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May 2024

Engaging the Heart and Enriching the Spirit

Northern Lights on 2024-05-10 by Matty

Happy Month of May! Did you by any chance get to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights this month? Matty on our team did when he was out of the city away from all the light pollution (picture to the right). For those of us able to witness this celestial phenomenon also known as Aurora Borealis, it was an awe-inspiring thing to behold!

This month, we celebrated our mothers, whether our biological mother or a special woman who was a dear mother-figure to us. We may have showered them with gifts of flowers, perfume, lunch or dinner, and a beautiful card or note expressing our gratitude for all they did to shape and lead us into the people that we've become. Long after we enter adulthood our mother's example is with us, for she not only taught us our ABC's and good manners, etc., but she engaged our hearts and enriched our spirits. We wish a belated Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and mother-figures out there! Keep doing what you're doing....we are counting on and looking to you!

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Leadership, like motherhood, is a noble calling. And similar to motherhood, leadership balance contains the two key components of engaging our hearts and enriching our spirits. What exactly is leadership balance you ask? John O. Burdett elaborates on this and more in one of his latest thought pieces, entitled "Completing the Weave: Engaging the Heart and Enriching the Spirit," which we are featuring in this month's newsletter. It is not short but is indeed an important read that will likely resonate with you whether you are an executive, a middle manager, or a non-management employee. The paper contains information that can even be applied to how you manage your personal relationships as well. We encourage you to read this thought will be a worthwhile investment of your time. But before you do that, make sure to check out our Featured Candidate(s) and Position(s) below!


Featured Candidates

Global People/HR Analytics Leader

This candidate is on the leading edge of People analytics, working for a global technology and manufacturing giant with almost 100k employees across the world. He has developed mind-blowing data tools and dashboards to address workforce and leadership insights, talent attraction/exits, training/consumption, and more. He also developed personalized career growth portals which have improved overall retention and turnover rates company wide. He is responsible for leading the global analytics teams and guarding the resources globally. His contributions and achievements are too many to list here. This candidate can relocate anywhere in the world and has both US Citizenship and EU permanent residence.

If you have interest in setting up a confidential conversation with this candidate, call us at 313-887-8300 ex.102 or email us:


Featured Positions

Regional Operations Director, Global Automotive Supplier

Our client company is a world-class manufacturer known for its high quality products. These products can be found on almost every vehicle brand in the world. We are in need of an experienced multi-site operations director who can manage up to 8 plant managers in the NAFTA region. This is a highly visible position reporting to the COO of this respected organization. Please only apply if you have had P/L responsibility for 3 plus sites within the automotive systems supplier market.

We'd be delighted to help you learn more about this role! Please reach out to or call us at 313-887-8300 ex.102 for further information.

With 60 Offices in 40 countries around the globe, TRANSEARCH is one of the top 10 global firms in the leadership development and executive search landscape.


Transearch Detroit at Transearch International's Recent Global Conference

Transearch Detroit attended Transearch's Annual Global Conference, held this year in Munich from May 8-12. We participated in wonderful presentations, such as John Burdett's all-day session on Orxestra – the tool that truly sets us apart in the world of recruiting – as well as a talk given by Miguel Angel López Borrego, CEO of Thyssenkrupp AG. We also got to meet with many of our TS partners from around the globe, and in our downtime we were able to have meaningful, impromptu meetings with those we don't get to see in person very often. It was an exciting trip that, on the final night at the dinner and awards ceremony, culminated in Transearch Detroit receiving not one, but TWO awards – one for Global Practice Development and a second for Highest Growth in Revenue. Such a rewarding trip for us filled with exciting times from start to finish! Click on the picture below to share your reaction and/or comment!

MT JT Awards at Munich

TS Detroit's Managing Partner, Mark Thibodeau, and Project Manager / Recruiter, Jackson Thibodeau at TS International Global Conference in Munich.


Completing the Weave: Engaging the Heart and Enriching the Spirit

published April 2024 by John O. Burdett


“Spirit in the warrior is made whole by the balance between the fierceness necessary to draw the bow and the gentleness demanded at the release of the arrow.”


The four seasons – winter, spring, summer and autumn – define nature’s rich and unfolding pattern. Each has its own role, meaning, value, and delight. Winter is a time of renewal. A period of planning and investment where “the head” is given full provenance. Spring is for preparation – tilling the land and sowing seeds. Its latent promise emerges violently from hidden depths. The power of “the hand.” Summer is a season of abundance, of richness, of gathering in the crops. Summer is of “the heart.” Autumn, through its muted colours, reminds us that change is ever-present. It’s a celebration of life. A time to give thanks and gather the seeds for next year’s crop. “The spirit.” The four seasons are a constant reminder of nature’s intricate weave, an unfolding ecology where failure in one season means failure overall.

Completing the Weave by John O. Burdett cover picture


The allegory is of the seasons, but nature’s weave prompts invaluable insights into that essential human quality we call “leadership.” In doing so it captures unfulfilled promise. Unfulfilled because, despite ongoing investment in coaching, a cornucopia of management books, training sessions, various assessments, web-based tutorials and the like, lack of leadership still represents the major malady affecting today’s organizational success. The evidence? Change initiatives still fall short of expectations. The majority of mergers and acquisitions do not deliver on that which is promised. AI offers great promise but not, as often is the case, where the intent is to embed AI into a 20th century organization. The recruitment lag for the right individual to steer a troubled organization through heavy seas is often many months. There is a veritable army of talent available but the vast majority cut their teeth in a very different time.

(To read the rest of this part of a series of interesting thought pieces, click the link below to download.)

Click for Full Paper

John O. Burdett is founder of Orxestra® Inc. He has extensive international experience as a senior executive. As a consultant he has worked in more than 40 countries for organisations that are household names. John has worked on organisation culture for some of the world's largest organisations. His ongoing partnership with TRANSEARCH International means that his thought leading intellectual property, in any one year, supports talent management in many hundreds of organisations around the world. Get in touch with John O. Burdett »

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“We are not thinking machines.  We are feeling machines that think.” – Antonio Damasio


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