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Hello, Friends!

Happy Fall!

It seems like time has flown by so fast the past few months. Of course I was sick with some serious poison oak and extreme allergic reaction to prednisone, most of October, but I am so happy and grateful to say, I am much, much better, and back to offering you the best support I can to keep you well this fall and winter season!

What I have learned contemplating last month's debilitating illness, is that our health is something to be grateful for! It amazed me how my body reacted, and just as amazing was how my body healed. It surprised me how when I was really sick, it was easy to feel really negative and hopeless. And it humbled me that hope is a powerful emotion for healing.

I definitely do not wish a healing crisis like I had on anyone. And I am here to say... if you are going through some kind of hopeless health crisis, Hang On!!!

Your body is a temple of healing. It is always trying its best to heal. Have faith. Pray. Ask your body what it needs. Listen, listen, listen and follow your inner guidance.

Sometimes we take the wrong healing pathway because of fear. I know I sure did! I was so afraid that I wasn't going to be able to function without sleep for another day (because the poison oak itchiness kept me up for hours at night), that I followed everyone else's guidance instead of my own. I went to the nearest nurse practitioner and begged for a predisone shot to stop the itching.

The good news was that it did stop the itching. The bad news was that I got the worst allergic reaction I have ever had in my life. My face, chest and arms swelled up from the poison oak/prednisone combination, and all hell broke loose on my skin. It was not pretty!

Why I'm bringing this up is that fear is the worst place to make decisions from. Especially about your health.

If I had listened to my gut intuition, I would have called my homeopath right away. But my ego kept telling me, "Oh, you can handle this" (when I first broke out with the rash.) Then after the allergic reaction my ego told me to follow the nurse practitioners advice and take the benedryl.

After a week of not much change in my health, I finally surrendered to my inner knowing and called my friend the Homeopath. She spent a half hour on the phone with me to listen to my symptoms, then came over with a remedy for my skin and allergy. In 3 days I could see and feel a significant difference in my health.This gave me hope. And 3 days after that, my skin was healing.

To me it was a miracle. A healing miracle.

So friends, no matter what your health challenge, DON'T GIVE UP!

There are so many alternative healing modalities out there!

I practice just a handful. I am committed to helping you the best way I can. But if my gifts don't help you, or you are not seeing the results you want, then ask me for a referral. I know many, many other healers that do wonders for people everyday.

Let's all make the last few months of 2019 our healthiest ever!!!

7 Secrets Ebook

What's New

FREE ebook -7 Secrets to Release Weight without Dieting!

In celebration of the Holiday Season, I love to give you, my friends, my best secrets for increased Health & Wellness.

This year, I'm offering you a FREE Guide on How to Release Weight without Dieting.

I know that sounds impossible, but when you put these 7 Secret Steps in Motion, you will automatically begin to feel lighter, in body, in feelings and in spirit. As your lightness increases, you'll begin to make better choices regarding what you eat. And as you choose lighter and healthier foods, you will naturally, organically release weight.

Each step focuses on one of your three centers: body, mind and spirit. This to me is the most natural way to release weight. When you look at weight reduction holistically, from a total self view, you must use your three centers to accomplish your goal.

To get your hands on this 7 Secrets Guide, click here!

Holiday Savings Coming November 29th!

Whether you desire to take advantage of my massage offerings, energy healing, or coaching programs, keep an eye on your inbox after Thanksgiving for 3 days of Savings!


On Going Classes

Radiant Health Yoga©

Open your heart and mind to Radiant Health through Radiant Health Yoga®. A Mind/Body class that delivers an opportunity for you to slow down, listen to the inner workings of your body, and move to the rhythm of your own breath.

RHY© was designed by Joanna Cashman of Bend, OR. She combines the traditional poses from Hatha Yoga and includes Yoga movements that develop your brain elasticity, called NeuroDevelopmental Patterning! So not only is RHY© good for your body, it is also strengthening for your mind, and of course with any yoga class, you leave uplifted in spirit.

RHY© meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 11:30am at Greenville Wellness Center at 414 Main Street.

All Levels are welcome.


Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention®

Over 20 years ago, Dr. Paul Lam, from Australia, devised a series of Tai Chi for Health Programs designed to improve health and be used as preventative medicine.

