanent Reservations List who do not let us know that they are not coming. As Gov. Zell Miller said, "Two Strikes and you are out."


If you are NOT on the Permanent Reservations List, we DO NEED your reservations. Please do so, as soon as possible, by e-mailing or by calling (404)210-5811 and leaving a message.

After 12:00 p.m. Friday, make reservations ONLY by calling (404)210-5811 and leaving a message.


Bring a Friend!

FLAG-Third National

And as always, we will be displaying the third national flag of the Confederacy and doing so proudly and with the honor and the respect that it deserves.

Membership in the Washington Civil War Round Table is open to everyone interested in the War Between the States and new members can join at the meeting.

Anita and I are hoping that you are enjoying the Washington Civil War Round Table!

Claibourne Darden

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