
Open Studio's at Interlude this weekend Aug. 28th &and 29th 12pm-5pm as Part of Upstate Art Weekend


I'm an artist in residence at this wonderful residency for parents. Interlude has been wonderful. I've been working and the children have had a wonderful time. This weekend is Upstate Art Weekend It would be great to see you.

It's been a crazy year.... 20 months... I just counted on my fingers. My hands, arms, and head have been full. Sooo full. We were supposed to do this last summer but the Pandemic changed that. I am very thankful for this opportunity and I strongly encourage my fellow artist with children under 18 to apply. I have also had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know my fellow artist in residence,Alina Tenser, a brilliant multidisciplinary conceptual artist whos work re examines they way in which we intereact with space and objects. It has been wonderful to watch our children play. Please read about her work here Below are a few pictures from my time at this residency as well as information on my most recent book. Our studios will be open this Saturday and Sunday from 12pm-5pm

A few works in process.

03 Book Comps

Akin, is my most recent book, Published by Welancora Gallery with beautiful Photo's and Essays from Brilliant Writers Greg Tate and Diane McClure. You can purchase the book here or go to

The children are also creating here at Interlude

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If you can make it up here this weekend. It will be wonderful. SO many artist, So many arts organizations. You do need a vehicle to travel around though. Follow thislinkfor ideas on Navigation

I am honored to have work in the following books. Click the images to learn more.

The Fairmont Art wall 33 Littleton ave Newark NJ

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Together we are one 8x14 feet 2018

The Fairmont Art wall 33 Littleton ave Newark NJ

The art wall features the works of Manuel Acevedo, Xenobia Bailey, Willie Cole, Kevin Darmanie, Ya La'Ford, Jerry Gant. Gladys Graur. Musa Hixson. Antonio Melero, Otto Neals, Mike Rader, Kevin Blyth Sampson, Lisa C Soto and myself. It is truly an honor to show my work with so many amazing artist.

Architect: David Adjay Assoc.
Concept: Baye Adofo Wilson
Curators: Danny Simmons and Victor Davson
Managing Arch: Sanders Assoc.
Construction: Jingoli & Son
Art Production Facilitator: Myrah Brown Green

Check out these mini documentaries on my work.

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Its me!

Warren Wade Anderson and John Carluccio produced a very interesting 3o minute mini documentary on my work and my life.
You can find it here

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Click on this link to Checkout this awesome video from Bric TV. Produced and Directed by John Carluccio of Cinqua


The Catalogue for Conjure is still available at Welancora Gallery.

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