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February 2021


Cybersecurity Safety Tip

Enabling 2-Step Verification for Google Account

Google accounts synchronize with many other accounts to improve accessibility. This also makes it very important to take steps to safeguard your account. One of the best ways is to enable 2-step verification. This will help provide an additional layer of security in case you fall victim to a phishing email threat. REMC1 highly recommends that staff, especially administrative and administrative assistant staff, utilize this feature. Learn more about this at https://confluence.remc1.net/display/PS/Password+Security


Beware Ransomware!

Did you know education has the highest rate of ransomware attacks across all industries? The rate of attack is nearly three times higher than healthcare and nearly ten times that of finance! Why is that? Aren’t banks supposed to be the favored target for robberies?

Unfortunately, education entities are often viewed as a soft target for cybersecurity. They often lack the budget needs for proper staffing and updated systems. They are also well insured and can pay a ransom. Education is also collaborative, which requires trusting people and sharing content electronically.

A ransomware attack is when cyber criminals compromise a computer system and encrypt the data so that it’s not usable. The criminals then hold the encrypted data hostage until it’s victim pays the ransom fee, which can be as high as millions of dollars!

Email is one common route of the many ways to infect a system with malware. Cyber criminals often use social engineering techniques, including phishing, to persuade users to provide sensitive information, click on malicious links, download files and install malware masked as apps. In many cases, exploiting one computer user in an organization can compromise a whole system.

The best ways to fend off these types of attacks are through awareness and incorporating a few simple procedures. Employees need to exercise caution and remain alert when checking emails. Always be wary of links provided, scrutinize web addresses before entering personal information, and be very cautious about opening attachments. When in doubt, reach out to the email sender via a different method of communication to confirm the legitimacy of the request.

REMC1 takes cybersecurity very seriously and has implemented many tools, policies and safeguards to protect our computer systems and users from attack. Despite all the precautions taken, there is always a risk. This risk also becomes greater when more employees and students work and learn remotely. We need everyone's help to ensure our computer systems and users stay safe.

If you need help verifying the legitimacy of an email, installing or downloading files, or if you think your email account or computer has been compromised, we are only a call or message away. Working together is the best way to ensure our schools stay safe from ransomware and other cyber threats.

Learn more about cyber security at the MAISA MI Connect Cybersecurity Project: https://mi-connect.org/cybersecurity-project/


Computer Science Updates

Michigan Computer Science Asset Map Survey
In order to help implement computer science in Michigan, your feedback is needed. Please take 5-15 minutes to complete this survey. Individual responses will be kept confidential.

Code.org Summer Workshop (Discoveries and Computer Science Principles)
This workshop series is designed for teachers implementing computer science in grades 6-12. Stipends of up to $900 and SCECHs are available! Learn more by visiting http://www.mi-coding.com/


Tomorrow’s Talent Series: Information Security


Michigan Works! is collaborating with Michigan Tech’s Center for Educational Outreach, the MiSTEM network and many other partners from across the U.P on a new virtual job shadowing series for K-12 students called Tomorrow’s Talent. This month, technology was featured! Learn more at https://www.mtu.edu/outreach/access/tomorrows-talent-series/


2021 Virtual MACUL Conference

The Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) will be holding their annual technology conference virtually this year. The conference will be held March 17-20 with sessions being streamed live and recorded for later viewing. This will be a great opportunity for teachers from our region to participate as there will not be travel, lodging and meal expenses. Please see https://maculconference.org/ for session and registration information.

PIVO - Smart Interactive Pod


REMC1 has several technology items that you can check out to test and try in your classroom. One of our recent additions is the PIVO. The PIVO is a smart interactive pod that acts as a cameraman for your smartphone. This is a great tool for recording lesson tutorials and capturing video content which is so essential for remote and blended learning.

Learn more about the PIVO at https://getpivo.com/ and place your request to check this item out by visiting our Resource Request Form at www.remc1.org/links.

REMC Virtual PD Courses

The REMC Association of Michigan offers several free technology-focused professional development courses worth SCECHs! Registration for courses starting in April opens up on February 3. Check them out at https://www.remc.org/professionallearning/virtual-courses/


ISTELive21 - Super-Early-Bird Pricing!

The immersive and exploratory ISTE Conference will be online this year June 26-30. Enjoy live recorded sessions, on-demand resources and learn at your own pace digital experiences. Register by March 2 to take advantage of the super-early-bird pricing special of $135! This is a cost effective, convenient and schedule friendly way of experiencing this great conference. Learn more at https://www.iste.org/events/iste-events


The following links have a range of resources to help keep students learning, teachers teaching, and everyone safe.

CCISD COVID-19 Response Plan
Learning at a Distance Opportunities

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