
We are thrilled to announce that the Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being (JCSWB) and the Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN) are partnering in our efforts to increase awareness for our respective activities to each of our online communities. The purpose of the exchange is to highlight relevant information to the shared communities of police, researchers and stakeholders, alike.

CPKN and the journal staff at SG Publishing have worked together in developing an exciting schedule of tweets, newsletters, banner ads and announcements! We hope you find this information beneficial and interesting. Our shared goal is to expand the reach of the JCSWB to the CPKN audience, encouraging submissions and readership engagement, while also highlighting the courses and activities of CPKN to our journal’s readership. It just makes sense!

We are excited to partner with CPKN, and welcome and encourage other organizations to partner with the Journal as it continues the mission of advancing knowledge, evidence and dialogue to support the considered adoption of public policy, the sustainability of related practices, and the best principles of multi-sector collaboration, at the intersections among health, education, human services and criminal justice systems. For more information about partnership opportunities, please contact JCSWBCommunity@sgpublishing.ca.

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Policing in 2019: Knowledge and Collaboration Top Selections on the Menu at Calgary

It has long been a high point on my professional calendar to attend the annual Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police conference and annual general meeting. This August marked my 18th consecutive attendance, this year hosted by the Calgary Police Service. In my mixed roles as a professional advisor, a program director, and an editor-in-chief, it often seems that more work gets done in those six days of formal meetings and informal networking than throughout the rest of the year.

Of course, that is not entirely accurate. Each new productive season that follows owes much of its workload to the new directions and initiatives that take shape around those many tables. This year, virtually every table was set for discussions on two themes that mark a significant evolution in policing since my earliest conferences: an almost insatiable hunger for knowledge; and, an omnipresent desire to collaborate with others outside the policing sector.

The latter stems from a growing appreciation among police professionals at all levels. Virtually none of the most pressing issues affecting the safety and well-being of Canadians can be addressed alone through the traditional core functions associated with the police. One defining example is the current opioid crisis, alongside other illicit drugs manifesting as lethal epidemics affecting our communities. Only a few years ago, almost any gathering of police would have betrayed an ingrained bias for enforcement, with zero tolerance for people who partake. Today, police have become widely convinced that criminal sanctions have been unsuccessful and even misguided, and that illicit drug use and its attendant vulnerabilities represent a public health issue of epic proportions.

Solutions to the drug crisis can only be found and operationalized in close partnership with health, addiction services, social services, education authorities and community-based organizations. This same observation was repeated at multiple committee tables addressing issues including intimate partner violence, cybercrime and child exploitation, guns and gangs, CSWB planning, mental health responses, and even the well-being of policing's own members.

Amid this growing array of collaborations-by-necessity, enter the most imperative piece of modern kit: knowledge. I am always impressed by the professionalism and preparedness with which police members approach their jobs, and as they seek to engage across multiple sectors, it is in their very nature to come prepared. Thus, their appetite and their respect for learning and research have never been stronger. Instinct and street smarts will always have their place in policing, to be sure. But, many have recognized that if police are to engage effectively outside their sector and contribute fully to shape public policy and practices with confidence, collaborative solutions will require validity, evidence, and authenticity.

Our Journal is an increasingly credible and global vehicle for the exchange of knowledge in service of solutions to a wide range of policing and public health challenges and opportunities. The only peer-reviewed journal founded on the mission of multi-sector collaboration, our over 75 articles published to date sit firmly on the interfaces among these interacting human service systems. As always, we encourage our authors and readers in policing and in all CSWB sectors to help us grow this global body of knowledge together.

Norman E. Taylor
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being

brian RECTOR

Brian Rector, PhD

Section Editor, JCSWB

I began employment with the Government of Saskatchewan in 1981, and for 38 years functioned as director of psychology and treatment in fields such as developmental disabilities, child welfare, young offenders, and adult corrections. I have collaborated with universities in the fields of forensic psychology, mathematics, computer science and economics to incorporate leading-edge concepts, technologies, and methodologies to assist in improving human service outcomes in child welfare, justice, and policing.

