newsletter 2

"Gemini" by Teo Olivieri (linked)

Sun in Taurus, Moon in Aquarius, May 14th 2020

Greetings Deer Spirit Friends!

I hope you all are well and maintaining emotional buoyancy. It's a profound process of transformation we're going through which is rocking our personal and collective world. So many of the things we depended on for stability are passing away as we ride the roller coaster through this surreal lockdown limbo.

Yes there is fear, anxiety and uncertainty, but can we rise to the challenge and walk the transformational tightrope to the far side of the Covid 19 canyon? I believe that that is precisely what we are doing now, one step at a time, one day at a time.

As I navigate this strange pathway into the unknown, I'm often reminded that the most valuable assets we have are each other. I'm so grateful for my partner TJ, our families and friends, and our personal and professional support networks. We love you all so much!
Thanks again to all of you who've participated in my events and enlisted my services!

Carol and I are looking forward to our VortexHealing® Freeing The Heart Session #3 this week on Thursday 5/14. Carol's write - up is posted below and details can also be found on the Bulletin Board. Please contact me to register.

This newsletter is packed with juicy offerings that will inform, enlighten and inspire. We have one of Carol's ever popular write - up's for the VortexHealing® Freeing The Heart Session #3, Paola Guerrero's story about the Starling that flew into her apartment, and Burcu Colpan's advice for beginning a meditation practice.

Having a bird fly into your home is a rare and potent sign from the spirit world; a message from those who've crossed over. I've only seen it happen once. I was renting a room in a big house with some friends in New Jersey back in the 70's. One day a bird flew in my window. It scared the crap outta me! We later found out that one our roommates had died in a car crash in Philadelphia.

Paola and I were texting one night. She told me about the bird that flew into her apartment and the emotional stuff she'd been dealing with. I was deeply moved by what she shared and I suggested that she write about it. She did, and her story is a testament to how beautiful her medicine is. Paola is a Deer Spirit Certified Reiki Master Teacher, a graduate of my Reiki Teacher Apprenticeship Program, and a Certified Yoga Teacher.

Burcu Colpan (pronounced burjoo) is a recently certified Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher. Her piece is actually an Instagram post from her newly created business Instagram page. I'm glad she gave me permission to share it with you!

Message of the Stars

The current lunar cycle climaxed last Thursday on the Super Full Moon in Scorpio which is the annual Buddha Full Moon (Wesak), the celebration of Buddha's birth and enlightenment. It was one of the most powerful Full Moons ever and both TJ and I felt that my Free Angelic Liquid Light session that night was unusually deep and transformative.

Full Moons are both a climax and the beginning of 2 weeks of waning in which the emotional high of the Full Moon fades away. This part of the cycle has been difficult for many so far because just when we thought we were getting the hang of this lockdown thing, some old fears and doubts crept in and then Saturn stationed retrograde on 5/12 and Venus stations retrograde today 5/14.

When Saturn entered Aquarius in late March it felt like a breath of fresh air and there was a trend of forward movement as we integrated new ideas and energies. It feels like everything has shifted into reverse now because Saturn retro in Aquarius has us questioning and reviewing the structure and stability of our personal and collective worlds. Problems that we thought we had already solved sneak up behind us and tap us on the shoulder and we must go back to the drawing board to make adjustments.

Saturn is an outer planet and the outer planets stay retrograde much longer than the inner. Saturn will not station direct until the end of September, but don't worry, even though it feels like we're back to square one, that doesn't mean that our lives can't be manageable, productive and progressive. Retrogrades are always productive and valuable. In this case, the progress comes through reviewing and restructuring.

The outer planet transits represent long term societal trends. A good example of how this is playing out with Saturn retro is the fact that many companies are experiencing the benefits of having a workforce that works from home. In many cases this has proven to actually enhance productivity and creativity, not to mention that workers are relieved of the cost and time it takes to commute, and companies save money on office space and maintenance. Saturn rules form structure, space and time, and during Saturn retro, many companies will restructure by letting more workers work remotely in order to save office space and reduce commuting time.

