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What I Love About Dating Culture - Week 2

It's Anyone's Game

The new rule about dating is that there are no rules. There is so much more leeway for daters to make choices that truly reflect their authentic selves. While you may not have an experience that is completely free of social or familial pressure, the boundaries are far less rigid than they used to be. Anyone can be the pursuer. Being single later in life is no longer the kiss of death. People are freer to date outside of racial, cultural, religious and gender constraints. We live in an age where, not only is it true that there really is someone out there for everyone, but we have a million different ways to make connections with them.

If fear keeps you from putting yourself out there, keep in mind that there are fewer actual things to be afraid of than ever. So, take a deep breath and make your move. The world is your oyster.

Do you date "outside the lines?" Let us know about it on the Evolve Dating Facebook page.

Happy dating!



Evolve Dating by Dr. Christine Carpenter


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