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Hello, Friends!


Featured Article

Have you ever faced your greatest fear—and overcome it? One of my daughters is a little more adventurous than the other, but when we traveled to Auckland, New Zealand, both girls took a dive off the highest building in the southern hemisphere.

Honestly, when I saw that first body hurtling over the side—and I had no idea which daughter it was—I experienced a brief moment of panic!

But when I remembered the safety training they’d had before the jump and the harness that held them securely, my fright turned to wonder…then tears of joy when I saw the triumph on my girls’ faces. Both had looked Fear in the eye and conquered him.

Afraid to Go to Israel?

Sometimes folks ask if I’m afraid to travel to Israel. My answer is the same as it was back in March 2000—absolutely not.


Book Review

The Secret Heir
By Janice Broyles

Book Description

Years before, he was anointed future king of Israel. Now if the sitting king learns of his secret, it will mean death for David and everyone in his family. David's secret destiny becomes more complicated when he falls in love with King Saul's daughter, Michal. He will do whatever it takes to secure her heart, provided she doesn't find out that David is the rumored rival to her father's throne. 


Israel Update

Planning has begun for the teaching and devotional times for our spiritual journey together in Israel. One of our travelers visited Israel a few years ago as a part of a Mediterranean cruise, but their guide gave no spiritual connection to the historical ruins they saw. I’m so anxious for my sweet friend Becky to return with us and Experience THE BOOK—God’s Word—in living, breathing color!

Israel isn’t about the dirt, the rocks, and the ruins. It’s about the Land, the people, and the God who chose them! We’ll engage both our brains and our hearts as our precious band of travelers becomes a family in twelve (or fourteen) days. Will you join us?

There’s still a little room left on the Petra extension, but hurry! And we’ve got only 15 seats left for Israel! Don’t let fear (or anything else) rob you of this bucket-list trip.

CLICK HERE to check out our 12-day Israel itinerary and the 3-day Petra extension option.


Isaiah’s Legacy - Special Announcement

With each book, I try to pick a theme that summarizes its message. I’ve told y’all before that I believe Manasseh’s story in Isaiah’s Legacy is the greatest prodigal story in Scripture (not my novel, but the actual Bible story). As I wrote the last few chapters, I felt overwhelmed by two simple words in my spirit:


When we fully embrace God’s love, forgiveness, and grace, we can live completely free from any chains with which our enemy tries to bind us.

So my assistant, Amanda, and I began looking for a picture that communicated that message. A few days after we began our search, she went to a friend’s house for coffee and found the perfect thing to shout Manasseh’s message to the world.

This broken-chain-link, welded cross was sitting on her friend’s table with a laminated story from Keith, the man who made it. Here’s a portion of what he wrote:

"I make Chain Breaker crosses [only] for special occasions. They are made with my dad’s old welder and love. The cross is to remind us of God’s love for us by sending his son to die for everyone’s sin. Jesus is the only way to eternal life. My friend Gaylon…played the song “Chain Breaker” [by Zack Williams] one Sunday morning. It reminded me of all the ways Satan can trick you and get you hooked on many things that tie you down…I use chain links that have been cut to construct the [Chain Breaker cross]…Each piece is a C to remind me of Christ…Do you have some chains that need to be broken? Is Jesus living inside of you?"

I got in touch with Keith and asked him to make two Chain-Breaker crosses that I’ll be giving away the day Isaiah’s Legacy launches! What an amazing man with a tremendous heart for Jesus. I’m so grateful that he was willing to share his talent to help me share my passion to—Live Unchained!

If you would like to contact Keith about getting one of your own, he has a limited quantity for sale. You can contact him at chainwelder@gmail.com

He also gave me permission to use the Chain Breaker Cross image with anything associated with Isaiah’s Legacy. In years past, we’ve made my book t-shirts (and other merchandise) available only to my BFF team members, but this year we’re trying something new and opening up our storefront to anyone who would like to purchase Of Fire and Lions or Isaiah’s Legacy items! Please don’t feel any obligation, but I hope you’ll CLICK HERE to browse some of the fun items my BFF team member, Julie Masse, has created (thank you so much, Julie!).


Prayer Updates

▪ Brio articles for the 2020 Old Testament Women Reading Plan are finished! Thanks so much for your prayers! Now we wait to see how much editing they’ll need to actually get published. ;)
▪ I got some wonderful direction from my editor on what to present for my next project with my publisher. Please pray that the Lord will guide my heart and mind as I research and write the synopses for a series of books on a well-known Old Testament character.
▪ Basement construction is coming along nicely! Kitchen cabinets are in. Appliances in. Toilet in. Bathroom vanity in. Floors partly in. And we watched the Colts play Sunday night football in our living room with the whole family (sitting in lawn furniture)! Gotta finish the tongue-n-groove wood walls, flooring, and drop ceiling before we can get granite templated. Hoping to get an occupancy permit by Thanksgiving!
Brio articles for the 2020 Old Testament Women Reading Plan are finished! Thanks so much for your prayers! Now we wait to see how much editing they’ll need to actually get published. ;)
I got some wonderful direction from my editor on what to present for my next project with my publisher. Please pray that the Lord will guide my heart and mind as I research and write the synopses for a series of books on a well-known Old Testament character.
Basement construction is coming along nicely! Kitchen cabinets are in. Appliances in. Toilet in. Bathroom vanity in. Floors partly in. And we watched the Colts play Sunday night football in our living room with the whole family (sitting in lawn furniture)! Gotta finish the tongue-n-groove wood walls, flooring, and drop ceiling before we can get granite templated. Hoping to get an occupancy permit by Thanksgiving!

Wednesday Wit & Wisdom


Answer a simple & fun question in the comment section of my Facebook page each Wednesday to enter: CLICK HERE to answer last Wednesday’s question and enter.

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