Central Park pond

Central Park Pond, NYC

Venus retro in Gemini triggers a review and reset of values and relationships. This transit is lighter than Saturn's because of the youthful, open - minded, optimistic energy of Gemini and the beauty and grace of Venus. This transit lasts for 7 weeks. In relationships, open minded non - combative communication is called for as our relationship dynamic shifts. During this transit it's best to learn everything we can about what we're dealing with by consulting a variety of sources. The process will have beneficial results if we take the time to sort things out thoroughly and maintain clarity about our heart's desires.

The Sun enters Gemini on Wed. 5/20 with the Gemini New Moon following on Fri. 5/22. Gemini wants to learn, cogitate and communicate. It's the aspect of our inner child that is innocent, curious and inquisitive. The Sun's transit through Gemini will be very exciting and intense this year because of 2 powerful eclipses; a partial lunar eclipse on the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 5th and a total annular eclipse on the Summer Solstice - New Moon in Cancer on June 20th. Much will be stirred up and revealed in the remainder of May and the month of June, and incoming energies and information will integrate into a new world view.

I mentioned recently that the Lunar Nodes were transiting into Gemini - Sagittarius and that that would trigger the opening of the information flood gates. The next day Wikileaks dumped all their files on the internet and now we have many documents being released relating to the coup attempt against the president.

There is also tons of info about the pandemic which is flooding social media, especially Youtube, much of which contradicts the official mainstream narrative. Some of the most viewed of those videos have been censored but as soon as one is taken down, a dozen pop up to replace it. It's gotten to the point where alternative social media news has become much more honest, interesting, relevant, and popular than the old paradigm mainstream media, which is fraught with bias and propaganda and never seems to tell the whole truth.

Some people don't want to know the truth and they just won't listen if you try to tell them. Why waste your time? Everybody's entitled to their own opinion!

The whistle - blowers and the independent investigative journalists are the heroes of the information age and I just love the fact that anyone with a smartphone and something of value to say can start a Youtube channel and go viral overnight.

The major astrological trend of 2020 is the conjunction of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, mostly in Capricorn until both Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius in December. I've written a lot about this already but here's a different spin that arises in light of the current gestalt......

Saturn conj. Pluto in Capricorn is a double edged sword which represents the death and transformation (Pluto) of old structures, governments and institutions (Saturn, Capricorn). This is an evolutionary dynamic whose time has come. It cannot be stopped because those old ways no longer work and they must dissolve in order to make way for the new to come in.

But there are those who feel their power slipping away as the masses wake up and realize how much they've been lied to, cheated and robbed. The control freaks will do anything to keep the masses locked down in fear and unquestioning obedience. This is the dark draconian side of Pluto (obsession, addiction, anger, violence) and Saturn (restriction, isolation, limitation).

Jupiter in Capricorn is sober and conservative but also jovial and kind. It's the saving grace here because it's influence is one of wisdom, truth, justice, and benevolence.

As we move through the last 5 weeks of Spring let's practice rigorous self care and stay grounded centered, and grateful. Our personal health, wellness and integrity will see us through anything. We can create the future of our dreams as long as we have rock solid faith and a vision worth manifesting.

I posted this on FB, May 3rd 2:17pm.....

“If we do not grieve what we miss, we are not praising what we love. We are not praising the life we have been given in order to love. If we do not praise whom we miss, we are ourselves in some way dead. So grief and praise make us alive.” - Martín Prechtel

Thanks Didi Witchard for sharing that quote on Instagram. So true!

This morning I was hit out of the blue with a wave of deep grief for the loss of my father who died of brain cancer over 20 yrs ago. And I remembered how much grief is being processed now for the horrible deaths of the elderly in hospitals, nursing homes and other facilities where they are deprived of the support of loving family and friends who are forbidden to visit them and advocate for them.

Many of them are not receiving adequate care because care givers are terrified of catching the virus. And then too many of the deceased are thrown away like bags of garbage without proper funerals. I'm not blaming anyone here. I know everyone's doing the best they can. I'm just highly empathic and feeling the collective pandemic grief, as well as major grief over having been wrenched out of our comfort zones by the virus with the knowledge that "business as usual" is gone forever.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that feeling deeply is the only true power we have in life. If we can't feel deep grief, how can we feel deep love? To honor love and praise both the living and the dead is to truly appreciate this precious, magical and wondrous gift of life.

