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An infant always learns. The less we interfere with the natural process of learning, the more we can observe how much infants learn all of the time.

-Magda Gerber

April 2019 Newsletter


RIE® Foundations Course in St. Louis

Gail Nadal, RIE® Associate and Incoming President of RIE®

I am so excited about coming out to your city to teach the RIE® Foundations course in the summer. It is wonderful to hear so many people are interested in Magda Gerber’s work and her ideas of Infant responsiveness and respect will allow your baby, child care site or family relatives understand the importance of recognizing the innate ability of a young infant. By treating infants as young people with capabilities and abilities, you will grow to understand how important a child needs to feel cared for and love.
I hope you consider taking this course while I am in your area this summer. It will change your way of thinking and allow you to better understand the importance of relationships and building trust in all avenues of your life. I currently live in Sacramento, California and work for a public agency where we serve young children in the Head Start and Early Head Start program. Children in our program are from at risk families where poverty and not having enough is their way of life. But the children in the program are in classrooms where they are treated with respect, learn to care about others and feel self confidence in themselves. These children are happy and content at school.
Join us for this course and you will find the information to support respect in all areas of your life. For more information, please contact Shannon at

The class size is limited so leave your registration ad deposit soon.
Looking forward to meeting you.

RIE® Impact - One School's Story

After taking the intensive RIE® Course, it changed our whole outlook on our infant and toddler program. We were able to see infants through “new eyes” and really see how they should be naturally developing. We changed the environment quite a bit after taking the Course. The infants spent most of their days on the floor naturally unfolding and our toddlers have more opportunities to explore and develop because of the environmental changes we made.

After learning how to observe without interrupting the children, we discovered that we needed alter the environment and create a safe space that the children are free to explore in. It wasn’t about having multiple toys, but it was about giving them open ended toys where children can be independent and free to explore.
We also enhanced our interactions during diaper changes and meal time. We have slowed down diaper changes spending time with each child while making strengthening connection. At meal time we supported our child's need for independence and now provide open-faced cups and their constant need for more has lessened. Over time we have created a wonderful meal period that the teachers and children can really enjoy.
Overall, the RIE® Foundation Course has really helped us move forward in an amazing way to benefit the children.

Theresa Berry-Peterson, Director
The Berry Patch Professional Child Care Center
RIE® Foundation Course Summer 2018

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2019 RIE® Foundations™ Course

This nine-day intensive course is for students, parents (including expectant), and professionals who want to develop and deepen their understanding of infant development and care. Course content includes an overview of Magda Gerber’s Educaring Approach - gross motor, fine motor and social-emotional development of the infant - designing the environment - planning the curriculum - issues in parenting. RIE® Foundations training can be applied in settings such as the natural family, the childcare center, and family childcare. The format for the course includes lectures, discussions, videos and visits to infant care centers.

Fri, Jul 26, 2019 - Sat, Aug 3, 2019
Approximately 9 AM-4:30 PM each day (including weekend days)

The Berry Patch Professional Child Care Center, 670 South Laclede Station Rd., St. Louis, MO 63119


RISE Child is Presenting!!

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Unstructured Play

April 13th

Webster Groves School District 1st Annual Wellness Event
9 a.m. - noon
Edgar Road Elementary
Benefits and Ways to Support Unstructured Play Indoors & Outdoors
This is a CHILD-WELCOME event!!

balance stones

Finding Balance: Infants, Toddlers and Their Caregivers

April 13th

ALL Day Event
Rivers Bend Conference in St. Charles, MO


Friends of RIE® - Missouri Community Group

April 22nd

The Berry Patch Professional Child Care Center
6:30 p.m.

Join us for a conversation about PLAY. This is a group is for parents and professionals of young children and/or anyone that is interested in caring for children in a respectful and meaningful way. Click here to learn more.

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Spring is Here!

Ten Healthy Benefits to Being Outdoors

1. Boost immune system
2. Lowers stress
3. Healthier eating habits
4. Play more creatively
5. Reduces nearsightedness (myopia)
6. Best way to get Vit. D = stronger bones
7. Reduces ADHD symptoms
8. Have greater respect for yourself and others (plants and animals alike)
9. Stronger motor skills/coordination
10. Increases feelings of happiness
1. Boost immune system
2. Lowers stress
3. Healthier eating habits
4. Play more creatively
5. Reduces nearsightedness (myopia)
6. Best way to get Vit. D = stronger bones
7. Reduces ADHD symptoms
8. Have greater respect for yourself and others (plants and animals alike)
9. Stronger motor skills/coordination
10. Increases feelings of happiness


Parent-Child Groups NEW THIS MONTH!

Wednesdays from 5:15-6:15 p.m.
For children who are are just beginning to move (roll, creep, crawl).
Contact Shannon at or at 314-348-1442 for more information.

$10 off Parent-Child Groups

Let RISE Child know you saw this offer in our April Newsletter and receive $10 off your next Semester of Parent-Child Groups.

"The way we care for our babies is how they experience our love"

- Magda Gerber

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