Tuesday, 9th June 2015 11 Stars of the evening: >>> Click here for full event details <<< Pixie La Luna! Would spend her last $


Tuesday, 9th June 2015

EDM Pixie

Pixie La Luna!

Would spend her last $100 bucks on more blue sequinned fabric to go full-mermaid... Although she doesn't think anyone should never go full mermaid!
Her greatest achievement was the purchase of her first multipass!
When she grows up she wants to be the first Pixie Borg on the Starship Enterprise!

EDM Lucille

Lucille Spielfuchs!

Would spend her last $100 bucks on stuff to make/create and then sell it. Oh and splash out on a big block of chocolate to make it extra enjoyable! Her greatest achievement hasn't happened yet. "But, hearing an audience roar with applause after one of her performances (and sounding like they'd never stop) was pretty grand!" When she was a wee turtle, she wanted to be a vet. Now she wants to be a great actor, so she can be anything & everything!

EMD Shasta


Shasta would be happy if the last thing her money bought her was a bottle of champagne accompanied by the finest sushi.
Her greatest achievement is getting into her new (f&#king) catsuit! It only took 45mins and half a bottle of lube?! :)
Her dream is to be an art buyer for rich mofos with endless $$$$....

EDM Alice

Porcelain Alice

If the world was ending Porcelain Alice would head to the bakery and blow her last hundred on CAKE!

She is still waiting for her greatest achievement, and dreams of one day meeting David Bowie or becoming him? Im not too sure!?

EDM Leeloo

Leeloo Loren!

Leeloo would spend her last $100 dollars on a copy of William Shatner's spoken word version of Rocket Man, and one of those jumpers with the kangaroo pouch for her cat.
Her greatest achievement is maintaining her curves while never sticking with a diet!
When she grows up she wants to be a costume designer, Edith Head, reincarnated.

EDM Kael


Kael is the most mysterious of all, and I am no closer to knowing more about Kael. I especially dont know what she would spend her last $100 on!
But what I do know is; everyone who has seen Kael perform never forgets! She has a magical way of leaving an everlasting impression with everyone she entertains!

EDM Memphis

Memphis Mae!

Her greatest achievement is winning Miss Burlesque NSW and Miss Burlesque 3rd place DUH! But really her greatest achievement is being a good person and kicking butt at what she does!
When she grows up she wants to be her fabulous self, and thinks everyone else should have the same desire! "We are awesome and completely unique, so we should just be ourselves, unless your an asshole then stop it and don't be an asshole!"

EDM Diesel

Diesel Darling

There is no question on what Diesel would spend her last $100 on... lots a cheese and champagne!
She always dreamed of being a dancer, an actor and to have lots of pretty things. Now she is all grown up and she is a dancer, an actor and has lots of pretty things annnnd she has a Snake!" Diesel "I've done a lot of crazy things, lived a lot of crazy lives and been a lot of crazy places; but my biggest achievement along the way is being able to smile and tough-it-out when it seemed like there were no smiles left!" (hear hear!)

EDM Bella

Bella Louche!

Bella would blow her last $100 bucks on 50 packets of popping candy and a Bob Marley CD.
She is most proud of going a whole month without losing costume pieces at gigs (jokes, that never happened)
She dreams of owning and curating a entertainment venue, one that provides Sydney siders with the ultimate in sexy and smart entertainment!

EDM Billy

Bullseye Billy!

Billy would squander his last hundred on a personalised t-shirt that has his face on it and says "I spent my last $100 on this"
His greatest accomplishment is successfully putting together a costume half an hour before a show using only a hot glue gun and a pair of scissors!
Billy has grand plans to be a charismatic leader of his own doomsday cult!

EDM Rosie

Rosie Rivette!

With her last $100 she would indulge in at least 3 plates of garlic prawn pasta and donate the change to a charity.

Rosie's greatest achievement is producing her solo show and selling out!

When Rosie grows up she plans to be doco presenter.

Tickets to Dr Sketchy’s 8th Birthday Bash:

70% of all tickets are sold out! So get in quick to avoid missing out!

A-Reserve Tickets $25
Inc: A-Reserve reserved seating & a welcome drink

A4 Sketch pad & pencil $5

Dinner with Dr Sketchy Tickets $45
Inc: Dinner in the Graffiti Restaurant (6pm – 7pm)
Entry to Dr Sketchy, welcome drink, sketch pad and pencil

For more info visit:
www.drsketchy.com.au or sms Alisa on 0450 022 104

For venue or restaurant enquires please contact the ArtHouse Hotel on info@thearthousehotel.com.au or 9284 1200

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