
Now you know it's Summer! Peach Pie!!

Niles Pie is now a worker-owned cooperative!

About two years ago, Sarah, Toto and I were talking, and I brought up the thought that I'd been mulling over for awhile. Would they be interested in becoming a cooperative, becoming vested in Niles Pie?
What would that look like? Would Niles Pie change? What would it mean to our jobs? How would we even do something like that? What are you even talking about? We thought we'd pursue the idea, and started reaching out. After some more conversations and thinking and talking, we decided to work with Project Equity, to help us learn and organize ourselves. During that year-long process, we learned a whole lot made a bunch of new friends. and got invaluable help and advice. There's lots to tell you about, so stay tuned for an open house towards the end of the Summer. We will throw a big do and will need you to celebrate with us!

What’s a co-op?

A worker-owned cooperative is a form of employee ownership. What makes coops unique is they are businesses both owned and governed by their workers. Strategic decision making is democratic, adhering to the principle of one member, one vote. Profits are earned based on hours worked. Our cooperative has a traditional management structure, along with participatory culture and representative democracy with an elected board.


What does our cooperative look like?

Our worker owners now govern our company. Our daily operations remain the same, and all looks the same to the naked eye. Our original owner and founder, Carolyn Berke, remains with the company in her current role as general manager, but our company is now owned by its staff. This means that worker owners make decisions about things like workplace governance, annual budget, company direction and strategy. They also share in the profits and risks of the company on an equal basis. Not all our staff are members of the cooperative, and we may always be a mix of owners and employees, but we strive for an ownership culture and a democratically governed workplace. Our goal is to get as many of our staff to become worker-owners as possible because we believe it will make us a stronger company.



As a company, we believe in the democratic process and strive to provide stability and opportunity, with dignity and growth. We believe in a just economy. Our purpose in becoming a cooperative is to make, and keep, Niles Pie as an enduring company that offers worker-owners job stability and career opportunities in the local community and in the local food industry. In short, we believe that the best way for Niles Pie to continue to grow and prosper is to make sure the focus of our business is on both the quality of our product and the people who make, serve, and sell it.



Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Saturday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


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