2020 GBGV Color



2020 is our 43rd Festival and another opportunity to give back to the community. These are unprecedented times and like most we are all unsure of what the future holds. Sweet Pea is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation. Our utmost priority is the safety and health of our community. In the event we cannot present the Festival – our sole source of income – it remains imperative we honor our mission and our commitment to give back to the community. Therefore, all donations received this year will go towards grants as well as support some local artists and vendors who would otherwise be affected if Sweet Pea is not presented as planned.

And our goal is to raise $10,000 .

Please consider Giving Big and help us reach our goal.
If we all Give Big - we all Give Back and Get Back!

All donations to Give Big & Sweet Pea are online only

->Donate online from 6PM April 30 through 6PM May 1.<-

Where Art & Community Meet

Sweet Pea's mission is to promote and cultivate the arts and the Festival not only brings Art to Bozeman but allows us to award grants and sponsorship to other arts organizations in town. Over the years we have given over $375,000 to support arts in our community.

Date: April 30-May 1

Time: 6pm - 6pm

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