Over 2 years ago, I received certification to teach Dr. Lam's Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention® to seniors and anyone that struggles with Arthritis Pain or Loss of Balance.

Dr. Lam's programs are Evidence Based exercises, which means, this program is PROVEN to reduce recurring falls by 70%. Many Arthritis Foundations recommend this Program for reduced pain and improved quality of life.

In September of this year, I returned to the training ground and renewed my certification of this program. I am delighted to say, that one of my students joined me this year and completed a certificate of participation in this class and is now able to substitute teach for me! (Congratulations Jeannie!!)

Between the two of us, learning Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention® will be a cinch! Plus, you will receive my 20 years of Health and Wellness knowledge mixed in with the lessons! This is not a class to miss if you are struggling with Pain, have poor balance, are out of shape, or just desire to make friends. TCAFP® is also gentle enough to do seated! It is a healing help to everyone at any age!

TCAFP meets Tuesday & Thursday from 10am to 11am at Greenville Wellness Center.

New Students are Always Welcome!


Massage Therapy News

For over 20 years, I have provided therapeutic touch to clients, family and friends. Offering Therapeutic Massage, Relaxation, and Energy Massage has been such a mind opening experience! I am always astounded how each body I touch is different, how each person carries their tension in different places and how bodies absorb life circumstances and emotions.

Discovering these unique tendencies is what I enjoy most about my work, listening to what your body and its tension is saying to me lights me up. What I have noticed recently in clients is there are issues that are structural and issues that are emotional that cause pain in the body.

If the structure is muscular, and you are in good health and in a good emotional place, a massage will fix you right up. If the structure is bone or degeneration, sorry kids, massage will not fix you, but it will help alleviate the pain you are in for a while. You'll need to get an X-ray and dig deeper.

You can also dig deeper into emotional pain. My unique brand of Energy massage will help you identify and release any negative emotions stuck in your body that is now manifesting in pain. Some issues are surface, like feeling unsupported and having low back pain, feeling conflicted at work and having neck pain, annoyed with something and having sciatic pain. Massage and energy massage will help you release that.

Some emotional pain is deeper. Grief, Confusion, Break Ups, Chronic Fatigue, Standing at a Crossroads. Energy Massage will help you find clarity, and release any negative emotions in the body that are deep seated and cause pain so you'll find a way to release them.

Anytime your body is hurting and the hurt isn't going away, schedule an appointment. Helping you find out the source of your pain and to release it, is my passion and purpose.

To schedule a massage you can call me or
Schedule Online HERE


Wellness Coaching and Massage Integration

I should probably call this Wellness Counseling. I have known for 20 years that pyschology/counseling and bodywork go hand in hand. In fact we were trained this way in school.

There are so many circumstances of pain in the body that is just a stuck emotion. There is so much disorder in the mind that can be released by identifying where it is stuck in the body, and releasing the body tissue.

Clarity of mind and clarity of body are united. The best way to discover how to feel better in Body, Mind and Spirit is to involve your three centers, body mind & spirit, in your counseling appointments. That is why I began seeing clients as a Wellness Coach and using Massage Integration to effect change and ground it into the body/mind.

Each session combines the benefit of talking out what is upsetting your mind and heart with the intuitive guidance of massage and energy healing to help you make the positive changes you deeply desire in your life, your body, and your heart!

Single Sessions are available, but committing to an 8 Week Self Discovery Session is Optimal!

Feel free to contact me for a free consultation.

To get on my schedule, click here



Just in case you were not sure about everything I offer you and the community, here is a break down for you!

Therapeutic Massage,
Yoga Classes,
Tai Chi classes,
Healthy Eating Lifestyle Transformations,
Self Love Guide and Meditations,
Pain Management Workshops,
Laughter Yoga classes,
Qi Gong Classes,
Reflexology Sessions,
AromaTherapy Sessions,
Soul Energy Healing treatments,
Chakra Balancing meditations and More!!!

Think of me as your Holistic Health Practitioner to help you come back to balance in Body, Mind & Spirit!



Call 530-616-0032 for more information

Happy Thanksgiving....

May Kindness to others be your Gratitude in Action,


aka Nancy

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