Screenshot 2020-05-13 Geordie Numata geordie108 Instagram photos and videos 1

Bulletin Board

The VortexHealing® Freeing The Heart Session #3 will be held on Thursday May 14th, $20. This is the 3rd session in a 5 session series. The first 4 sessions will have a 70 min. distant healing after the 30 min. conference call and the 5th Super Session healing will last 90 min. after the 30 min. conference call. All 5 session will happen on Thursdays -
3) 5/14 - Peace, Joy, Hope $20
4) 6/11 - Self Esteem, Innocence $20
5) 7/16 - 90 min. Super Session $27
The conference call goes from 7:15 - 7:45pm EDT and the distant healing goes from 7:45pm - 8:55pm except the Super Session which ends at 9:15pm EDT. You can put your pets on the distant healing list for free. The conference call is suggested but not required. The call is recorded and anyone who wants can get the download link for the recording if they request it. Email me to register. For payment instructions click HERE. In this series Carol and I will provide healing for heart chakra related issues. Since the heart is the center of our being, it naturally follows that healing, releasing blocks and enhancing the heart energy will make it much easier for us to experience fulfillment in all aspects of our lives. (see Carol's write - up for the session below)

My Free Weekly Conference Call Reiki circle will be held from 7pm - 8pm weekly on Monday night until it's safe to meet in person again. We'll do some guided meditation then everyone will send Reiki to everyone in the circle. You can also use Angelic Liquid Light or VortexHealing® in the circle if you like. The conference call numbers are 917 444 9040, conference ID 818181#. The circle is free but I will accept donations via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to or PayPal via the Buy Now button on the contact page of my website. You are welcome to join the circle if you are not trained in an energy healing modality.

My Free Angelic Liquid Light New Moon in Gemini Distant Healing Session is scheduled for Friday, May 22nd, I began offering these free sessions at the beginning of the pandemic and they've become so popular that I've decided to keep doing them. Here's the dates -
Friday 5/22 New Moon in Gemini
Friday 5/29 Moon in Virgo
Friday 6/5 Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius
Saturday 6/20 Summer Solstice New Moon Eclipse
Sunday 7/5 Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn
All sessions are 7:30 - 8pm EDT conference call, 8pm - 9pm EDT distant healing. In order to sign up just email me your full name as you want it written on the distant healing list and I'll send you all the details. You can also add your pets. I only allow 2 friends or family to be added and they must give their permission and say the prayer at the beginning of the healing in order to receive full benefit. If you know other people who want to join, they can sign up by contacting me. These events are free but I will accept donations via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to or PayPal via the Buy Now button on the contact page of my website. These sessions will help us make the most of the powerful breakthrough energies of 2020 that have the potential to trigger positive transformations in our lives and for the planet.

I am offering my usual services (distant healing, coaching, astrology & Tarot readings, Reiki classes) over phone or Zoom. If you can't afford my posted rates you can pay on sliding scale (whatever you can afford). I will not be doing in person healing touch sessions, house calls, classes or Reiki circles at TRS until it is safe to do so.

Please be advised that I am offering free daily distant healing for people who test positive for Covid 19 and who are sick with it. I have 21 of my students and colleagues on the distant healing team. If you know anyone who is sick with it, I would need their full name and their permission before I put them on the list. Everyone on the team has been instructed to send Reiki when they can for as long as they can. I'm suggesting at least 15 min. a day to all the people on the list at once. If you are trained in Reiki, Angelic Liquid Light or VortexHealing® and have distant healing experience, let me know if you'd like to join the team.

