Aging education and encouragement for the community, congregations, compromised seniors, and caregivers. Happy Grandparents Day! September 7th is a

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Aging education and encouragement for the community, congregations, compromised seniors, and caregivers.


September 7th is a day many set aside and celebrate YOU! Below is a little trivia about Grandparent’s Day.

Symbols: “The official song of National Grandparents Day is “A Song for Grandma And Grandpa” by Johnny Prill. The official flower for the day is the “forget-me-not” flower.”

Background: “National Grandparents Day has more than one origin. Some people consider it to have been first proposed by Michael Goldgar in the 1970s after he visited his aunt in an Atlanta nursing home, Spending $11,000 of his own money in lobbying efforts to have the day officially recognized, he made 17 trips to Washington DC over a seven-year span to meet with legislators. Others consider Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade, a housewife in West Virginia, to have been the main driver for the day of observance. Throughout the 1970s McQuade worked hard to educate the people about the important contributions senior citizens made and the contributions that they would be willing to make if asked. She also urged people to adopt a grandparent, not for one day a year and not for material giving, but for a lifetime of experience. In any event National Grandparents Day was finally signed into law by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. Marian McQuade received a phone call from the White House to advise her of this event. Many people believe that National Grandparents Day was inspired by her efforts. A presidential proclamation on September 6, 1979, made this day official – it designated Sunday, September 9, 1979, (being the “first Sunday of September following Labor Day”) as National Grandparents Day. Each year the President is requested to issue a proclamation to: designate the first Sunday in September after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day; and to call on people, groups and organizations to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”




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COUPONS: for Poise pads, BOOST, ENSURE...
GIFT CARDS/CERTIFICATES: DILLONS for meal groceries, CITY BLUE for printing needs, HOBBY LOBBY for gifting supplies, DOLLAR TREE for card ministry
WEBPAGE DESIGNER to work with Brielle on further website needs
LIFT CHAIR for a client


CHURCH COORDINATORS: lay people to be trained to coordinate a homebound ministry in their church.
VOLUNTEERS: male and female Christians to help in an area they desire.
People who like to COOK meals for others.


$ donations to pay ministry expenses.
$ donations set aside to purchase a west side HOUSE that we can convert into our KSC Ministry Center.
$ donations set aside to purchase a well maintenance CAR to transport clients in (easy to get in and out of).


Volunteer Spotlight

Abigail Brisco

Abigail Brisco volunteers with Koinonia Senior Care. “I grew up with my great-grandparents living with us. When I was about 8 we started going with my mom and (great) grandma to visit another lady (senior) once a week. We would play games, have pampering days where we did their nails and rubbed lotion on their arms and legs, dip pretzel sticks, go for drives to her old neighborhood, and even clean out a pumpkin, toast the seeds and read “The Parable of the Pumpkin!” We still go over to see her even though (great) grandma has died. Sometimes my sister and I go to visit other people with my mom, too! We’ve even interviewed a couple of them about what life was like when they were growing up!” When asked what she enjoys the most about visiting with seniors, Abigail said, “Their niceness!”



The gifts that really get God’s attention – the ones that are a fragrant offering and pleasing to God – are the ones given from the heart. Those gifts – no matter how great or small – given to God as the primary recipient, are the gifts that really make a difference.

When looking in the Bible at gifts that were pleasing to God, the common thread, no matter how big or small the gift – was the attitude of the heart:

God accepting Abel and his gift, but not Cain’s;
Noah offering burnt sacrifices when he got off the boat and God “smelled the pleasing aroma”;
The gifts from the Philippian church are described by Paul as a “fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God”;
The poor widow presented her two mites at the temple . Your gift DOES make a difference to Koinonia Senior Care – and to God. Thank you. Thank you for giving to the Lord with such a generous and self-less heart!

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7


The Love Understanding & Wisdom of Great Grandpa

Great grandson whispered, “I tinkled a little in my pants.”
“I do that too!” laughed Great Grandpa.

Great grandson complains, “Everybody walks so fast. It’s hard for me to keep up.”
“I know what you mean,” agrees Great Grandpa. “Walk beside me. My pace is much slower.”

Said the frustrated great grandson, “I have a hard time tying my shoes.” Said Great Grandpa, “I do too.”

Said the great grandson, “I’m learning my directions: left, right, north, south, east, west.”
“I’m still learning,” said Great Grandpa, “but the main direction on know is UP – up to God.”

Said the growing great grandson, “I am losing my teeth!”
“Me too!” exclaimed Great Grandpa as he takes out his dentures for a closer look by his great grandson.

Great grandson informs, “Mom says I have selected hearing.”
“Your Great Grandma accuses me of the same thing!” answers Great Grandpa with a little smirk.

“One other thing,” said the great grandson, “I’m looking forward to seeing Jesus, David, Daniel, Paul, and all our family who know Jesus someday.”
The great Grandson feels the warmth of a wrinkled old hand, “I know what you mean,” said Great Grandpa.

Written: to “Great Grandpa Frank” about you & your great grandson, Nathan Brisco. Written by your grand-daughter and biggest fan, Christine. 2000


Adopt-a-Grand-friend is as easy as 1-2-3!

There are many seniors who cannot get out of their homes. Some are caregivers taking care of their spouses. Others are the spouses being cared for. Some are recent widows who are still hurting after the loss of a spouse. Some have been widowed for a long time. Many feel alone and forgotten.

We have an opportunity to say “We are thinking of you,” “Our family is praying for you,” “You are special to God and to us,” “Is there anything you need or that we can help you with?” (Winter shoveling, grocery store when it’s too cold, bring a meal…) God will bring someone to mind for your family to pray for & love on!

1 Choose a home-bound or widow Grand-friend for your family to adopt.
- Home-bound or widow neighbor,
- Home-bound or widow church member, or
- Home-bound or widow from Koinonia Senior Care’s ministry list. See/call Christine Brisco (316-209-9028)

2. Chat with your Grand-friend at least once-a-month. Take them a small gift!
- February 14th – Valentine’s card(s), flower, chocolate, Sing “Jesus Loves Me” as this is true love!
- Make home-made bread, cookies, card in mail, take a meal, take a plant, May Day flowers, Sept. Grandparent’s Day
- Subscribe to Koinonia Senior Care’s “Care Connection” weekly e-newsletter for ideas to connect with seniors (

3. Challenge others through journaling & sharing what you have done with your Grand-friend to inspire others and spur them on to good deeds! Share your story with Koinonia Senior Care to be put in their newsletter to inspire others, as well!


Koinonia Senior Care:


Honoring God & seniors by educating & encouraging families, the community and our churches to provide CARE for those whom God puts in
their path.

Christian Fellowship, Assistance, Respite, Errands


To captivate our community with the character of Christ through compassionate CARE.


To be a model community of churches and neighbors who bring moments of joy, honor, help and hope to widows, the aging and their caregivers through personally providing CARE for those God puts in their path.


Attitude of HONOR

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