Currently I am the inaugural Senior Director of the Community Solutions Accelerator, Edmonton Police Service. The purpose of the Accelerator is to improve public safety by building upon the expertise of policing, and its history of community engagement, with formal collaborations involving experts in diverse fields from universities and corporations. By looking at information with a different set of eyes, can we improve or develop new tools and interventions that have a direct bearing on community safety and empirically demonstrate this impact? Some of these new tools will involve the ability to analyze multiple sources of streaming social media, with information from standard records management systems, to produce real-time insights for intervention. This idea is not new of course. But we are nowhere near what is possible, never mind what is possible tomorrow. Clarity of purpose—improving public safety—will be the engine that will drive this development.

It is an exciting time, and an honour, to be a Section Editor for the Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being. The diversity of articles submitted to the Journal for consideration constantly reminds me of how complex and challenging the issues are for communities, and for those that serve.


The latest issue of the Journal of CSWB is now available online! To view the Table of Contents and download articles from this issue, please visit:


Highlights from this issue include:

The politics of pot in Canada: Consumers, enforcers, and profiteers [Commentary]
Sandra Hodzic, Robert Chrismas

Benefits of delivering Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) training to police: An individual perspective
[Social Innovation Narrative]
Jo Ramessur-Williams, Annemarie Newbury, Michelle A. McManus, Sally A. Rivers

A systematic review on LGBTIQ Intimate Partner Violence from a Western perspective
Alex Workman, Tinashe Dune


Check out our Top 3 most read articles for the Journal of CSWB based on the number of full text views and downloads recorded on our website from September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2019. Click here to view other articles from our archives.

On the economics of post-traumatic stress disorder among first responders in Canada (16,945 Views)
Stuart Wilson, Harminder Guliani, Georgi Boichev
Vol 1, No 2 (2016)

Mobilizing and engaging your community to reduce victimization and reinvest police resources (4,480 Views)
J.V.N. (Vince) Hawkes
Vol 1, No 2 (2016)

Treatment of psychopathic offenders: Evidence, issues, and controversies (2,669 Views)
Mark E. Olver
Vol 1, No 3 (2016)


LEPH2019 Presenters: Submissions to our Special Conference Issue Due October 1, 2019

The Journal of CSWB is publishing a collection of articles in our December 2019 issue to highlight works presented at the Fifth International Conference on Law Enforcement & Public Health (LEPH2019). As the official publication of LEPH2019, the Journal invites presenters to submit a full article version of their conference presentation to be considered for publication. The Journal provides an excellent venue and opportunity to increase the visibility of your studies and investigations, as well as to share knowledge that will impact and improve approaches to overall law enforcement and public health. Submissions are due October 1st, 2019. If you have questions regarding online submissions or our author guidelines, please contact JCSWBCommunity@sgpublishing.ca.


Call for Papers

Our open call for papers continues – original research, reviews, social innovations, commentaries, and more! We encourage your contributions to the growing CSWB and LEPH body of knowledge and evidence base. We invite you to review the Focus and Scope of the Journal of CSWB prior to making a submission to ensure your article is a suitable fit for the journal. If you have questions regarding the suitability of a submission or our author guidelines, please contact JCSWBCommunity@sgpublishing.ca.

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Become a Reviewer and Get Involved

Want to get involved with the journal? We invite you to register as a Reviewer with the journal. Getting involved in the peer review process can be a highly rewarding experience that can also improve your own research and help to further your career. Reviewers also play an integral role in ensuring the high standards of the journal are met through evaluating manuscripts and providing constructive criticism to editors and authors.

To register as a reviewer ensure the “reviewer” box is selected and reviewing interests are entered upon registering with the journal at: https://journalcswb.ca/index.php/cswb/user/register

Questions? Contact support@sgpublishing.ca


Stanhope 2019: Police Training for Today and Tomorrow

Date: 2-3 October 2019
Venue: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Register: https://www.cpkn.ca/en/stanhope-register

LEPH2019: The Fifth International Conference on Law Enforcement & Public Health

Date: 21-23 October 2019
Venue: Edinburgh, Scotland
Register: https://leph2019edinburgh.com/registration/


If you are interested in having your meeting featured in our newsletter, please contact JCSWBCommunity@sgpublishing.ca.

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