
Reminder - Pre-Entry Closes Tomorrow at 8pm

Reminder ** Pre entry closes tomorrow at 8 pm, save some time and money by doing it now!
For those who never done this race its the most scenic race in the series, bring your family go to Horseshoe bend , Antelope canyon, Lake powell, the offers a mix of sand/sandstone. The Hare scramble will be nothing hard as some people are hearing!! If you want to test yourself try the exhibiton Hard Enduro Saturday.

This event has something for everyone. Saturday the little guys will race in the AM with a hard enduro exhibition Saturday afternoon if you want to give it a go. Later at night the clubs are hosting a Halloween Trick-or-Treat for the kiddos so come prepared with some candy and a spooky campsite. Then on Sunday the big bikes will be out there giving it a go.

Monster Energy has put forth 25 cases of Monster which will be available onsite for $3.

Pre-Entry closes at 8 pm 10-26. Big Bike race is $75 pre-entry and $85 day of the race. Minis are $35 pre/post. Hard Enduro exhibition is $25 cash only onsite.

Gate fees are $5 /person with a max of $10 /car with 2 or more. We highly encourage everyone to car pool and save some $$$.

See you all there!


2022 Season Schedule



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Did you know AMRA has TWO Facebook pages?

AMRA Racing - Arizona Motorcycle Riders Association is the official page, an extension of our website. Here you can find race information including event flyers and photos and be kept up-to-date on official AMRA news such as pre-entry and results.

AMRA Racing - Group is a forum based group page where riders, sponsors and fans post their own race photos, ask for recommendations on maintenance, sell parts and bikes or just talk smack.

Be sure to join both pages and adjust your notifications to receive posts on your news feed to be sure you are always current on your AMRA affairs. Feel free to like and share any and all posts as there is always someone looking for a race series who just doesn't know about AMRA.

All questions for AMRA should be directed to the corresponding steward.
Big Bikes:
Mini Bikes:


Don't forget to follow us on social media for all the latest AMRA information! Simply click one of the buttons below to get started and tag #amraracing whenever you are out riding and racing!

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