Screenshot 2020-03-06 Andrea Lucca anlucca Instagram photos and videos

Carol's Write - Up For The VortexHealing® Freeing the Heart Session #3

Whatever you would like to call what the world is currently going through, we are still going through it as I write this. Right now, to add to the strangeness, there is an alteration of snow flurries and sunny breaks outside my window. Snow in mid –May as if we are inside a snow globe. We have all been inside our social isolation globes for about seven weeks so maybe Mother Nature is being playful right now. We can, however, all come together in the group field of our next session.

The next session of the “Freeing the Heart” series will be focusing on freeing the trapped emotions of Sorrow, Grief and Despair from the Heart Barrier and requesting a blueprint template for Hope, Joy, Peace and Delight. The session will be happening on Thursday May 14th. There will be a half hour conference call starting at 7:15 p.m. eastern time followed by the 70 minute distant group healing starting at 7:45 p.m.

Thoughts About The Session

As we go through this global pandemic our emotional states may be all over the place. Probably the emotions of sorrow and grief and maybe even despair are surfacing right now. All of these emotions are reactions to loss and right now there is a lot of loss in society around us and in our personal lives. The emotions of grief, sorrow and despair are shut down emotions. Our energetic, emotional and physical systems go into a pause to hopefully re-calibrate to the new normal. We call this ability to re-calibrate and adjust to the new reality of your life without what has been lost as ‘resiliency.’ Some people are more resilient than others. The reasons for this are varied involving your genetics, early childhood experiences, current levels of stress and support and your karma. You probably know by now if you are the resilient type or the easily affected and slow to recover type or are somewhere floating in between.

As I said above, grief, sorrow and despair are shut down and pause states that happen after a loss. A loss can be the death or separation from a loved one. It can also be the loss of a job, a belief system or an important affiliation or of health. It can be the loss of a project or of a goal or an aspiration. Basically, anything that we pour our energy, hope, attachment and identification into can become the source of a loss if it fails or leaves our life. When you frame it this way it becomes clear that we cannot go through life without experiencing loss.

There is one loss that is universal if we live long enough and that is the loss of our own childhood. This loss is probably the most famous loss of all. It is called the loss of innocence. When we are babies (if we have good caretakers) we are the center of attention and all our needs are met. We are the center of our universe and if things are going well we feel that life is good. As we grow into toddlers and start gaining more capacities to do things in the world we also bump up against external limitations. We gradually have to adjust to not getting everything we want and not being the center of the world. This period of adjustment happens a lot at about age two and has been given a name; "the terrible twos." At this stage our evolving capacities that prompt us to explore and manipulate the world (and give rise to joy and delight) also encounter the parental "NO!" Somehow we have to learn to balance within ourselves our desire to explore and do what we want, which is an outward expressive energy, with the "stop" and limiting demands of the outside environment. Life may not be as good as it felt when we were younger. This is not an easy task for the psyche and is our first loss after the loss of the womb.

The more difficulty we have with this early adjustment probably the more difficulty we will have adjusting to losses that come later in life. It is at this early stage or even earlier that we start building our Heart Barrier. Sorrow, and grief are probably there for most people. When the effects of loss are too much to deal with then we may dip into despair. Most of the time we manage to get through a loss and come back into some state of functioning in the external world. But even if we are functioning on the outside, we may have frozen sorrow, grief or despair hanging out in our energetic systems somewhere. As I said, these are shut down energies so at some level they are blocking or leaching our life energy, the energy that wants to move forward and upward. When we have too much shut down energy in our system we call that depression. When we are not over weighed by shut down energies then we gravitate to a baseline of peace and hope and from there to an innate capacity to feel and express joy and delight.

Important Consideration, Please Read

As a retired psychotherapist I would like to say that if you are a person who tends to be low on resiliency, a person who takes losses hard and has a difficult time getting over them then you need to do some self- assessment before this session. Our energetic heart barriers are created as a form of self -protection. They have their down side but they also have a purpose. If you are low on resiliency and you have recently experienced a significant loss that is difficult for you please consider your current situation. If your support level is down due to the social distancing and /or you are finding the current situation particularly stressful then you need to think carefully about the timing of working on grief and sorrow in your heart barrier. Clearing them now may not be good timing for you. Use your inner wisdom and best intuition to decide what is right for you. If you decide to go ahead please consider getting further support from the vibrational remedies mentioned below. Get them ahead of time so they are on hand.

