
"But if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time"


Come on by on Thursday September 8th at 9am..


Join us at the Greenhouse, the Good Work Institute building at 65 James Street in Kingston. As summer ends Kingston Transition will be looking at the continuing new zoning process, the continuing climate grief conversations and hopefully will discuss what one group is doing to reduce single use plastics in the area. The meeting is open to everyone, please come and take part in the conversation. There is no formal agenda, we encourage you to bring your ideas and share them with your neighbors. If you have something specific you would like to discuss or present, please email us at transitionkingstonny@gmail.com See also our website at kingstonnytransition.org


BreakBread:The American Series

MC-Explainer-session 08092022

Martha Williams and John Scilipote talked about how their BreakBread project developed at our August meeting which was appropriately held in the outside courtyard of the Greenhouse. BreakBread grew out of the isolation of the pandemic and the need to have mindful conversations with others, where creativity and imagination can flourish and real interpersonal connections made. They did this both online, including internationally, and face to face. Martha and John developed a structure that involved giving the participants broad prompts that helped to build trust, empathy and the ability to listen deeply. In time they have taken this model to businesses and organizations with the goal of creating organizational cultural change by building trust, connection and empathy.
The American Series, which they hope to pilot in Kingston, is a face to face version of BreakBread with a goal to inspire conversation and rebuild community in towns and cities throughout the country. By bringing representatives from diverse community interests together, and by using the BreakBread model, they hope to create an environment of trust and respect, with meaningful conversations about values and ideas, rather than issues and solutions. By experiencing mindful conversations around these topics, the community can rethink what their community is and what the future may be.
Martha and John will host the initial pilot series of three dinners over two months, involving enthusiastic participants who will become advisors and future evangelists for the program. To launch the program in Kingston they will need sponsors, a location for dinners and catering, as well as artists of all kinds to record and create stories around the reclaiming of shared community. Anyone interested in getting involved should email Martha and John at connect@breakbread.world. Click here for their website.


Kingston Library Renovation Plans


Sarah Wenk, VP of the Library Board of Trustees, talked last month about the renovation plans for the Library and the $14million-25 year bond that is on the September 20th Library ballot. According to the Library website, the bond will increase taxes by 45 cents per $1,000 of assessed home value. The average Kingston homeowner will pay an additional $6.71 a month in taxes (based on an average assessed home value of $179,000). You can see the proposed renovation plans, including a detailed budget, on the Library website. There is a live information session at the Library (recording available online) on Thursday, September 8th, 6–8 pm.
The ballot also asks for approval of the annual budget and for members of the Board of Trustees. Absentee ballots are available for all Kingston residents by applying to the Library. Voting hours on Tuesday August 20th are 10am-8pm


Looking for a Repair Cafe?


Woodstock Transition is hosting a Repair Cafe on Saturday September 10th at the Community Center, 56 Rock City Road, from 10am to 2:00pm. Bring your broken but beloved items to be fixed for free by a group of dedicated and talented fixers - fun for everyone!

climate grief

Climate Grief Conversations continue on the first Thursday of every month at the Good Work Institute 6-8pm. It is free and open to anyone who has concerns about the climate, about our City of Kingston, and who are stressed about an uncertain future. Click here for more information


See you on Thursday September 8th at 9am?

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