Want to start off by saying congratulations to the two winners that join in on my contest I had recently in my Facebook Group The Official Karmel Divi

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Want to start off by saying congratulations to the two winners that join in on my contest I had recently in my Facebook Group The Official Karmel Divine Fan Page Taaliba and Keisa both won a $20.00 each Amazon Gift Card. They did great with the contest. 20 questions about all of my books. It is nice to see great supporters. Congrats ladies. Muah!

Also if you haven't please do like my Fan Page Karmel Divine Fan Page


If you haven't read Grimey Bitch part 1 than what are you waiting for because part two is coming February 11, 2015. Check out Amazon. Buy, read and review.


Small sneak peek to Grimey Bitch 2 coming February 11th.

I pull the patio door open and run out first. I can feel Chas behind me, but next thing I hear is a gunshot and Chas yelling.
Dropping the pillow slip on the dry grass, I turn around to find Chas limping a bit. I can see the owner of the house pointing his gun our way.
I hear a clicking of his gun as he pulls the trigger again, but this time nothing happens.
I reach out, grabbing Chas. Chas is holding dearly to that damn pillow slip. I grab it from his hand and tosses it.
“Fuck that shit!” I shout and grab Chas by his hand, pulling him along. I don’t want anything to hold us down.
“No, get that shit!” he yells.
I glance over my shoulder, realizing the owner of the house must be out of bullets after only one shot or his gun is jammed. I don’t want to take a chance by reaching for that damn pillow slip.
I yank Chas hard, causing him to move faster. We finally get to the street, seeing that D-Note isn’t around. Chas points. “I parked down there.”
I look down at Chas’ leg, seeing his pants leg looks soaked.
Without saying any more words, Chas and I run for it as fast as we can. Limp or not he’s on it.
At his car I hop in the driver’s seat. He tosses me the car keys.
Starting it up, I begin to back up, and as I do something whizzes right past my damn head. I stop and look ahead. I can’t believe I see a bullet hole right in the center of Chas’ windshield.
“That cat shooting at us. Gooooooo!” Chas hollers as he reaches for his gun from his waistband. He places his gun out the passenger’s window, aims, and lets off a few rounds back at the old man.
I am so shocked I lose myself for a minute and then press down on the gas pedal hard as I can while moving in reverse. Then I spin the damn car in a circle and shift the gear into drive, push the metal to the floor, and hit it.
Gunshots rings out behind us, but nowhere near us.


Much love and happiness. I appreciate all your support.