Further Support

Over the years I have found Bach Flower Remedies and other kinds of vibrational remedies such as Flower Essence Services Remedies to be amazingly helpful. The remedy that is very helpful for grief is “Star of Bethlehem” which is a Bach Flower Remedy available in most health food stores. Also it is good to have Rescue Remedy around as a general remedy for going through a difficult state. It is a combination of five Bach Flower Remedies.

Flower Essence Services Remedies that may be helpful are “Borage,” “Bleeding Heart,” and “Love-Lies- Bleeding.”

Bach Flower Remedies for Despair are “Gorse,” “Gentian,” and especially “Sweet Chestnut.”

Flower Essence Services remedies for despair are “Yerba Santa,” “Scotch Broom,” and “Milkweed.”

It is beyond the scope of this write-up to go into a full discussion on vibrational remedies. Please do some research on the web to get further information about what these remedies treat and how to use them.

More information on Flower Essence Services including a store locator can be found on the website. FES remains open during this time of crisis to serve your needs. Supplement companies are

About the Session

In this session Carol will be using Merlin’s Grace Level Vortex Healing®Divine Energy Healing. Geordie Numata will be using his own modality Angelic Liquid Light Healing (not an aspect of Vortex Healing.) Carol will also be using a divine consciousness tool that comes through for her. (also not an aspect of VortexHealing®)

We will be channeling to release the stuck emotions of Sorrow, Grief and Despair from the Energetic Heart Barrier. We will also be invoking the Archangels and other groups of angels as well as various goddesses to provide templates for Hope, Joy, Peace and Delight.

What to Expect from a Session

The energetic and consciousness healing modalities we are using have their own wisdom and they affect each participant in a unique and individual way. The energies always work for the highest benefit of each person. Participants often report feeling relaxed, nurtured and / or energized. Some people drift off into a pleasant altered state and don’t remember much. If this happens the healing energies are still working with you. Other people have physical sensations or inner experiences such as inner visualizations or feelings of energy flow. Sometimes people experience memories regarding a certain issue or insights to do with it. The energy of the session may continue to work after the session for several days or even weeks. The way an issue is manifesting in your life may shift, clear or change so it is good to be open and notice anything coming up or settling down.
Registration Instructions:

Please note, this is a special 70 minute session, however the cost is still $20 USD.

If you wish to join in as a distance participant, please let Geordie know by e-mailing him via the contact form on his contact page and let him know your whole name as you would like it to appear on the distance list. Please let him know by 5 p.m. on the day of the session. You may include your animal companions for free. Please let us know your pet’s name and what kind of animal they are.

Geordie prefers Venmo payment to Geordie-Numata or Zelle Chase Quick Pay to but if you're unable to use those platforms you can pay via PayPal by clicking on the “Buy Now” button on his contact page This will take you to Geordie’s PayPal page. If you do not have a PayPal account then click on the “Pay with credit or debit card” option and fill out the fields with your credit or debit card information.

There will be a 30 minute conference call before the channeled Group Healing. You will be given the call in number when you register with Geordie. You are not required to join the conference call in order to receive the Group Healing. The conference call starts at 7:15 p.m. Eastern time and goes until 7:45 p.m. The distant group healing starts at 7:45 p.m. and goes for one hour for regular sessions, 75 minutes for Mantra Bath sessions and 90 minutes for Super sessions.

If you need help with registration e-mail Geordie at:

Information for Participants

You are welcome to join the teleconference call which happens before the channeled group healing. (See info above.) Joining the teleconference call is not required to participate in the channeled group healing. The ideal situation is to be in a quiet meditative state in a place where you will not be disturbed. You may focus on the theme of the session or you may focus on an issue that is important to you. The active channeling lasts about an hour but the effects may linger on longer than that. Please do not do anything that requires alertness such as driving a car during or right after the session.

I'm looking forward to welcoming you into the group field this coming Thursday night as we continue the process of freeing our hearts.

