Hi Member, "Community...is our survival. We humans wither outside of community. It isn’t a luxury, a nice thing; community is essential to our well b

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eNews Hello Friends June 2016 v2
Penguins and Community

Hi Member,

"Community...is our survival. We humans wither outside of community. It isn’t a luxury, a nice thing; community is essential to our well being."

I really like this quote I found when I was writing the post below about Community. It sums up exactly how I feel about the importance of belonging to a group you identify with as your Community (and it's one of the main reasons I started Vetanswers). You can read more about it in the blog post below.

There's also the 'Top 10' list for May but this time I've also included resources that made the cut. Interestingly 4 out of the top 10 are dental related - hmmm...maybe veterinary dentistry is starting to really take off!

Also this week - the 'What's on in 2016? Veterinary CPD Calendar' has not only been updated for June BUT I've also added a 2017 snapshot (I know it's only half way through the year!).

Perfect timing really, as one of the posts I came across this week and featured below discusses 'How to reduce turnover among the younger employees in your business'. And 2 of the 5 suggestions are to enhance development opportunities, and provide great training! So I suggest you print up a copy of the CPD Calendar and sit down with your Gen Y staff asap.

Our aim is to help you - save time, connect & discover!

Enjoy your reading :)



Vetanswers Blog Posts...

Community - why it s important for you and your veterinary clients blog

Community - why it's important for you and your veterinary clients

Whether introverts or an extroverts, people are social creatures. We need to connect with others and even more importantly we need to connect with others with similar interests – we need to feel they ‘get’ us.

Top Blog Posts for May 2016

Top 10 Veterinary Blog Posts & Resources for May 2016

Which of the Vetanswers blog posts and resources were the most popular with our Community in May? The list is a little different this month as I've also included the resources that made the top 10 list. So here they are in case you missed them the first time around.......


VETtalk.biz Podcast #15: So Many Pet Fish... So Few Fish Vets!

This week's 7 minute Podcast features..... Dr Richmond Loh

Almost unbelievably there are 10.7 million pet fish which amounts to around 18% of the total pet population but how many fish vets do you know? You could probably count them on one hand.

And that is a big problem according to The Fish Vet Dr Richmond Loh who is out to change all that with the end result being a positive impact on your practices bottom line!

Click here to listen to the podcast


Save up to 25% off the price of bulk packs...


Pet Protector - Online Course for Pet Owners

Great for your clients. Great for your practice

Whoops! Did you have trouble accessing the special offer last week? Sorry, it wasn't available until the 1st June.

BUT the offer is now up & running!

So check out the special offer from CCG for Vetanswers members for their new online course 'Pet Protector' - it's the perfect way to educate your clients.

1. Buy one to try the course yourself and save 10% OFF the price - just use the code PROTECT10 to redeem this offer,
2. Buy bulk packs to sell (or give away!) and save 25% off the price - use the code PROTECT25 to redeem this offer

BOTH of these offers end 30 June 2016

Click here to find out more...


What's on in 2016? Updated for June AND 2017 training now included

What s on in 2016 -12 month CPD calendar for the veterinary industry JUNE red

Click here to download your copy of the What's on in 2016? CPD Calendar for the Veterinary Industry - JUNE


ACVA Blog Logo

Workshops (Australian College of Veterinary Acupuncture)

1. Balance Method for Musculoskeletal Conditions - Dr Barry Haywood

When: 22 June 2016, Geelong
Who: This workshop is for veterinarians who have studied and use acupuncture

2. Practical Acupuncture Workshop for Equine Practitioners - Dr Kevin May

When: 14 September 2016, Geelong
Who: This workshop is for veterinarians who have studied and use acupuncture

3. Canine Trigger Point Workshop - Dr Mark Hocking

When: 18 September 2016, Geelong
Who: This workshop is open to all veterinarians interested in learning more about trigger points

Click here to download brochures on all 3 workshops



The 7th International Online Veterinary Conference 2016 (Vet Education)

When: 11 - 21 July 2016
Where: Online
What: 2 webinars per day, Monday to Thursday, over 2 weeks
Who: 16 speakers from Australia, UK, USA & NZ

Click here to find out more....


Mindfulness: Helping you thrive in your veterinary work (NZVA)

When: Module 1 commences 13 June 2016
Where: Online
What: Learn simple techniques that will improve your personal wellbeing and establish a healthier daily work/life balance.

Find out more here....


Vetanswers ad June

2016 ProSkills Online Short Courses (CCG)

NEW Releases for June:

Meeting etiquette
Client communication: the demanding client
Euthanasia self care
How to run a team meeting
Patient observation: post surgery
Nursing the FLUTD cat

Click here to discover more


Focus on......

Young vet

How to reduce turnover among the younger employees in your business (Smart Company)

"According to Deloitte, the main reason younger workers leave a company is because they don’t feel they have a purpose or are connected to the company. If Millennials feel they are working for a purpose they will commit themselves to your organisation."

1. Enhance development opportunities

2. Facilitate freedom

3. Create connections

4. Provide valuable feedback

5. Provide great training

Click here to read the full post....


Seth Godin

The possibility of optimism (the optimism of possibility) (Seth Godin)

One of my favourite (non-vet) bloggers is Seth Godin. He publishes a post every day and they're often short and to the point - just like this one. He's definitely worth following!

"Is the glass half full or half empty?

The pessimist sees what's present today and can only imagine eventual decline. The glass is already half empty and it's only going to get worse.

The optimist understands that there's a difference between today and tomorrow. The glass is half full, with room for more. The vision is based on possibility, the future tense, not the present one.

Pessimists have trouble making room for possibility, and thus possibility has trouble finding room for pessimists.

As soon as we realize that there is a difference between right now and what might happen next, we can move ourselves to the posture of possibility, to the self-fulfilling engine of optimism."

Here's the link to the original post so you can subscribe....


Vetanswers Daily Top Tips...


This week I also found these resources....

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