Friday Night Experience When: Every Friday evening: 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Kiddush What: Uplifting melodic prayers followed by a deli

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Friday Night Experience

When: Every Friday evening: 5:15 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat followed by Kiddush

What: Uplifting melodic prayers followed by a delicious buffet 'Kiddush' and socializing.
Where: 569 Vanderbilt Ave. (Chabad Jewish Center).

Kiddush sponsorships are available for $54.

Shabbat Morning Services

Class on Esoteric meaning of Prayers : 9:30 am (fresh cake & coffee)
Services Begin: 10:00 am
"Got Shabbat" Children's Program: 11:00 am
with edible crafts

Followed by Kiddush Lunch

Sponsor the Party!

Friday Night Kiddush sponsorships are available for $54.
Shabbos Day Kiddush Luncheon sponsorships are available for $120. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, graduation or mark a loved one's yahrzeit by sponsoring the kiddush.


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Shabbat candle lighting times for Brooklyn, NY

Friday, January 16
Light Shabbat Candles AT: 4:36 pm

Saturday, January 17
Shabbat Ends: 5:39 pm

Instructions and Blessings

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It's A Boy!

We would like to wish a hearty Mazel Tov to the Rachmany Family on the birth of a healthy baby boy! May he be a source of Jewish pride to his parents, grandparents, and the whole Jewish nation!


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The Art of Parenting Class

Starting This Week!

In The Art of Parenting, we scale the challenges that face us as parents and explore timeless insights from Jewish wisdom to instill values, foster independence, and ensure the long-term success and emotional well-being of our children.
Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 22.
From 7:00pm - 8:30pm @ CJC
to register and for more information.


Parsha Corner

Why the Need for Ten Plagues?
By Malkie Janowski

Is there any significance to the number of plagues? Why the need for all 10?


The number is indeed significant.

On one occasion, Moses approached Pharaoh and said:

So said the L‑rd G‑d of Israel, “Send out My people, and let them sacrifice to Me in the desert.” (Exodus 5:1)

Pharaoh responded:

Who is the L‑rd, that I should heed His voice to let Israel out? I do not know the L‑rd, neither will I let Israel out. (ibid 5:2)

But in fact, Pharaoh was very familiar with the concept of G‑d. The Egyptians worshipped deities of all sorts, and Pharaoh even considered himself a god. But he did not believe in an omniscient, all-powerful G‑d who created absolutely everything out of nothingness.

We know that G‑d created the world with His speech; to be precise, with ten utterances. But Pharaoh denied these ten divine utterances.

And so, the ten plagues corresponded with the various elements that G‑d created in the world, each one demonstrating that a seemingly stable and independent aspect of creation—something which could easily be attributed to “nature”—was entirely in G‑d’s hands. Continue

The Parsha In Depth Click Here


Humor Scene

A little boy is at a wedding and he looks at his mom and says, "Mommy, why does the girl wear white?"

His mom replies, "The bride is in white because she's happy and this is the happiest day of her life."

The boy thinks about this, and then says, "Well, then, why is the boy wearing black?"

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Mendy & Chaya Hecht