Many blessings,
Carol Ribner M.A.
Accessing Manifesting Intention level Vortex Healing® Practitioner.
Psychotherapist (Retired)

Vortex Healing® is a registered service mark of Ric Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission.

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The Starling that flew into Paola's apartment

The Starling Bird - The Bard's Bird

by Paola Guerrero

I view prayer as a conversation with the universe. It is a welcome relief from holding on to my personal woes and releasing them to a power beyond my comprehension. In other prayers, I express my gratitude for my health, and for my loved ones. It is in those devotional moments that I send love to the essential workers, the families of the departed, and the victims of this pandemic. I send prayers to the souls of the newly departed as they continue their spiritual ascension. I thank great spirit for the courage to continue our collective journey through this pandemic.

This week, my mom and I were home getting ready to commence our day, when a bird flew into my 5th floor Queens apartment without making a sound. The bird flew over my mother’s head in the kitchen and stood atop the refrigerator. She called me over and that’s when the bird flew into the office. The bird was a starling, and she had beautiful, shiny feathers that were iridescent and glimmered. She was looking for its exit, and we were able to breadcrumb her away and out the bathroom window.

We laughed, but I wondered what starling represented? Per Ted Andrews of “Animal Speak” the starling "reveals lessons associated with group behavior, and etiquette.” The book asks “if starlings have shown up in your life, ask yourself some important questions: Are you feeling life is ganging up on you? Are you applying undo pressure on others (or yourself)?”


Paula Guerrero, Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher & Graduate of my Reiki Teacher Apperentice Program, Certified Yoga Teacher

I was emotionally exhausted from the information overload I received from the media. I would wake up a few times a night and sit in prayer until I fell asleep again. I didn’t realize that I was overwhelmed with the daily briefings about the pandemic, and sought to plug into the rhythm of life, and gratitude. We have the capacity to rewrite the rules on human interaction, and how we care for one another. Do I feel overwhelmed with what will come? Yes! The best way for me to surrender to these feelings is to sit in contemplation about our purpose as healers, as humans, as creators of our own reality.

According to my research, starlings are very communicative, with remarkable powers of imitation and mimicry. First brought to North America by Shakespeare enthusiasts in the nineteenth century, European Starlings are now among the continent’s most numerous songbirds.

The presence of this bird made me feel as if my prayers for the departed were heard and appreciated. I found myself appreciating the presence of that bird as a messenger of hope. May we continue praying for the illumination of the collective, and may we continue to come together in spirit and in love.

Paola Geurrero

Burcu Colpan

Burcu Colpan, Deer Spirit Certified Reiki Master Teacher

Progress Not Perfection

by Burcu Colpan

If you’re waiting until you’re able to have no thoughts in your mind in order to start meditating, then you will be waiting forever.

Throughout my life so many people have said to me “I can’t meditate. I can’t get my mind to stop thinking. So I just don’t.” That’s like saying you don’t want to start jogging because you can’t run a marathon in the shape you’re in right now.

As enjoyable as it may sound to most of us to get the mind to stop making thoughts, if that’s even possible, it’s not the goal anyway. The goal is to get to the point where we are not consumed and overwhelmed and attached to those thoughts and what the mind is doing.

The goal is to hear beyond that and tune into the body which gives us so many messages all the time. So just start! And maybe nothing major will happen the first time you meditate, or the tenth or 20th time you meditate.

But it’s a practice, and it will benefit your health even in small doses. 5 minutes of breathing. 10 minutes of listening to your body. Or 20 minutes of visualization.

So maybe you’ll never be able to “run that marathon”, but maybe you’ll be able to run a mile every day. And that’s pretty great too!

