Motto of the Month

“Fall Reminds us that Change can be Beautiful”

-J. Stewart-

Colony Farm Community Gardens (CFCG) Name Change

We recently sent a notice with more details about our name change. If you've got an idea to contribute, especially if the name can work with the acronym CFCG, please submit it, here, before October 21st.

We will revisit the renaming challenge at a Members' Meeting (on zoom) in November when we will have completed the initial brainstorming for names.

Last Work party of the Year

October 14, 1-3 pm
Many jobs available including bin-loading, pruning, work in the food bank gardens and preparing for winter.
Have your garden gloves, sturdy footwear, and dress for the weather.

Winterize Plots by November 1

As per the CFCG Guidelines, remember the deadline to winterize plots is November 1st. Actively growing crops may remain in place.

Here are some tips to get your garden ready for winter.

Thanks to Muldoon Greenhouses!

These folks donated or discounted seedlings for our food bank gardens during the 2023 season. You can visit their website here.

New Seed Library

“Take a seed, leave a seed”

We have a brand new seed library which can be found in the food bank donations area. You can share dry, labelled seeds in an envelope or bag within.

Big thanks to Andy for your craftsmanship!

We are looking for a crafty gardeners who could carve/paint the motto and make us a sign: email if that's you.

Calling Creative Chefs and Curious Cooks!

Do you have favourite recipes using the produce grown in your plot that you'd like to share with fellow gardeners? Or perhaps you would like to discover fun, new recipes.

We have an online form where you can send in a recipe. Follow this link to share a recipe.
Everyone will be able to see the recipes by clicking here.

Happy Gardening! And don't forget - starting young gives the gardener the most time to grow.

Upcoming Dates

Oct. 14 Last Work party of the season
Oct 21 Last day to submit a suggested new name
Oct. 28 Last Tree Tour at sumiqwuelu/Riverview lands. Details here.
Nov. 14 Season end November Members' Meeting on zoom...

Important Information (Calendar, Guidelines, Bylaws, Code of Conduct) is on on the Member documents tab.

We acknowledge that we garden on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem First Nation). We thank the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm who continue to live on these lands and care for them, along with the waters and all that is above and below

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