In this issue -- \* Battle over whether police should get away with murder sharply focused on Quentin Tarantino's participation in #RiseUpOctober \*


In this issue --
* Battle over whether police should get away with murder sharply focused on Quentin Tarantino's participation in #RiseUpOctober
* STOP police terror actions coming up
* Crowd-Fund upcoming actions; your donations doubled now

SideWithQuentin to STOP Police Terror As Police Threats Continue

Note: Quentin Tarantino will be on MSNBC's Chris Hayes show, 8:00 pm EST Wednesday 11/4, and on Bill Maher on HBO Friday November 6.

Yesterday, Quentin Tarantino told the LA Times, “What they’re doing is pretty obvious. Instead of dealing with the incidents of police brutality that those people were bringing up, instead of examining the problem of police brutality in this country, better they single me out. And their message is very clear. It’s to shut me down. It’s to discredit me. It is to intimidate me. It is to shut my mouth, and even more important than that, it is to send a message out to any other prominent person that might feel the need to join that side of the argument.”

In response to this, more police unions and police representatives responded to Tarantino's comments with even more threats.

Today, Rise Up October organizers announced a #SideWithQuentin social media campaign, for example on Twitter:

QuentinTarantino is NOT apologizing. He has nothing to apologize for. He spoke out 4 these lives #SideWithQuentin

You can read other statements here. These include prominent voices of conscience as well as very moving statements from a number of families of victims of police murder.

Join the #SideWithQuentin social media campaign Let's respond to these threats on Tarantino by bringing many others to support the call to STOP police terror.

Quentin Tarantino interviewed by KPFK Radio &LA Times

See all statements in support of Quentin Tarantino from dozens of family members whose loved ones lives were stolen by police violence, and others including Carl Dix, Cornel West, Peter Coyote, Ed Asner, Bill Ayers, filmmaker Charles Burnett, The National Coalition against Censorship, First Amendment attorney Martin Garbus, Robert Meeropol, Founder, Rosenberg Fund for Children and others.
▪ Carl Dix and family member Alicia Kirkman in today's USA Today
* Carl Dix & Dr. Cornel West on WNYC today
▪ Carl Dix refutes attacks on Quentin Tarantino on Al Jazeera America
▪ Carl Dix on Fox's Justice with Judge Jeanine on Saturday, October 31, and Megyn Kelly on Monday, October 26
▪ Carl Dix's comments on #RiseUpOctober and the attacks on Quentin Tarantino in the Associated Press, The New York Times, Reuters, The Guardian, and The New York Observer
▪ Carl Dix on the Roland Martin Show
Carl Dix Challenges Police Unions to Debate


Tamir Rice, aged 12, killed by Cleveland police 11/22/14

STOP police terror events 2015/2016

November 14-21 Local & some regional meetings to plan next steps for RiseUp to STOP Police Terror.

Sunday November 22 Protests nationwide on the 1 year anniversary of the Cleveland police killing of Tamir Rice. A grand jury is meeting now, withmany signs pointing to NO indictment of the two cops who killed Tamir. Make your local plans now!


Friday November 27 No Business As Usual. STOP police terror

Friday November 27 "Black" Friday

RiseUp STOP Police Terror is joining an active boycott of holiday shopping. Don't stay home and be quiet about it. Get on social media; tell your friends; and get out on the streets on 11/27 to say

Police Terror & Murder Must Stop!
Which Side are You On?

600px Ferguson

Protesters from Ferguson MO & many other cities came to #RiseUpOctober. Next steps include NO More Stolen Lives Tour of campuses & communities. Sign up here to be involved

NO More Stolen Lives Tour, Nationwide, February 2016

"Be out there, making a powerful force of the voices of the relatives of those murdered by police," said Carl Dix & Cornel West at #RiseUpOctober.

During Black History Month, the Stop Mass Incarceration Network will organize tours to campuses & communities across the country. Family members of those whose lives have been stolen by police and other organizers of the movement will bring the reality of police terror to thousands of students & organizations.

SIGN up now to be a speaker, help raise funds, & help organize the tour.

Students -- help bring the tour to your campus. Write or call 646.418.4758


Join in the crowd-funding of upcoming protest & organizing. The next $1,056 in donations will be doubled.


Rise Up October to STOP Police Terror Crowd-funding Continues: Your donations DOUBLED now

$101,944 total funds raised

The campaign CONTINUES and so does the need for funds, focused on the fundraising campaign at indiegogo. Together we met the $100,000 goal to pay for families traveling to NYC, and for the events of RiseUpOctober.

Right NOW there is a $3,000 challenge match to raise the urgently needed funds to carry forward the national movement to STOP police terror.

All donations up to $103,000 will be doubled.

If you have been involved in this struggle, or you are just learning about Rise Up October – from the widespread media coverage; from the attacks on Quentin Tarantino's participation in #RiseUpOctober by NY police union official, Patrick Lynch; and from Carl Dix speaking out on Fox News – taking on Fox's drumbeat that there is a "war on police" – donate now and challenge everyone you know to contribute.

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