Burcu Colpan

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Deer Medicine - Love, Gentleness, Grace & Silence (linked)

Services, Classes & Regular Events

Healing Sessions in Person - (canceled until after the shutdown ends)
$135 for 90 min., 3 sessions - $378, 5 sessions $630
60 min. sessions - $108
Distant Healing Sessions via Phone or Skype - $108 for 90 min.,$288 for 3 sessions,
$99 for 60 min. session,
$72 for 45 min. session
House Call or Hospital Healing Sessions (canceled until after the shutdown ends) - $135 for 60 min., 3 sessions $360 (additional travel time fee added according to distance involved)
Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot - $135 for 90min. in person or $108 over the phone or Skype, $108 for 60 min. in person, $99 phone or Skype, $72 for 45 min. phone or Skype.
60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot + 60 min. Healing Session Combo - $250 in person or $225 via phone / Skype
90 min Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot & 90 min. Healing Session - $288 in person or $252 phone or Skype

Contact me for rates on space clearing and astrology tutoring - / 646 505 9798

Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program - My Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program began in February 2017. After a candidate is chosen, they assist in teaching all 4 levels of training (Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3 and Master Teacher). They also have weekly coaching sessions which may be over the phone or in person, and homework assignments. Another aspect of the program is providing Reiki in a volunteer capacity at the free clinics I supervise. The program is tailored to the needs of the individual candidate. If there are issues blocking the candidate's general fulfillment in life and success as a Reiki healer and teacher, these will be addressed through counseling and healing sessions. I am accepting applications for an apprentice who would start working with me in January, 2020.

2020 Reiki & Angelic Liquid Light Healing Classes (the new schedule will be posted after the shutdown ends)
See the classes page of my website for details of class curriculum, fees and deposits.

Karuna Reiki is taught by private appt. at your residence only. In special cases where students cannot or prefer not to attend weekend classes Angelic Liquid Light healing and Reiki classes can be taught one on one or in small groups at your residence.

Corporate Wellness Clinics
Hire me and my team of healers to come to your workplace for a day of holistic healing and intuitive counseling including Reiki, Massage, Chiropractic, Ear Acupuncture and Tarot readings. Contact me for rates and booking.

Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 for professional healers, yoga practitioners & meditators - If you are an L.Ac., LMT, Craniosacral Therapist or other holistic health professional, a yoga teacher or seasoned yoga practitioner, meditator and / or chi gong practitioner, you may qualify for my accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 training. Do you know the 7 chakras and basic anatomy of the human body? Do you know what chi is? If your answer is yes to most of the above then you're probably ready to take Reiki 1 & 2 in 7.5 hrs. (it normally takes about 13 hrs) in a private one on one class, preferably at your residence. The fee is $270.

Group VortexHealing® Sessions w/ Geordie & Carol - distant healing for anyone anywhere in the world, once a month on Thursdays, $20, 7:15pm - 8:45pm NYC time (you can put your pets get on distant healing list for free) . These sessions start with a 30 min conference call. At 7:45, we log off the call and start the healing session which lasts for one hour. Email me to register and pay via Paypal. High quality / low cost divine magic energy healing and awakening sessions for the people. These groups sell out fast so please RSVP in advance. See testimonials on my site.

Deer Spirit Reiki Circle - FREE CONFERENCE CALL REIKI CIRCLE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT WHILE THE SHUTDOWN LASTS 7 - 8PM EST (USA) 917 444 9040, CONFERENCE ID 818181# CONTACT ME FOR INTERNATIONAL CALL IN NUMBERS (DONATIONS ACCEPTED) After pandemic shutdown ends, the circle will resume regular bi - weekly schedule on Mondays, 7pm - 9pm, $20, at TRS Professional Suites, 40 Exchange Place, 3rd Fl. in the financial district in Lower Manhattan. RSVP required. This circle is open to the general public - you do not have to be attuned to Reiki to attend and receive treatment. If you are attuned to Reiki, any level or lineage, you are welcome to come and give and receive treatment. We start with a guided meditation and then give 30 min. treatments on massage tables.

Love & Gratitude,
Geordie Numata
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Founder
Spiritual Life Coach / Astrologer / Tarot reader
ICRT Certified Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher
VortexHealing® Practitioner
N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Ceremonial Leader / Shaman
Certified Never Born - Never Died
Deer Spirit Healing Blog
NYC Reiki & Spiritual Healing Meetup
Deer Spirit Healing, Awakening & Ascension Meetup
Global Healthworks Foundation
646 505 9798 **

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