* * * Latest News - 12 October 2015 * * * Study: Fractures respond to homeopathy - amazingly! The homeopathic group had faster healing and union,

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Latest News - 12 October 2015


Study: Fractures respond to homeopathy - amazingly!

The homeopathic group had faster healing and union, less pain, and improved fracture line, edge, and callous formation compared to the placebo group. Read more | Comment


Study: Homeopathy for osteoporosis in hens (and us)

Homeopathy treats animals and humans alike so when researchers discovered remedies improved the bone density of poorly mineralised chickens there was no surprise to find they were the same remedies used for osteoporosis in humans. Read more | Comment

Alcohol Addiction

Homeopathy for alcohol withdrawal

Patients who received homeopathic remedies for alcohol addiction in a 1993 study were twice as likely to remain sober, less guarded, more confident, and more likely to benefit from talk therapies. Read more | Comment

Luc Montagnier

What do Nobel Laureates say about homeopathy?

“Hahneman was right ... high dilutions of something are not nothing ... a real science with a rational philosophy as its base ... Government must encourage and patronize it ... cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method” … and more. Read more | Comment

Amber Bottles and Flower

Manufacturing homeopathic medicines with Jean Boiron

Watch this fascinating 1937 video which shows the manufacture of homeopathic medicines from harvesting plants in the French Alps to creating mother tinctures that will be potentised. Read more | Comment

Lady and Computer

Final Reminder: 20% Off Digestion Complexes

Save $5.00 off our Indigestion, Mouth Ulcer, Nausea, Overindulgence and Hangover, Irritable Bowel and Motion Sickness complexes - they're just $19.95 until midnight tonight. More information | Order Online


Previous Stories...

Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness? Homeopathy helps

Do you have nausea on waking, when cooking food, or in warm, stuffy rooms? Or is it better when eating or in the fresh air? Whatever your symptoms, homeopathy can help with gentle and non-toxic remedies. Read more | Comment


Remedies for hypo or hypertension

Blood pressure problems are part of a much bigger imbalance that should be managed by a qualified practitioner for best results. The following list shows how each remedy has to match the sufferer's symptoms to be helpful. Read more | Comment

Hahnemann Hospital

In defense of homeopathy

"Homeopathy is here to stay... homeopathy has withstood the test of time." Here! Here! Read how well three skeptic objections stack up when compared to the facts. Read more | Comment

Lung Cancer

Study: Lung cancer cells commit suicide with homeopathy

Homeopathic Sulphur induced apoptosis in non-small cell lung carcinoma in this study providing further evidence that homeopathy modifies cellular processes. Read more | Comment


Homeopathy for hangover and over-indulgence

David had a splitting head, Dimitri gasped for air, Andy raided the 'fridge at night, and Monica felt alone and unloved. Read which remedies helped the four of them. Read more | Comment


From the Archives...


Information about our information

The information in our publications is from the homeopathic perspective. It may not be endorsed or recommeneded by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page may not reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Please see a trusted healthcare provider for advice on health problems not suitable for home management. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website: www.homeopathyplus.com.au

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